In the Valley of the Red Sun lies the Necropoli of Sazumori. It is located near the Thorpe of Trawis which has only 80 people. There are some sprawling ruins located nearby.
There is a cluster of buildings in the ruins.
Ondur learned more about the Necropolis of Sazumori from his order of Rook. They believe that the necropolis that once stood in Trawis was dedicated to Sazumori, a demigod of Tenn. Sazumori has not been worshipped in all of recorded history so they believe this was a hidden seat of power and that a hidden temple was constructed so that some sort of divine power can be used in connection to the statue that is located in Trawis. The statue has a humanoid shape and is believed to be holy, with protective powers. The people of Trawis believe that if the statue can be empowered, they will no longer need to serve the Forgotten Master.
The party travels to the east, toward Trawis. This time we have hired 5 Porters that can carry 50 pounds of weight each. We also hired one Linkboy.
Once again, we are greeted by the local people and their leader, Regdar. He explains that tragedy has befallen three of their community members just two nights ago. An Ogre stormed into the thorpe and destroyed a building which also tragically killed a child.
Meanwhile, Sabina caught an acute nose/throat disease but the symptoms are mild. It is immediately cured by Sarkas.
We head out to the Necropoli of Sazumori.
A little before noon we arrive and see the field of mausoleums that have been ruined with time. The grasses have been matted down with mud and slush. It is cold and the ground is generally mushy. Sunlight reveals the same macabre drawings on the wall that we are greeted with each time we arrive here.
Sabina sees some tracks of men but also, they have indications of fur covered feet. They are padded, bony footprints and some skeletal imprints. Finally, there are some great indentations of an Ogre that passed through here twice.
Sarkas casts Find Traps. As he does so, he sees that the left eye socket of one of the skeletons in the mural glows, the same one we discovered before to be trapped. Ardruin presses the right button and the trapdoor opens, revealing a marble spiral stair that descends downward.
We have the light from Sarkas's holy symbol and from Kek's magic sword. To the north east are two lit braziers.
We hear the thuds of heavy footprints coming from the north west.
Kek charges forward and a hulking Ogre appears. It careens towards Kek and gets a +2 for his charge! The Ogre has AC 6.
Kek hits the Ogre for 8 damage and dodges the blow from the Ogre. An attack on Ardruin totally misses as the Ogre is destroyed!
We recover from combat for one turn and Kek has the Porter carry the Ogre's head. Rob, the Porter, takes the Ogre head back to Trawis.
We find 60 gp in the pouch of the Ogre and Vandal picks up the deer skull.
We hear more noise coming from the north…
We enter a torch illuminated room with some tables that are stained with food and blood. There are 5 Humanoid looking men in here that are in the middle of a meal. They suddenly halt their revelry and put down their drinks…and grab their spears.
The 5 Yennog pick up their spears and move toward us. We charge forth but they attack first. Ondur is attacked but it misses. There are 2 attacks against Ardruin but BOTH miss!..whew!
None of the Yennog spears connect this round and then we attack, Ardruin misses, Ondur hits for 5 and Vandal hits and kills one! Jacob does 4 damage to one. Another Yennog is slain but they will now need to check Morale. They fight on.
Ardruin is attacked again, and again missed while Sarkas is also missed.
We cut down all the rest of the Yennog.
Ardruin looks for loot amongst the fallen.
As we search around, we notice a hole in the ceiling. Ardruin volunteers to investigate but will need to switch out his Banded Mail for Leather Armor. Once he does, he has an AC 5.
Climbing up through the hole, Ardruin finds himself in another cavern that is perpendicular to the lower room. To his right is an open chamber with spiral staircase going upward but to the left, he is greeted by the shrieking and chirping of small animals. The screeching echoes from the darkness.
Ardruin climbs down quickly…
From the blackness and emerging into the light come a group of 6 Giant Rats. They barrel down the tunnel toward Ardruin. They get into range and then stop short, open their mouths, and a stream of fire comes pouring out. There are 6 streaks of flame.
Ardruin takes 6 damage and goes to -2 hp, He falls unconscious.
The party carries my body out which takes 2 turns but we make it back to the stairs. At this point Ardruin wakes up from a coma.
SMEDLEY JOINS, replacing Ardruin.
We re-enter the cave and return to where we left off. In another area, we find a cave where there are multiple corridors exiting. In here we find some pots and pans that are poorly cleaned but it looks like someone cooked recently.
We head back up the hole and are attacked by the Giant Rats. Kek hits for 7 damage and Sarkas did 4 damage and then 7 damage.
We destroy them all.
We check their bodies and there is nothing inside their mouths to indicate why they were able to breathe flames. A brazier is found here and there is a light that illuminates another chamber. There is a faint smell of rot in the air.
Jek feels like this area has a slight slant and has gone up a bit. We can smell rotting corpses but our light does not illuminate the bottom of the passage, which goes down a great depth.
We begin measuring it by dropping a torch. It falls hundreds of feet until it is only a pinprick of light. Sabina noticed at 75' down that she saw the torch had illuminated a small shelf on the wall.
With a rope and his wits, Smedley descends 75' down to the ledge and is now standing on the lip. He can see an aperture just above the shelf. There is a 10' wide opening that goes into the stone that looks like a tunnel. The smell of rot is extremely strong.
Jek tried to spike in an iron spike just as his lantern illuminates 5 Ghouls. He immediately jumps off the ledge and begins climbing up…but behind him come the Ghouls.
3 of the Ghouls grab on to the rope but only one can reach Jek, and misses. He continues to climb the rope as Kek climbs down the rope. Sarkas turns all the Ghouls. Jen is able to break out of their reach just as they recoil in fear. The end of the rope is still spiked in and Jek continues to climb up. As he rapidly ascends the rope, the Ghouls leap off the rope and back into the tunnel from whence they came.
However, Kek hits one for 3 damage as they try to escape. They are still able to disappear into the blackness.
Kek is still down there, about 75' down. He can see the 5 Ghouls as they cower amidst a pile of gnawed bones. Kek attacks and hits for 4 damage.
We all head down and made it to the bottom and Jek fires his sling. He kills one with a sling bullet and then he does 2 damage with a dagger.
Quickly, we destroy all the Ghouls!
We are under the earth and can see 1000's of coins: copper, silver and gold,
We come to a small tunnel that is about 10' in width. The book could be dedicated to an aspect of Tenn or a demigod of Tenn, the one they may worship.
Sabina looks at the scroll which is a rolled up parchment and can tell that the sigils are in common. It is a Scroll of Protection from Dragon Breath Weapons.
We get the treasure out of the Ghoul pit and Kek reads the hymns. All is quiet with the stale air while we continue to move the treasure. We left the silver and copper behind.
We go to the southwest corridor.
We hear the clacking of bones behind us as we turn around we see the shadows of some humanoid figures.
3 of them are carrying short swords. Jek fires a sling bullet and destroys one. Kek charges them and obliterates 2 of them!
Kek then runs forth and yells.
There is a cacophony of skittering from the west.
Kek takes 15 damage and his armor has to save against breath weapons, actually a magic fire save but only needs to roll above a 1. It saves and he cuts down 4 of the 5 Fire Breathing Giant Rats.
We kill the last one and head out…
ARDRUIN is unavailable for 7 days due to bedrest.
We sell the magic Scroll of Protection from Dragon's Breath for 10,000 gp
The goblet sells for 300 gp and the books are not magic.
Ardruin gets 100 gp for his share. acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.