
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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What Your Character Knows

Common folk care little for events outside the lifespans of their family members. Books are rare except among sages and other spellcasters. Universities and public libraries are unheard of, and would be unsuccessful if they were built. As an adventurer, your character knows more than most.

  • The planet Geb revolves around an orange dwarf star, Ra, which bathes the land in red when the sun is low.
  • A large moon, Jagua, and a small moon, Kaguya, dance side-by-side in the same phase.
  • Most humans live around the Sea of Candles and the seasonal floodplains of the Cradlelands, from whence they came.
  • The elder races – dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings – have no notions of their origin and would say they've always lived here.
  • Most people worship a pantheon of 17 deities, each with untold aspects.
  • In the Hakuya (白夜) archipelago across the Kinpaginpa (金波銀波), swordsmen and sorcerers consort with spirits.
  • Vernum, a vast, cavernous dungeonscape that is said to span the entire planet, lies deep below Geb's surface.
  • Atlantis rests where the seas meet on the other side of the world, but no creature may venture to the place without succumbing to a most malicious magic that warps the flesh and boils the mind.
  • Myriannum are strange items said to predate the gods, who will not speak of them.
  • Around 500 years ago, a sudden calamity nearly destroyed humanity. Sages debate its origin but most believe it was a curse or disease.
what_your_character_knows.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by