
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 59, May 2nd, 2023 - TAUGHANNOCK FALLS Part 3

LOG DATE 12/02/24

  • Galarius
  • Randimir
  • Maervahr
  • Fandillas
  • Sarkas

BLOOD MOON (6) the 14th, 495

We are in the Wistari Village.

It is summertime in the Hollow and the weather is mild. The Wistari Wood Elves have provided the party with guest houses. We can stay as long as we are doing a deed for the Wood Elves, which is currently to remove the Xvarts from Taughannock Falls.

We set out and move up the river. The birds are chirping and the bugs are humming. Everything looks quiet and still.

After traveling upriver, we move up to the dock. The party is able to secure a boat to the dock and get off. There is no sign of any Xvarts but there are still lots of bodies around that have been visited by the woodland's carnvivores. We head up to the secret door which is behind the falls. The group stands out front on the dirt and rocks where we can tell there are many signs of activity, Lots of movement happened around the outside of the door. The secret door is pushed to the side and opens up to a smooth area.

There are recent signs of activity but from who knows what. Sarkas has a Continual Light on his holy symbol. We listen at the crack in the stone door and Randimir hears an exhale of air, as if something is lying in wait.

Using Infravision, he can see 3 large heat signatures laying on the floor, about the size of big bears. They look long in the position on the ground and stand about 2.5' above the ground. One is only a half inch from the peephole and another one is against the back wall.

Maervahr casts Shield while Randimir casts Stinking Cloud through the peephole.

There is a “yip” and a bark coming from inside.


We roll initiative.

We can hear the creatures inside are now moving away and there is the sound of animals running on stone. We can see wisps coming in through the figures inside.

The group moves to open the door and we come face to face with Cloud of Stink but the room is empty! On the ground are some chewed on bones and there is also the stench of a kennel.


Two minutes later the Stinking Cloud dissipates but Shield is still going for 30 more rounds.


Maervahr's weasel alerts us to the sound of a scraping claw.

Around the corner we come face to face with 3 Dire Wolves that are being held by a group of Xvarts. There is one Xvart Magic-User robed in black. The Dire Wolves make a charging attack that hits Galarius, Galarius takes 5 damage. 3 Xvarts surround Randimir and one hits. He takes 4 damage. The robed Xvart disappears into the shadows.

Maervahr moves in while Psionically Invisible to go after the Mage. Another attack causes 3 damage against Galarius and he has 50% chance to be overtaken by a spell. Galarius fails the roll and falls victim to an enchantment. Sarkas casts a spell that reveals the Magic-User.

Sarkas takes 9 damage from a Dire Wolf but an Xvart misses. Sarkas retaliates for 9 damage and manages to cut down the Magic-User! Maervahr casts Burning Hands on the lot of them.

Fandillas holds off the Dire Wolves while Randimir is also attacked and missed. All of the Xvarts are attacking Randimir but missed! Maervahr is moving into melee to cast his spell…or not?

These are bigger than usual Xvarts with full hit dice. Fandillas does 7 damage and kills one!

Maervahr goes to wake up Galarius and he is awoken. The Dire Wolves are considered large creatures so Sarkas does 11 damage. Fandilas stabs an Xvart for 3 damage but the Xvart does not fall. Maervahr hits one for 2 damage as they flee.

We cut down all the Xvarts as they try to leave. However, the Dire Wolf moves to attack a target, which is Sarkas. He takes 5 damage. The Dire Wolf tries to kill Sarkas.

Maervahr missed with his dagger this time but Galarius and Fandillas dice up the Dire Wolf. There were also two sleeping Dire Wolves but we kill them all.


We cool down from combat and see that the right passage slopes up.

We gather up some coins from the dead:

  • 21 gp.

The ramp becomes a perpendicular hallway. Sarkas steps out into the hall and checks further down. It goes for another 6“ before opening up to the left to another large hallway.


To the right, our light illuminates a room with filled with boxes and crates that are stacked all around the room. In here, we see a large group of Xvarts.

Maervahr casts Lightning Bolt on the group of Xvarts while Galarius charges forth! One of their Wolves also charges forth and Galarius and the Dire Wolf meet. Sleep goes off and we have slept almost all of them. Galarius drags his blade across the throat of the Dire Wolf.

Lightning Bolt goes off and a fan of lightning fries the Xvarts. combat is over!

Sarkas lost the curse spell and his nasty shit water (unholy water).


We pause for a moment after combat when…


Roll for surprise again.

We hear a cacophony of screeches coming from the other hallway. There is also a fluttering of wings along the ceiling and the call of Bats rings through the air as we hear them screeching and calling.

The party waits for them to come and then suddenly, 30 Bats in a great cloud pour down the hallway, they turn and fly down the corridor, away from us. Then they screech off into the darkness.


The Xvarts were guarding a storage room. The barrels and crates in this area have been reduced to splinters. They reveal bolted grains and food stuffs along with some tools. We start digging through the barrels.

All of the Xvarts in the chamber are now dead, their flesh torn up by Maervahr's Lightning Bolt. Each one has a coin pouch still on them and we also find some of the barrels here bear the marks of the Wistari Wood Elves. One of the crates has some wear on it but all are sealed. Maervahr easily opens one of the crates and sees that the top is covered in jugs and straw. Below the straw, something comes out…several black petals, black and brown in color.

  • 200 brown lotus flowers.
  • 25 black lotus petals.

Maervahr puts them in a large sack and the black ones in his belt pouch. We check the final crate is in the corner of the room but it has nothing of value. There is also no secret door found over here.

Some of the barrels contain the Wistari mark and there are some supplies of much higher quality in the Wistari crates. They seem to be very valuable and weigh about 5000 pounds, for all the supplies in the room. Collectively, all the supplies would be worth some money and the most valuable are the ones from the Wood Elves. In total, there is about 2000 pounds worth of Wistari goods.

The boat can carry characters plus another 7500 pounds worth of supplies.

We estimate that the values is about 60,000 gold worth of supplies in total with 20,000 worth of supplies from the Wistari Elves' goods. The party starts to carry crates down the ramp. Galarius is watching our descent with his bow drawn.


When we get to the corner, we hear a muffled movement from down the corridor. We put our stuff down and Randimir casts a Sleep spell down the corridor. His spell goes off.

Suddenly, down the hall, a man-sized creature falls to the ground, asleep. 2 more heat signatures step out from aroundthe corner. Fandillas moves up and something is thrown.

There are now two more man-sized figures in view so Fandillas can shoot. He needs to hit AC 5 type 7 and does 6 damage. An arrow disappears and then collides with the heat blob. There are still 2 standing heat signatures.

The rest of the party moves into melee combat while Maervahr moves up ahead. Sarkas charges bearing a white light that illuminates everything. We encounter 2 Wererats holding daggers in their furred hands. They appear like trained killers and have the stance of an experienced Fighter. They loose their daggers at the charging enemies and both of our companions see a drop of poison on the dagger.It goes toward Galarius. The Wererat hits on a 14 but MISSES and the dagger goes flying past. The other thrown dagger also misses.

Galarius will overbear one of the Wererats. Meanwhile, Sarkas hits for 4 damage. Galarius knocks the wererat flat and does 9 damage!

Maervahr moves into the area of the combat while Psionically Invisible. We have one stunned Wererat and one sleeping Wererat. The other one pulls out his claw to strike at Randimir. He rolls to hit Randimir with his claw but misses. Sarkas throws his hammer to Galarius to bring the hammer down upon the Wererat. They have AC 3 type 7.

All of them hit the Wererat which takes several hits but is still alive.

Maervahr casts Mirror Image.

Sarkas does 6 damage to the standing Wererat and Randimir does 7 damage. It pulls out a bent bone-constructed object and a Scimitar blades pops out. It looks to be some type of bone handled scimitar. The other Wererat attacks with its claws.

Randimir takes 4 damage. Mirror Image goes off and there are 4 Maervahr images. Maervahr does see liquid on the thrown dagger that now lies on the ground. Someone kicks the Wererat on the ground as the Wererats are attempting to retreat back down the hall.

Both of them are attacking Randimir this time. A claw hits him for 3 damage and so far, he has taken 9 total damage from them. The other Wererat needs an 11 to hit with the bone handled scimitar but MISSES!

8 damage is inflicted on one Wererat and then another 6 damage and 5 damage against the scimitar wielder. The Wererats are cut down.

Another Wererat remains staggered as Maervahr's Phantasmal Force spell forms a glob of viscous blood around his head, cutting off his sight.

The Wererat tries to disbelieve the illusion and it succeeds! It realizes it was an illusion just as everyone makes an attack. It has AC 5 type 7.

Fandillas does 10 damage to the Wererat but Galarius misses. Meanwhile, Maervahr has carefully picked up the poisoned dagger. In the next round, they hit for 7 and 8 damage which finishes off the Wererat!

The Wererate now lies slain in the corner.


Randimir heals himself while we inspect their bodies. We find:

  • 5 gp.
  • 8 gp.
  • 20 gp.
  • Glowing Scimitar with a handle made from a big animal horn. The blade can be folded into it. This detects as magic.
  • Silver phial. This detects as magic.
  • Small gold scarab, with purple gems. This detects as magic.
  • Leather Armor. This detects as magic and after testing, is at least a +2.

Someone applies pressure to the blade, which seems keen and glows.

We continue our original plan. Nobody bothers us on our way back and we manage to get everything back to the boat. The party manages to go back to the room with the crates and recover the maximum amount of supplies.

We recovered 7500 coins worth of Wistari goods and are now sailing back to the Wistari village.

Once we arrive, the Wood Elves happily pledge Porters to help us unload. For our trouble, they offer us a 150 gp reward. They entrust us with some of their younger members and will accompany us to the falls. There are a total of 4 Porters with litters who can carry about 4000 coins total.

We bring everything back and make it back with all the goods. We ask them, will they pay us for the supplies? If we bring back all 40000 (some of which now has Lightning Bolt damage but it was only 6% less), they will reward us. We managed to recover 4000 pounds of goods and will get 1,900 gp.

We head back with our Wistari Elf Porters and our boat, Horses and cart. The party makes 3 more trips to bring back all of the goods.

The 1,900 gp is paid.

Maervahr shows them the brown lotus blossoms and they inform us that it is a highly potent narcotic. The black ones are even more potent and dangerous. No one would dream of using them to dull their senses in this village.

While in the village, Maervahr take a look at the scarab and sees that it is made of gold and purple gems. It looks like a shell of some kind and there is an inscription that forms on the scarab shell. “What you hold is a potent device of protection against spells and life draining”. Maervahr hangs onto it for now.

We return to exploring.

Once we arrive back at Taughannock Falls, we can tell that the bodies have all been picked apart by small teeth. There are bars are laid across one of the other doors, if we lift it up the door can open.

Galarius opens the door and inside is a small chamber filled with bunks. Our light illuminates a brazier that has since burnt out. Find Traps is cast and we will come back for the footlockers.


Continuing on, our light illuminates a great cavern where the ground appears wavy and has some unevenness. The entire cavern floor is covered with hundreds of Rats that squeak and scurry around. There are also 50 Giant Evil-looking Rats! Randimir's spell illuminates a TRAP amongst their number that also lies below the Rats.

Maervahr casts Phantasmal Force in an attempt to create an illusion that will engulf the entire room in fire. Sleep is also cast by two companions while the others are attacking the Rats.

The Sleep spell goes off and many Giant Rats fall asleep as well as countless small Rats. Sarkas throws oil into their midst while Galarius throws a javelin. There are 22 of the Rats remaining and the burning oil ignites more of the Rats. Some of them begin to flee from the flames.

The flames cause havok and the bulk of the Giant Rats and every single Rat loses composure. There are many holes in the walls that they all scurry into. Quickly, the room becomes completely empty of the Rats and the room is cleared out.


Buried in the refuse and nest material is a wooden chest which also has a trap on it. Randimir's Find Traps detects 2 points of trap energy.

To bypass this, Maervahr casts KNOCK and the wooden chest blasts open. Out comes a bunch of copper coins that spill onto the floor and surround the chest. There is still a trap glowing beneath the copper coins.

  • 2000 cp.

Galarius approaches and carefully picks up the chest, which is now empty. All the copper coins spill out which causes the fading of the trap at the base of the chest. At this point, the Find Traps spell is wearing off. Inside the bottom of the chest, the base can slide to the left or to the right.

We begin sliding the base to the left, revealing a compartment. Sarkas reaches into the compartment and slides it to the left. Below the chest base is a compartment with 3 aquamarines of impressive value and an amethyst.

  • 3 aquamarines 500 gp each.
  • 1 amethyst 100 gp.

As he opens the compartment, he must make a save versus petrification, but he succeeds! He manages to yank his hand out just before his fingers would have been severed. At the same time, he brings back the gems.

The back of the room moves past the refuse and then goes further back, past the chest. Rest of the chamber is filled with Rat filth. Of the Rats that are still sleeping, Maervahr puts them to sleep forever.

Randimir detects a disturbance of something that is not right. The surface of the flith is depressed slightly, unnaturally. We begin searching the area carefully.

We find a pit about 5' in diameter that opens up and and drops down beyond our sight. The pit goes straight down and there is no ladder or hand hold. Someone tosses a copper coin down into the pit. The coin falls and we judge that it falls about 2 lengths of distance past the max range of our light, until it clatters on something hard.

Following this, we light a torch and drop it down into the pit. The torch falls for a couple hundred feet and then lands on a stone ground. Something flammable around the torch ignites, maybe cobwebs or leaves, until eventually the ring of flame dissipates, We judge that it is 200' down to reach the bottom of the pit. We can also see that there is an opening down there that opens up to another passage perhaps.

We head back to the bunk room and find that the footlockers contain items of no value. Just random objects and knick-knacks.

At this point, we are done and we head back to the Wistari village.

The Silver Phial is tasted by Fandillas who discovers that it is POISON! Fandillas is dying and he has the appearance of death as it constricts in his throat. Fandillas chokes down an Elixir of Health, which instantly cures him and the poison is purged. His Elixir of Health is now expended.

We discuss how, if you go to a temple of a god that you worship, you can get a huge discount on prices. We recall that the Temple of the Dancing Armadillos was the Temple of Anaera in Mombafra.


Combat XP is being calculated.

We get 7,500 gp for the magic leather armor.

The Scarab goes to Maervahr. It is unique that its benign but it tells the owner its powers. It gives Maervahr a +1 on saves versus magic and if a saving throw is not offered, one can be made on a roll of 20, including Magic Missiles. The scarab can absorb up to 12 life energy drain attacks, or death touches, death rays, fingers of death. However, after 12 of these attacks, it turns to powder.

Everybody gets:

  • 422 platinum, 1 gold, 9 silver, 9 copper

Galarius finds that the Scimitar is +2 and the blade can go back into the horn. It can go back inside the horn by squeezing it. There is a 10% chance for someone to know it is a blade and is about 1.25 feet in length. This is called a HORNBLADE.

2177 XP combat xp.

  • Sarkas 2643 xp
  • Fanidllas and Galarius 4634 xp
  • 5143 xp for Maervahr.

It will cost 3000 gp for TRAINING FOR IONA. She is paying 2000 gp and will take a training mission for level 3.

Iona will be back on the 27th from bedrest. Blood Moon the 26th is the last full day of bedrest. Her loan will begin on the 27th.

Monk Training is starting on Harvest Moon (7) the 1st for Monk level 3 and will complete on Harvest Moon the 8th.

Iona seeks a MISSION for level 4 Monk. We can look at the campaign doc to look at the difficulty level.

Maervahr has id 18 for Maervahr's Ring (Ring of Spell Turning).


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_59_-_may_2nd_2023.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by