
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 78, August 9th, 2023 - THE NECROPOLI OF SAZUMORI: Part 8

LOG DATE 03/11/25

  • Erasma - CLR3
  • Maervahr - MAG7, PAID 700 Upkeep, Stoneskin
  • Jacob - FTR3, Stoneskin, Invisibility
  • Oswald - CLR4
  • Belguil - FTR1 / THF1
  • Elias - ASN3
  • Fandilas - Stoneskin
  • Kek - Strength

Maervahr preemptively casts Stoneskin on Galador and Invisibility on Jacob.

Storm Moon (12) the 9th, 495

There are two of our Pikemen on bedrest however there are 6 Pikemen available for hire at 18 gp/day. Kek pays the 54 gp.

Maervahr takes ownership of a Hippgriff fledgling on the 25th of Storm Moon.

We head out for Trawis from Starling and Iona, the Monk, also arrives in Trawis.


The rocks are NOT moved to front this time like they were the last time we checked on this place.

Fandilas also gets a Stoneskin spell and then Maervahr casts Strength on Kek.

As we once again enter the Ruined Temple area connected to the Necropoli, we hear the muffled ringing of metal on stone at the same volume. We notice the large Dragon statue to the west. Rhinock deciphered the runes on the column and discovered that it was a map! A Treasure Map!

There is an old Red Dragon scale found to the west side. The Treasure Map leads to the north west, somewhere near Great Hill and then goes into the mountains west of Great Hill. Great Hill is a small settlement of tribesman, and the Auxiliary Test Facility #3 is located near to a placed called Apefang Maw.

There is a cave system in the mountains to the west and it is known that the people of Great Hill have lived there for a long time.

Back in this dungeon, to the southeast is an area that has a bunch of mirrors. There were some tracks found that could have fit 2 or 3 Snakes. The tracks lead to the western cave.

We discuss how it is possible to barter with an Alchemist or Apothecary to Slow Poison even further for someone that has been poisoned yet still lives.

We have three people opening doors: Kek, Oswald, Belguil.

We open the door and find a hall of mirrors, each with a dark clouded visage. There is the Amethyst surface of the stone slab that we found previously.

Oswald casts FIND TRAPS and senses a dark force behind each of the mirrors. It feels as though the room has a charge behind each mirror, which are not framed. Each one seems to be tapered or smoothed down until they meet the stone where they are attached. They reflect the torchlight, but only a portion of it. There are also several columns running down the center of the hall.

Fandilas uses his dagger to wedge behind the mirror and finds that it has an attachment behind the wall. Fandilas uses the wedge to bring the bottom of the mirror up and this creates a lever with his foot that the mirror can “scrape up” along. The mirror begins falling forward.

As the mirror slams into the stone ground, it SHATTERS into many pieces. Glass dust spews around.

At this point, Maervahr uses the Wand of Conjuration to cast Summon Monster I and send forth the monster down the hall. He summons 5 Giant Rats which screech loudly. They recoil as they look inside the mirror and run down the hallway. They bolt down the hallway quickly as Kek follows down the hall behind.


The Giant Rats disappear into the darkness.

Kek sees the image in the mirrors…suddenly, crawling forth from the mirror, are 5 Giant Rats inside each mirror that the Rats passed. They are spiked, have long claws and some of them walk on their hind legs as though they have a grotesque gait. The twisted reflections of the Giant Rats crawl out of the mirror.

There are 15 Twisted Giant Rats. Kek can see to his right there is another twisted version of himself, his image staring back at him. Kek braces for a charge.

  • Maervahr casts Shield on himself.
  • Jacob holds the door.
  • Belguil uses his crossbow.
  • Oswald engages.
  • Elias prepares his crossbow with type A poison.
  • Fandilas casts sleep.
  • Erasma moves forward.

The Shield spell goes off and 9 of the Giant Rats go to sleep. 6 of them are not sleeping. The Pikemen move to engage as Elias and Belguil get clear shots on the back group of Giant Rats, who have AC 7.

The Giant Rats in the back charge forward as Kek hits 5 times with the sword and once with his hand axe. He does 5, 11, 7, 10, 9, 10 damage and kills all 6 Rats! The 9 Rats that are sleeping…now DEAD as we pick them off.


Maervahr begins shattering the mirrors with his quarterstaff. As we kill each of the Rats we see that inside their bodies are lots of fucked up looking organs.

There is a long series of mirrors but we destroy all of them and only catch brief glimpses of ourselves.

As we approach the last mirror…


The Pikemen are clearing the Rat flesh off when they hear something from the door at the end of the corridor as it shuts softly. Some of the glass grinds and slides along the stone floor as it briefly illuminates 3 Double-Headed Snakes!

Maervahr unleashes a Lightning Bolt down the hall that explodes the 3 Snakes! They are now dead.


We look behind each mirror for a secret door but none of the areas behind the mirrors tap out to be hollow.

Oswald, Kek and Belguil continue forward.

Belguil has disarmed the trap, Kek steps on the panel and nothing happens. The cloth in the tube is completely gone as we open the north door.

Maervahr listens and hears a cacophonous ringing from withiin the room. Kek lights his bullseye lantern and the lantern shines on a wall of a chamber. There are some ceremonial steps going up to the right. Part of a tapestry is hanging from a wall but we cannot tell what it depicts, maybe the ocean. The tapestry is in good condition.

We open the western door.

Inside, we find a room with an alcove and a long table with candles and a loose table-claw. There are two upright standing candle holders on either side of the table, each with a single candle. The candles are extinguished and dusty. To the right of the wall is an area separated by an open area beyond. The area continues to another door, where the banging and ringing sound emerges from.

Erasma steps forward and she can see a 20' corridor with a central pillar toward the north corridor. There is a very faint but not unpleasant scent of death. The place smells of age and has a very faint incense or musky smell.

Maervahr searches the table and finds that the table surface has a lot of wear on it, like it may have been used as a workbench. There was lots of manipulation of tools over the course of time used on this table but there are no secret compartments. Oswald, using his Find Traps, does not find any tricks to the candle holders.

  • Candle Holders (100 coins each, with the Porters).

Kek sees another set of alcoves to the east and west in the room. There are a total of five alcoves, each with a single sarcophagi set within. We can see that the pillar is covered on all sides with carvings detailing a complex mummification process or ritual. We are able to read the following inscriptions:

  • Rlasox - the first and the hand
  • Metalobe - laws jailor
  • Oorbose - godsent of the sands, nearest to the sun
  • Mmemn - the bearer
  • Mloisi - the four sign

All of the sarcophagi are sealed.

The cavern that we found had 1 or 2 statues of some Aspects of Tenn. This area, as it is known, is the area of Sazumori, one of the Aspects.

Do we see any disturbance on the seals of the sarcophagi? The seals are secure.

Fandilas does not find any secret compartments on the sarcophagi the he begins opening one sarcophagus. He currently has 3 Mirror Images.


Maervahr's Weasel called Atena alerts us so we are NOT surprised!

There is a Protection From Evil cast on Maervahr which lasts for 14 rounds.

Below the lid of the sarcophagus is a Mummy bathed in a bed of electrum and wearing a headdress lined with numerous jets and jades. The bandages move and the Mummy strikes with great force.

Maervahr uses the Wand of Conjuration to cast Summon Monster II x 3 in the area in front of the corridor. A Magic Missile strikes the Mummy and none of the Pikemen hit.

5 Lemures and 5 Giant Toads and a Giant Centipede are summoned by the wand for 10 rounds!

Erasma, Kek, Fandilas and Oswald must save versus magic and there are now 8 to 1 against the Mummy. Humans get a +2 to their save versus Mummies!

Erasma and Kek are paralyzed with fear for 1-4 melee rounds. Kek is paralyzed for 4 rounds and Erasma for 2. As a result, Erasma loses his spell.

The attacking Mummy throws fists at super human speed. This time the Mummy targets a Mirror Image but Maervahr has DODGED the attack!

Another sarcophagus unseals as Fandilas uses a Wand of Fear. All of our Pikemen are paralyzed in fear. Meanwhile, this round the Mummy obliterates a Mirror Image. Another Mummy in the south east leaps forth at super human speed. It lurches forward.

The summoned Toad has an AC of 6 and 2+4 HD. It takes 12 damage of a total 18 hp. It has 6 hp left.

The Summoned Monsters are going north but Maervahr still has 4 Lemures around to defend him. He then goes psionically invisible.

This time another Giant Toad is attacked and hit for 11 damage. This one is destroyed. There are now 4 Toads left and 8 rounds left on the Summoning spell. One of the Pikemen goes down.

Oswald casts Hold Person but the Mummy is immune. The Toad does no damage while a Lemure and the Centipede attack. They have no effect.

Maervaht casts Phantasmal Force to create several burning webs directly on the Mummies. At this point, 2 Pikemen are unparalyzed and Erasma is also unparalyzed. Next round, Erasma casts Chant.

Phantasmal Force is cast on the Mummies and the illusion of burning webs are draped over them and around the party. The Clerics feel the heat of the burning webs.

The burning webs do 8 damage to one Mummy and 6 damage to the other Mummy. As well, 8 damage is done to Oswald and 7 damage to Erasma. The Mummies roar in anger and fury!

Jacob holds open the door as Maervahr maintains concentration. Fandilas does 7 damage to a Mummy. After being struck, only 1 Pikemen saves and the others take 3, 6, 6 and 3 illusion damage from the flames of the webbing.

This next round, the Mummies take 2 damage and 6 damage. Oswald takes 4 damage from the illusionary web. The Lemure also takes 4 illusion damage. As the Animals and Devils are distracted by the illusion, Jacob lights a torch and runs into the room. Fandilas uses his Ring of Shocking Grasp.

The Mummies try to flee and Kek takes the opportunity to strike since he is no longer paralyzed. He hits for 5 magic damage and 4 cleaver damage. Out of the wreathe of fire, the Mummies come out however, one of the Mummies dies to Kek! The other Mummy runs straight forward.

Maervahr's illusion is maintained for the one remaining Mummy. The other one rushes straight toward the open door as holy water hits the fleeing Mummy. Belguil does 6 damage and the Mummy is seared with holy water and screams. It continues barreling out of the room but the holy water did not slow it down.

Maervahr maintains concentration still.

Oswald does 7 and Jacob does 3 damage to the Mummy. It goes up up in flames! Fandilas is moving after the other Mummy.

There is an altar with 3 steps going up to it and when we arrive, the Mummy is bent over in prayer. Suddenly, a dark aura streams through the Mummy as it prays, coming out from the altar.

The dark aura surrounds the Mummy and it is healed for 5 hp. It is then rejuvenated completely by the altar and it has become empowered with a Strength spell. The Mummy also lost all of the illusionary damage.

Kek is hit first and takes 8 damage since Kek does not have stoneskin. Erasma retrieves the platinum tiara as Fandilas does 9 damage. Belguil hits with a flask of burning oil.

The Pikeman hits with the holy flask doing 3 damage and everyone else missed their attacks.

  • Platinum Tiara
  • 600 ep
  • Miscellaneous Trinkets and keepsakes

Maervahr casts Burning Hands on the Mummy as Jacob grabs the coins from the sarcophagus. The Mummy attacks Kek, but MISSES! All my summoned creatures disappear at this point.

Maervahr does 7 damage with Burning Hands. Belguil does 3 damage with burning oil. Elias shoots the Pikemen in the back for 5 damage.

Spiritual Hammer is cast and does 3 damage against the Mummy and this iss the final nail in the coffin. The Mummy is destroyed by the power.


There is another mummy in one of the sarcophagi but it does not move. It is surrounded by more coin:

  • 400 ep
  • Some trinkets
  • A dark, thick chain with a metal box that has a keyhole.
  • A silver necklace with pale blue moonstones
  • A tapestry from the altar room

There is a Tenn focused inscription:

“In the twisted mirrors pathways weave, to the shifting sphere reflections deceive.”

We find an image of a dark haired robed man holding a melting tome and a quill as a weapon. Could this be Sazumoris pen? There is also a huge Gibbering mouther.

  • Headdress
  • 500 ep and trinkets

Erasma opens a 4th one and finds another unmoving Mummy.

  • 1700 ep and trinkets

Final one has a 5th unmoving Mummy.

  • Silver headband with zircons

There are no electrum coins in this one.

Kek takes off the chain from the box. It comes off without much difficulty. Meanwhile, Belguil searched around the altar.

Collecting all of the treasure, we head out and back to Starling.

We make it back to the surface and then make it back to Starling without incident.

Detection of Magic is used and there is a powerful magic coming from within the box but nothing else is magic. Kek opens the box which unseals like a cage. Inside is a holder with a crystal set inside it. It has two pointed ends. We can cradle the crystal in both hands. It has the color and texture of a normal yellow gem but we can see dark energy swirling inside along with some light energy. It moves like a syrup, slowly, but continues to radiate powerful magic.


  • The candleholders are worth 80 gp each
  • 9000 gp > 7200
  • 5000 gp > 4000
  • 2000 gp > 1600
  • Each tapestry is worth 95 gp
  • The trinkets are sold for 39 gp
  • 3200 ep
  • 12,800 gp
  • 13189 > 3200 ep

We get 1648.625 gp and 400 ep each.

  • 1848 xp
  • 1853 xp for Fandilas
  • 2064 xp
  • 1648gp and 400 ep

kek pays 1000 gp to be saved from Mummy Rot.

We confirm that Mombafra sells War Horses.

Maervahr goes to tend to his Hippogriff.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_78_-_august_9th_2023.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-12 00:42 by maervahr