
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 75, July 30th, 2023 - THE NECROPOLI OF SAZUMORI: Part 5

LOG DATE 03/07/25

  • Morfina - CLR
  • Maervahr - MAG7
  • Kuno - FTR1, AC 2/3 shield, MV 9“, Doors 1-2, 14, 9, 10, 13, 15, 12, hp 5, AL NG, Mote
  • Ondur - PAL
  • Jacob - FTR3

Old Moon (11) the 25th, 495

Maervahr owes 1,400 gp in upkeep which is PAID. Maervahr casts Stoneskin on Kuno.

We check out our map showing the Ruins of Trawis. The map depicts the entrance to a temple which is about a half hour from Trawis.


The Valley lies 30 miles north of Gren and the areas of the Six Cities. Trawis only has around 80 people.

Ondur was tasked by his order to restore a humanoid statue that is quite weathered. The people of Trawis believe it is holy and Ondur believes that there might be some power in the ruins of the graveyard that empowers the statue.

People offer us food and shelter for the duration of our stay. There is lots of open land that provide plenty of opportunities for reclamation. The people here think well of the Forgotten Master, who protects the people with Dinosaurs and magic. He is a “hands off” person. Lately he has cared less for protecting Trawis which is concerning due to Brigands, Werewolves and a Vampire in the area. They do not know much about the Vampire in the area but it is common knowledge of a Vampire residing somewhere in the valley, or north east of the valley for some years.

Ondur Iceweaver is the Paladin and the Slayer of Necromancer.

We have hired one Link Boy and 3 Porters.

The party heads to the graveyard and we enter one of the mausoleums. We see the same ghastly carving inside the mausoleum entrance..

Clicking the right button or rather push open the right eye socket of the skeleton on the mural, which opens the trapdoor, and we start moving toward the north. Our movement increased by 5' as we move through areas we've mapped and we get to the top of the staircase.


We enter the room with the sagging shelves and a dark red liquid, shattered glass and some broken shelves. There are multiple footprints found here.

Maervahr moves toward the back of the group and lets the others go ahead. Moving into the light come 3 Yennog! These are Humans covered in black fur and carrying 7' long spears. Everybody except Maervahr is engaged in melee.

Morfina is attacked but the Yennog miss. Kuno is hit but the Stoneskin is expended.

One Yennog is cut down by Ondur and Kuno does 5 damage to one. We kill all of them.


We check their coin purses:

  • 45 sp
  • 26 gp

Ondur has a 1-4 open doors now and he worships Rook.

We open the door and find a stinking, disgusting corpse of a man in a loincloth. He has greasy flabs of flesh hanging from his unmoving corpse and the top of his head was removed.

We notice that the shelves are all empty and all the jars lie sheltered. Maervahr searches for hidden things. Kuno monitors the stairwell and Maervahr lights his hooded lantern. We find nothing of interest after 20 minutes and find nothing in the room with the brain jars.

We ascend the stairs and find a statue on the far wall of a room. It is 5.5' tall and appears to be a humanoid figure with 6 arms. It does not look like a Marilith but Ondur thinks this is a depiction of the same statue from the other area in Trawis which is Tenn's aspect of death, VISKHUL. The base of the statue says the following in a small semicircular groove:

“Show proper revenance.”

Ondur tries to detect evil, but no evil aura is found here. Maervahr casts STRENGTH on Kuno which lasts for 35 turns.

After some inspection, we notice that the groove, even more faintly, goes up the wall. Maervahr decides to use Detection of Magic but no magic is detected.

One of the wrists on one of the arms looks like it can be accentuated and Morfina finds a dark, dry substance inside the groove. The hand and wrist are held in front of the statue and the hand is in the anatomically correct position, which is in front of the statue. We do not find any hidden needles and then we look for holes…which reveals a hidden gap inside the mouth, a slit about 2 inches long that appears to open. It is currently closed.

Ondur pulls the rope tied to the hand and the sack around the statue head moves after a click. After we grab the sack, we are turned around and find ourselves in the room on the other side of the wall! The statue swivels a platform on a rotation just as the room door seals with a thud.

We take a moment to check inside the sack and find a dagger. A mundane dagger.

From this other side of the room, we open the door and find a hallway. It is made from carefully worked stone and it looks like the hallway is the same as the ones below. There is another door that is wooden and bound with iron. We do not hear anything beyond this door.

Center of the room has a wide pedestal that is holding a big stone disk with numbers around the edges. There are several 1” diameter holes around the disk but no number assigned to the holes. The dial is pointed to number 2 currently so it appears that the door behind us swings shut with force when turned to numbers 2-11.

There is also an inscription on the wall that states:

“Glory to the aspect, many are the way, sing praise, know the number or remain here for days. 6 in 12 hymns.”

We study the walls and the door seams. After we look for any seams, search for doors, walls and floor openings, we do not find anything strange. It takes us 3 turns to break through the door.

Using our lantern, we shine a light that shows the holes in the disk go far inward, far down into the base of the pedestal. We can see something metallic at the base. The pedestal looks stationary except for the center part that can turn. We drop a copper coin down the hole which hits a metal thing in the pedestal, and is angled down.

It has been over 2 hours that we have been in here as we start reading through the books. Maervahr finds no mention of a dial or 2-11, no reproduction of inscriptions.

We decide to try rotating the dial to 6 and as Ondur turns it to 6, both doors swing open. He then spikes the front door. and the other door for 2d4+1 turns. The hallway beyond opens to a circular area and a corridor continues northward.

Kuno is tapping on the floor with his halberd just as the air darkens as if light is being sucked out from the air. Replacing the light comes an eerie black flame that forms in mid air and upon the walls. The form completely encircles the party.

A voice booms out: “Inside passes only the revenant, whom do you serve?”

Maervahr says “We serve Vishkul.” as Ondur looks at Maervahr angrily but the black flame dissipates.

We go up the stairs and come to a metal trap door it is slightly rusted around the edges. The rest is very solid with a faint scent of fresh air. There is a rod going perpendicular for support.

Ondur pushes it up and a column of loose dirt falls from above. It rolls down the staircase revealing the sunlight above. We are inside of a wooden column of some kind.

The walls are all made from wood, like a silo, and carved out from one area is a doorway that is 3' wide and goes out to the graveyard. We do not see the mausoleums from this direction as it is looking out toward the northern portion of the graveyard. We appear to be farther north now than where we had entered. The silo we are in is empty other than being full of dirt and about 15' tall. It looks as if it was carved out from a single column of wood.

We have arrived inside of a large, hollowed out tree with leafless boughs. We can see that the mausoleums are farther to the south so we take a moment to survey of the land. We navigated to the area slightly north of the mausoleum and see no figures in the area. The map we have points us in the direction of the temple where the landscape is flat going in that direction. Paving stones may have been present in the past but they are no longer present or perhaps buried. Maervahr thinks it may have been a procession toward the temple.

Maervahr finds pathways but not a direct path that had some paving stones left. The map eventually leads us toward a collapsed ruin, which is just a big pile of stones now. Below some of the stones is an opening in the earth with a staircase hidden below. We notice that there is an unusual blue tint to some of the stones and on some of the rocks piled up in a tee-pee shape.

Upon closer inspection, it looks like the rocks of the entrance and appears that the rocks have been moved recently. We check around the rocks for traps but Ondur does not find anything unusual. There are no traps but there are some prints left in the dirt around the staircase. They appear like humanoid hands with clawed fingertips.

Maervahr has Stoneskin cast on himself.

It looks like the rocks are moved from the entrance revealing a staircase descending into the earth. This is a spiral staircase twisting downward. We descend into the depths…looking out for Ghouls!

We start to hear a regular but cacophonous noise from below the earth. It is a random banging noise with a bit of rhythm to it. It is quite distant and vibrates through the walls.

The sound becomes louder and clearer and we can now tell that the noise is coming from the north. We come to an area where a column has collapsed. The columns here have things depicted on them with nothing incredible or overly recognizable. It is not immaculate in design but some of the depictions are clear:

  • One depicts a snake with a head on each end.
  • The 2nd depicts a large Ghoul with 4 arms.
  • The 3rd depicts an enormous Ogre that wraps around the entire breadth of the column.
  • The collapsed column looks like it was a Red Dragon.

The noise continues from the north with the sound of many things striking stone.

All of the exits here seem to be equally traversed but we search the room for secret doors. We find no secret doors but notice that only the staircase has a blue tint to it.

We head north toward the noise which is still muffled and open the door. In the next room we find 4 spears gathered together on the ground. They are normal looking spears.

Ondur's boot presses a hidden panel and there is a grinding noise from north and from either side of the room as two spears fly out! Ondur has triggered a trap is not hit. From the north comes 4 additional spears and Ondur is struck and takes 1 damage. After that, the spears stop.

There is a huge device at the end of the hallway with 4 holes on it set upon a rotating platform. There is a hallway to the side that is collapsed to the east and blocked off with rubble.

The sound of metal on stone continues and it sounds like someone is digging through the wall. We push open the door.


The corridor curves a bit as some light shines on two Ghouls that are creeping along. Hanging from the ceiling is a larger, 4-Armed Ghoul above us!

Maervahr casts Lightning Bolt at it but the Turn Undead is first. Morfina is turning undead. The Ghoul drops to the ground and the Lightning Bolt spell is canceled. Maervahr instead begins to cast Protection from Evil.

Kuno is engaged in melee as Ondur is charged. Maervahr casts Shield next.

Ondur does 7 damage to the 4-Armed Ghoul just as he gets attacked by one. The other Ghoul attacks Kuno, actually the 4-Armed Ghoul. A 15 is needed to hit Ondur and he is hit and takes 4 points of damage. Ondur is also paralyzed after failing his saving throw.

Kuno does 1 damage and takes 6 damage, which causes him to drop. Kuno is unconscious! Maervahr next casts Mirror Image.

The 4-Armed Ghoul and another Ghoul grab Ondur and Kuno. As the 4-Armed Ghoul grabs Kuno, he begins pulling him back into the darkness beyond along with Ondur. Jacob is being attacked next.

Jacob takes 7 damage but is not paralyzed. Maervahr's Mirror Image spell goes off and he has 3 images. Morfina takes 3 points from a Ghoul and is paralyzed.

Maervahr casts Phantasmal Force to create several Fiery Bees that begin to swarm around them. The Ghoul that is in melee resists the illusion but the other Ghoul is distracted by the flaming bees. The 4-Armed Ghoul saves and begins to eat Kuno.

Ondur and Kuno are both being eaten…they take 12 damage each and are fully dead.

Maervahr gets Jacob back to Trawis while the Ghouls are distracted.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_75_-_july_30th_2023.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-08 19:47 by maervahr