We head back to Taughannock Falls and go in through the entrance above the secret door.
Everything is removed and the place is deserted. There is a fine spray of falls coming into the chamber. To the north, the place opens up to a room with broken cots and some Rats scurry away. We can hear some chittering from a corridor which smells faintly of rotting food. There is a curled up dead rodent in the corner that is mostly torn apart, maybe it was an oppossom. Scattered around are several small bones in the room and some scratches on the walls.
This was the location of many found goods including some unusual flower petals when it was explored by the group previously.
Sliding out of the floors and walls are 8 Slug-like creatures. They are a sickly gray color with yellow heads and hook-like feet. The Slug-like creatures slide along the walls and ceiling with their hooks.
Four of the Slug creatures are struck in the first round and Thorgard kills one. All of the rest are put to Sleep by Fandillas.
We dispatch the sleeping Slugs with our blades. Fandillas's Hawk kills the other Slugs on the ceiling. 10 minutes passes as we recover from combat.
After this, we head back up north where there is a room. We find some extinguished braziers. Furs and carpet lines the floors and walls and there is a thick, sturdy chair in here. We spot a door to the right.
Looking around, we locate two bedrolls crunched up into the wall and find that the chair has a bit of wear. All of the sides are visible and the bedrolls are small and I hear the clinking of metal. We locate a small pouch containing:
The smooth wood chair and the door are not magically trapped. We manage to get the door opened which reveals another room.
This next room has wall hangings, rugs and luxurious finery. There are several hooks and things on the walls but it is apparent that some of the things that were once hanging are now missing. The place appears abandoned. There are a lot of pillows as if it were once a lounge, There is the faint smell of old incense and this place seems similar to the chamber of Grack. There is also the faint scent of tobacco.
SARKAS joins us!
We do not find any secret chambers or doors from this area though some of the pillows and rugs may have some value. In total, there are about 100 pounds of pillows and rugs in here.
We head east and then north down a corridor which branches off into a large kitchen which has a chimney that rises to the ceiling. Inside are some small containers made of wood and clay sitting upon makeshift crude wooden shelves. The containers smell of mushrooms. Some of them are knocked over revealing several spilled mushrooms that are covered in a sickly slime. None of us are able to identify the mushrooms and toward the left we also smell strong mushrooms coming from a large bed of soil. There are several crates and barrels set upon the soil each containing a large amounts of fungi. These all appear to be regular fungi. We also notice several hooks on the ceiling, a total of 6 of them.
Sarkas casts Find Traps and has a Continual Light spell going on an item, his holy symbol.
Thorgard is being attacked and he has AC 4.
The attacking Creatures get a +2 to hit and something snuck up on him from the ceiling. There are 4 more Slugs! Thorgard takes 2 damage from two attacks but the other 2 miss. The Slug Creatures that hit continue to drain Thorgard for 2 more damage. Thorgard slices one off while Adaeril and Sarkas kill one each. Thorgard takes 1 more damage.
We kill the last one.
10 minutes pass after combat and then we check inside the crates where we find some dried fruits, nuts, some dried meats and spoiled cheeses. Much of the food is covered in slime.
The group heads east down the corridor, which continues left and right. We then head north. Here, we find carved corridors that eventually transform into a gravelly, rocky corridor. It runs fairly straight and then turns north again. We can smell faint clean air up here, much less stagnant. There is also a thin, sickly sweet smell that is somewhat sharp to the nostrils.
Sarkas hears a screech echo from down the corridor, where a passage opens up into a cave. The ceiling goes upward and the lantern does not strike the ceiling. There is a carpet of guano covering the ground.
We get toward the edge of the cavern and are shining the continual light and the bullseye lantern inside. We can see that it is dotted with many small bats. We also notice a couple of very Large Bats with 15' to 20' wingspans!
Adaeril casts Mirror Image while Sarkas casts Prayer. Thorgard gains a Bless spell by invoking Cine!
The Smaller Bats are upon us before we know it, about 50 of them coming all around us. There are several more stirring about in the darkness beyond. Also, 3 of the Large Bats dive bomb us! Adaeril manages to defend against one of the attacks.
Sarkas is struck for 5 damage and Pepe takes 5 damage.
Adaeril's spell goes off and he has 4 Mirror Images and none of the Bats hit him.
Fandilas is struck and takes 6 damage and Pepe takes 3. We see more Large Bat figures in the back…
Sarkas and Fandillas are targeted by the big ones. Fandillas does 6 damage to one of the Large Bats. Sarkas is bit again for 1 damage by a Bat and loses his spell. Fandillas is also bit by 3 Bats for 3 damage each. None of the Smaller Bats hit Adaeril so his spell goes off! Thorgard is also bit for 1 damage.
Mirror Image creates 3 images on Fandillas while Pepe takes 3 damage. Adaeril did 11 damage and slays one of the Large Bats, another is wounded. They release a screech of an intense, great loudness. We must all make Saving Throws.
Adaeril saves, Pepe does not and he is immobilized. 3 of the Large Bats are charging at us from the back of the cavern. Adaeril is being targeted. Pepe takes 3 more damage, but actually more and he is dropped!
Adaeril is hit by 1 Bat and loses a mirror image. Adaeril takes 7 damage. Sarkas and Fandillas each take 6 damage while Thorgard takes 2 damage.
Everyone is still immobilized and Pepe loses 1 hp.
There are 3 Large Bats attacking Adaeril but none hit. Fandillas takes 6 damage and he drops to unconsciousness. The Small Bats tear apart Pepe.
Sarkas takes 8 damage from the cloud and then he goes down. Thorgard takes 4 damage.
We wound more of the Bats and Adaeril does 8 damage to one and then 7 damage the next round. We kill a Large Bat, which we determine are Mobats! Two of the Mobats are slain and two are attacking. Two of them are on Thorgard and two are on the mirror images. Thorgard takes 6 damage and Adaeril takes 2 damage
Adaeril hits another one for 8 damage but it does not die however Thorgard does kill one! THE MOBATS LOSE MORALE! Then, the Small Bats disperse. The Bats take chunks of flesh from their fallen kills as the Bats disperse into the back of the cave. We notice that the Huge Bats flap off into the distance.
Adaeril will pull Fandillas body out with Thorgard grabbing Sarkas. It will take us 6 turns to get out.
We come to the corner that is occupied with 13 Giant Rats. Adaeril grabs Sarkas's shield +2 giving him an AC -1.
Pepe did fall in battle previously. Thorgard takes 1 damage from the Giant Rats and is now diseased!
Considering our numbers and fallen, Adaeril prays to Cine and uses DIVINE INTERVENTION to bring Fandillas back to life!
Adaeril has brought back to life Fandillas as if by a power of a wish spell! The Giant Rats are destroyed!
We head back to Wistari.
Back with the Wood Elves, We each get:
289 xp EACH.
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