
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 71, July 16th, 2023 - THE NECROPOLI OF SAZUMORI: Part 2

LOG DATE 03/04/25

  • Ardruin - Dwarf FTR1 / THF1
  • Sonny the Shadow - THF1
  • Belguil - Dwarf FTR1 / THF1
  • Morfina - CLR1


Sonny caught a skin parasite (mild) but he took care of it during the 3 months he was inactive.

We are currently in Starling, located within the Valley of the Red Sun. We will be traveling east to explore the Necropoli of Sazumori, near Trawis.

Long Moon (10) the 9th, 495

The party begins traveling to Trawis and as we arrive in the small community, we are greeted by the locals. We ask about any news from their area and they tell us that no one further has gone missing but they have seen increased activity at night. Their Watchmen see humanoid shapes in the Necropolis area. Some of the shapes have left the graveyard and headed north to places unknown. They appear to be dragging a heavy burden.

To the north is a stretch of wilderness and beyond that is another town. There is another Thorpe called Hardin in that direction which is located near to Dead Man's Stone, which is controlled by a band of Brigands.

We ask if there are currently any bounties or rewards. They tell us that there are only 80 people in Trawis and no vast treasure. They say that they have recovered a few odds and ends over the years. Redgar, the community leader, says that he can survey the citizens to pull something together as a reward if we can end the Necropoli occupation.

There are no Mercenaries for hire and no one from Trawis is willing to help on the expedition.

It was sleeting when we arrived in Trawis. The party sits around a fire at the central meetup point.

When we decide to enter the area where the Necropoli are, the sprawling graveyard becomes visible. It is huge. The Necropoli of Sazumori beats the Delbo Graveyard in size.

We listen but can only hear the sound of the sleet against the tall grasses. As we approach the entrance to the dungeon, we can see that the sleet near the entrance is smushed down. People have walked here recently.

The entrance looks empty but we can see that there is a deep, 1.5' wide groove in the mud coming from the north. We also find remnants of some humanoid sized footprints. There are at least 2 on either side.

We go into the mausoleum and enter the secret trap door. It is shut but we check it for traps first. Inside, the walls are carved with skeletons in various states of praying and dancing. The images cover all of the walls. Sonny finds 2 latches on either side of the trap door. It appears that somebody has strung some kind of wire between the two latches and the trapdoor has been rigged recently. It will discharge a trap if the trapdoor is forced open.

Our thieves tool cuts the wire and there is a flash and the faint sound of glass breaking. There are some thin wisps of smoke that vacate from somewhere inside. Ardruin presses the right eye socket of the skeleton that triggers the trap door to open. There is a faint grind and the trap door opens. A marble staircase descends down.

We go down a few loops and see a flickering flame up ahead. Ardruin peers down very slowly.


We rolled a 1.

Inside the room at the bottom of the stairs, we see nothing behind the burning braziers. But…Ardruin sees a flash of movement as he was sneaking inside. He was spotted.

From this position, he can see more of the corridor to the north and east. We do not see anything beyond but Ardruin can hear many voices from the east corridor. Things are being moved around and there is the sound of wood falling.

Ardruin lights up his bullseye lantern and sees that the passage goes straight and then to the right. We see a strange ghostly light coming from a ceiling in the chamber ahead.


We got a 5.

Morfina hears noises from behind us and then hears multiple sets of footsteps followed by a low chuckle. Ardruin goes to get in front of Morfina. From the south, 4 humanoid figures approach. They look like greasy fur covered Humans with no clothes, not unlike apes. They are covered entirely with a coat of fur and wielding spears. They move to engage us in melee.

Belguil hears two noises: the creaking of wood and something heavy landing on wood. This is followed by a couple of voices from about 50' away. We can see that the cave to the north splits into a T.

The creatures we are fighting are known as Yennog and they attack. Ardruin fights them off. From around the corner to the north we see two more Yennog.

Ardruin hits one for 4 damage and Morfina wounds one for 3. Sonny is hit and knocked down to 0 hp. He is unconscious!

Morfina takes 4 damage and is now at -3! She DROPS! Belguil kills one in a single blow and then Ardruin kills another one!

The rest of the Yennog fail their Morale check and they begin back-stepping. We decide to pursue.

Both of us easily engage with them and we attack. Belguil kills one and Ardruin kills another one! This silences the scream of the final one.

We defeat them!


Each one had a coin purse wrapped in leather.

Morfina weighs about 1,360 coins and Sonny weighs 2,640 coin. We manage to get Morfina to the staircase.


We rolled a 6.

We see 5 short sword wielding Yennog and they are in splash distance. Belguil does 8 damage with a flask of burning oil but Ardruin misses but does manage to do splash damage.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_71_-_july_16th_2023.txt · Last modified: 2025-03-05 02:08 by maervahr