Dead Man's Stone.
There is a large treaure horde in this place, supposedly, but the Brigands control the keep. It is 36 miles from Starling.
We hire 8 Pikemen at 3 gp/day. Rhinock hires them. They have AC 6 and 1d4+3 hp.
Jacob hires 3 Porters and a Linkboy. We also hire some Mercenaries:
Maervahar chipped in 10 pp for the Mercs.
The Brigands have been in the keep for 2 years. The Starling locals know that the keep was called Dead Man's Stone and lies somewhere to the north. One rumor of the keep is that it is not far from a great fissure in the earth, which is the lair of a Vampire. There is also a small thorpe called Hardin that is not too far from the keep.
We nixxed the idea of facing off against the rumored Vampires and Brigands of Dead Man's Stone. Instead, we find ourselves on the surface of the temple…at the Necropoli of Sazumori.
We move some boulders and rubble until the staircase is cleared. We come to the fallen column with a carving that looks like a Red Dragon. This column that was carved with the dragon was destroyed sometime long ago.
Kek, Rhinock, and Belguil are on doors.
We head to the west and the door opens after 3 tries.
As we enter the ruins, 3 Ghouls are waiting for us and attack.
We are surprised.
Rhinock is paralyzed after he takes 4 damage and fails his saving throw against the Ghoul's paralysis. Belguil also takes 1 damage but is not paralyzed.
Maervahr goes psionically invisible. Belguil takes 2 damage and becomes paralyzed this time. Tolk had Stoneskin but is not paralyzed when the Ghouls strike him.
Kek manages to kill a Ghoul. After a Morale Check, the Ghouls do not retreat but instead attack Tolk and the Pikemen. Tolk takes 2 damage and also becomes paralyzed.
The Pikeman take 2 damage and each become paralyzed. Maervahr goes into melee and tends to Tolk's wounds. Meanwhile, Jacob hits for 6 damage and Kek hits for 8 damage.
Both of the other Ghouls are destroyed.
We notice an incscription:
“Embrace the beckoning of chaos's art”
In this area we find a pile of eight corpses, six of which are Yennog. They are mixed up with a tarp and some branches.
Suddenly from the north east, the bodies begin moving. It is Fenric who finds all the items associated with our fallen allies. Everything they had was concealed beneath the pile of corpses.
There is an elevated pulpit with an inscription on the back wall.
We know that Sazumori is the demigod of Tenn. As a cleric of Tenn, Fenric knows that Sazumori ascended with the celestial quill that was refashioned to transform and corrupt reality. It has become responsible for some of the Oozes that exist in this world. It is believed that the Quill still exists and that it is called “SAZUMORI'S PEN”.
We bring up all the corpses out to burn them. We also haul all of the treasure out. Rhinock becomes unparalyzed after about 40 minutes.
There are 14 of our Horsemen waiting outside. With the treasure and our Mercs, we head back to Trawis. Tolk is given a bed to recover and the Pikemen is also out from our group.
We pick up a new character back in Trawis.
We store the loot in Trawis in a large building partitioned in two.
Upkeep is 100 gp x level per month.
We head north. The metal on stone sound can be heard through that passage. We find that the spear trap is now stuck in an angled position.
A voice from behind the altar speaks:
“Reach inside to find your power.”
Fenric knows this is not an altar but rather, some kind of strange thing. A Cleric of Tenn knows that it has the motif of his god but he has never seen anything like it before. acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.