Back to the Necropoli of Sazumori.
We have hired 3 Porters and 1 Linkboy.
There is still a snowy slush on the ground in the area of the Valley of the Red Sun. We set out to the east from Starling which is overlooking the valley. We make it to the ruins of Trawis in a couple of hours, and notice the smoke streams from the buildings.
We are greeted warmly by the village. In the previous session, they returned “Lara” from the dungeon and won the favor of the people. Belguil convinced the people to give a reward to the party. The woman was held prisoner on a chain by the Yennog.
The party heads to the barracks in a square room to the south east of the thorpe. Unfortunately, her lover was killed but Lara was freed after being captured.
We travel back to the Necropoli to finish our work and find the same mausoleum that we have been using to enter the dungeon crypts. The sarcophagi inside are still broken and empty and we do not see any new changes in the mausoleum. Ardruin opens the trap door with the same right eye socket button on the skeleton mural…and the entrance opens.
We descend down the staircase before reaching the entrance chamber. There is no light in the chamber and the braziers are all extinguished. They look like they burnt out with time.
The party takes the north west passage and we get to a new chamber that we have not seen before. Ghostly moonlight seeps in from the west side. When we get into the chamber, we find a small cave that is filled with a ghostly moonlight. There is also a crack in the floor and a vine plant that has a fly trap type of growth. The vines have several buds sprouting that look like human brains. The vine stays completely still.
Vandal pokes the buds and finds that they are squishy, the fly-trap portion of the vines shy away from the morningstar. It lands soundlessly on the stone floor when Ardruin cuts a bud brain, which is grayish pink and light weight.
Continuing to the other room, we see a plank about 5' wide. A stone that Ardruin throws falls through the floor here so he tries to disbelieve the floor. However, to him it looks real.
We try some things with the brain shaped bud, like put a torch near it. The bud sizzles but does not burn due to moisture in the plant.
We take the long way around to avoid the trapped room. There are two spikes that have been driven into the stone and a chain. There are two bowls, one with a clear liquid and the other empty in this area.
We hear movement up ahead…The sound of hard footprints coming…along with the gentle rattling of bones. Into the torchlight two Skeletons suddenly come into view.
Erasma turns 5 of them and they immediately stop in their tracks. Reichgard attacks one with darts and does a total of 4 damage.
Ardruin lights his bullseye lantern as the Skeletons flee down to the east.
We continue on and now we must…
From behind us we hear more footsteps. Ardruin sets down his lantern to get ready for combat.
Moving into the light come three more Skeletons in front of another 5 Skeletons. They all wield short swords. There are also some Yennog that have spears. They move forward to join us in melee.
Reichgard is in melee range and Oswald manages to turn 3 of them. Ardruin attacks.
Next, Oswald casts Hold Person and Reichgard does 1 damage. Hold Person goes off and 2 of the Yennog are Held. There is now one on Reichgard and one on Elias.
Ardruin did 2 damage to one of the Skeletons.
Due to the turning, 2 Skeletons run off and 1 is destroyed.
Ardruin attacks as normal and hits for 6 damage. 2 of the Yennog are slain at this point and there is only 1 left. He must make a Morale Check. The remaining Yennog loses his composure and flees but we kill him quickly.
Reichgard attempts to Charm one of the Yennog and he is Charmed for 2 months with a Charm Person spell! We search the bodies inside and Reichgard also lights his bullseye lantern.
We begin to question our charmed captive.
He tells us, “These caves have Giant Rats with disgusting brains. A big fat man lives upstairs but has a lot of brains. Those brains are foul and he likes real brains.”
Further, he explains what we might find…“These passages lead to more passages. Neirub lives upstairs and we are not allowed to go up. We have to step on the plank because the floor eats people. One Yennog went down and did not come back. Yennog has not been in Neirub's lair and he only comes down to give us orders.”
JACOB Joins.
The Yennog leads us to a staircase that leads upwards. Ardruin goes up the stairs in his leather armor and sees no heat signatures using his infravision. He does hear the shifting of bone on stone.
Something moves in to attack him! Ardruin has an AC 4, type 4. He immediately falls back down the stairs to get away as the Linkboy comes up bearing a light.
At this point, Ardruin turns around to attack. He destroys one of the skeletons with the help of Oswald!
The rest of the Skeletons are using spears.
Ardruin attacks and Oswald turns.
Jacob obliterates one Skeleton!
The room we have entered is full of sagging shelves and there is a dark red liquid poured on top along with some rope,
The Yennog yells out:
“Neirub, Visitors!”
With this, we bust down the south door…
There are two Skeletons that swing at us and two attacks on Ardruin, but both miss!
Forget that…one hits for 4 damage and Ardruin falls! He is Unconscious!
Elias is struck and drops also.
A commanding voice bellows out from both hallways, the sound of someone casting a spell. Meanwhile, Jacob destroys one Skeleton.
Two Skeletons are hit but not destroyed. After they are turned, the two Skeletons begin to flee down the stairs just as two more Skeletons join into melee with Vandal.
Behind the Skeletons is a disgusting figure. He has an undulating flab drenched in sweat and is wearing only a loincloth. His hands are raised as if casting spell.
Oswald casts Hold Person on the Necromancer just as Erasma stabilizes Ardruin.
Oswald takes 5 damage from a Magic Missile spell and both Skeletons miss Vandal. Jacob charges the Necromancer to overbear and the Necromancer misses him on a counter attack.
The Necromancer is knocked down to his hands and knees and takes 7 damage from Jacob. After that, he takes 8 damage and then another 10 damage from a solid blow. Jacob crushes the Necromancer's skull and the disgusting man goes limp.
Ardruin is stabilized just as Vandal destroys one of the Skeletons. There is now only one Skeleton left. The party did lots of damage and to it and it is destroyed.
Oswald heals himself for 8 hitpoints.
We begin searching around, through the bodies and find that the Necromancer had a jeweled dagger.
We open the south door and find that the room is brightly lit by oil lamps. There is also a bloodstained table. The shelves are stacked with glass jars and each one contains a brain. There are some labels on the jars.
To the south of the room is a 20' wide opening that passes into a wide hallway. We take a minute to read the labels and the brain jars each say the following:
“Carn Ape, Leprechaun, Wyvern, Doppel, Centaur, Modron, Unspecified Type, Furbolg.”
On the east wall, they read as follows:
“Displacer, Lamia, Medusa Hair (snakes), Owlbear, Gith, Ogre, Dryad.”
Each one is 100 coins in weight. Vandal takes the Medusa, Modron, Lamia, Displacer jars.
We go south through the door and find a living quarters beyond south door. Inside is a desk and a bookshelf that is holding 5 tomes and a rolled up scroll.
Elias and Ardruin have regained consciousness at this time.
The desk has only an empty drawer. The bookshelf has four books on it.
Each book weigh 300 coins.
Reichgard is familiar with XOOLXAAR and knows that he writes about magic use. The Nicroptic Dance he is also familiar with. The full version is rumored to raise hundreds of undead in a single cast but not in this abridged version.
We check for secret doors and find that all of the walls are solid.
Total weight of all the books is 900 coins.
Oswald pulls out the drawer and finds a hidden part of the desk that is filled with coins:
Reichgard knows that the runes are related to a divination type magic but it has no effect as they are on trinkets. Otherwise, the silver is real.
Open the door and they find a torture chamber. There are many implements inside and Elias can tell that they are a fine quality but everything looks heavy.
We head out and make it back to Trawis.
Since the Ogre and the Necromancer is now slain and Lara has now been returned, they are very happy. They have gathered together 3 items as a reward:
Regdar says that it was found two generations ago. It was found near Elir, in the north west of the Valley of the Red Sun.
The small pearl is magical and is claimed by the Cleric, Erasma. The brains are magic but the brain pod is not magic.
For the first one, it contains the following spells: 1st level– comprehend languages, magic missile, shield, grease, protection from good, read magic.
The second one contains: 2nd–ray of enfeeblement, fool's good, preserve.
We are selling the scroll of protection from magic for 7500 gp!
Reichgard keeps the spellbooks and the key is in the bank, Oswald will track it.
The jeweled dagger worth 50 gp goes to Reichgard.
Our Shares:
Ardruin levels up to Fighter 2 and Thief 2. He has 1500 gp for both classes.
Ardruin's BED REST ends on the 15th and he will be looking for a trainer on the 16th. He will be paying 3000 gp for training from his total loot of 3380.16 gp. He will be ready to adventure again on 12/4/495 acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.