
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 52, March 26th, 2023 - SHIN'S CASTLE

LOG DATE 11/15/24


Some of our possible Quest Options include:

  • The Auxiliary Test Facility #3 site.
  • The Apefang Maw site.
  • Seek out Dalakai Deathbane's Paladin steed.
  • Head to Shin's Castle. We want us to tell Shin about the nature of evil we found in Delbo.
  • We heard that adventurers are diving into Lake Qarn and pulling treasure out.

  • Kana - Druid
  • Kek - Fighter
  • Maervahr - Magic-User 6
  • Rhinock - Fighter

ROSE MOON the 21st, 495

We will be setting out for Shin's Castle. Before setting out we will hire 3 Porters and 1 Linkboy for 4 sp per day.

We check for Mercenaries:

  • Sergeant
  • 6 Medium Horsemen for 24 gp per day.
  • 3 Light Horsemen for 9 gp per day.

Maervahr paid 99 gp for 3 days worth on the Light Horsemen. Then, he uses his Clairaudience Psionic ability to listen in at Oaji's Tower in the ruins of Delbo. He can hear that the Lemurs are still moving around in the tower however, he does not hear anything where he avoided the Type I Vrock Demon.

Before we leave, Maervahr finally casts Invisibility on himself and on the Druid. This will give us an improved chance for surprise should we need it.

We are leaving Gren and traveling west across the Sea of Grass. The group can travel up to 25 miles per day. The weather is colder than normal for the season and it looks like there may be some rain.

As we travel west through the grasses, to our right side we can see the peak of the mountains.


Up in the sky is something flying overhead. The area is surrounded by thick grasses. up to 6' in some areas, along with some marshlands.

There is a big wake where our horsemen had gone and we see overhead 5 winged creatures. They are flying low to the ground and they look like Hippogriffs. The 5 Hippogriffs soar over to the peaks to the right, they are not quite mountain sized.


We decide to climb the mountain with rope and things, land at the cave mouth and go inside. We decide to leave the Hippogriffs for now.

The rest of our travel is uneventful. We make it to Nettin and Ornholm and locate the mountain pass going to the north. They say that the trade route goes from the west and south and has been reopened ever since the Werewolves and the Brigands were defeated by the Macetorians. The locals have not had any further trouble with Ogres but travel to the east is not recommended due to tales of a BANSHEE.

The city of Macetor is home to the Macetorians who are known for their large standing army. An adventuring company called the Circle Of Annihilation also helped to defeat the Brigands. They used ancient Dwarven war machines were used to defeat the Brigands and Werewolves, which are creatures of Chaos. Nettin is a village on the outskirts of Ornholm and is built with thatched roofs constructed from reeds gathered from the Sea of Grass. The village is not really protected by either side but they are too far from High Dell to fall under their protection and there are many dangers in the area.

The mountain pass is flat enough for carts but the mountains have many dangers from monsters. Along the pass are some hamlets and thorpes where a traveler could find some assistance. Faier is a mining town that falls within the domain of High Dell so they will often share Mercenaries to protect the mountain pass. There is a one way trail from Ornholm to High Dell.

If you travel 10-15 miles east of Faier, there is a place marked by standing stones where you can eventually come to Shin's Castle. Shin is always protected by servants but visitors are always welcome at the castle. There is also a Gynosphinx is at the castle.

Maervahr uses the Linkboy to talk for him while he is invisible.

By the time we get to Faier, it is evening and Rhinock pays for the next 3 days for the Light Horsemen, another 99 gp.

The next day, we continue on the mountain road for 10-15 miles until we find the spot where there are some Cairn stones, indicating another walkable way. We cannot take the cart at this point. The way between Faier and High Dell is patrolled by Shin and by High Dell however there are still Giants, Orcs and Hobgoblins that inhabit these mountains. The Ripper Clan is north of High Dell which is a clan of HOBGOBLINS. Further beyond High Dell is Rocky Top, which is an isolated mountaineering village. There is no pass leading to it though it is connected to smaller towns out there. It is basically an island community within the mountains.

On the road, we notice that Kek has a burn scar on his neck going down his back.

We follow a winding pass into the mountains but the route is hard to see. Eventually, we start to see signs of a ruined castle in the distance. As we approach, we find the castle is dilapidated and old looking. Outside and in the front gate are 4 men all standing by the entrance to the castle.

We can see that many rocks and boulders were used to reinforce the castle walls and there is some siege equipment that looks operational. The 4 men are all wearing helmets.

We talk to the Guards and convince them that we wish an audience with Shin to tell of the news of Delbo and they seem appeased with this. Inside the castle, it is as equally ruined inside as it is outside. There are fountains that look newer or have been built more recently. In the back area is a ruined keep and the guards take us there. This area is presently and was also formerly, a palace which is decorated with flowers and trees everywhere.

We see that there are stone houses built inside the keep as well. Another set of 4 Guards, along with some men in robes that do not greet us but pass by, perhaps to escort us within. It is like a small community of sorts in this place.


Inside the palace, we are finally granted audience with SHIN. He stands within the palace chamber and presents himself as a massive Androsphinx. He wears jewels around his neck and feet. We ask Shin about a Gynosphinx that we told of and he says Atase did arrive here and is currently hunting.

Shin listens intently to what we say and the Sphinx's visage becomes twisted with an uncomfortable scowl with what we say. If indeed a Demon is prowling that cursed city, it will have good company. Shin knows little of the city. He knows that there are Demonic forces in that city. Shin says that his interest in the topic is mostly academic but his duty is to protect that region. Long has that cursed city been a blemish with unquenchable evil. It remains a black spot on his reputation.

We describe the wand that we found and what we presumed it to do, which we believe would summon Demons. Shin does not know anything about such wands but the Vrock type I Demon may be hunting the user due to a curse that may be on the wand. This type of curse is VERY RARE but might have been a stipulation, to use what terms are set by the summoned creature.

Kek asks if Shin knows if these curses may be granting any additional powers. Shin says that the effects of such curses are unknown. When Demons are summoned they can stay as long as they want. If there was a curse on the wand, then that would overrule this.

There are two things that we learn from Shin:

  • 1st, because he is interested in the history of the place and wants to purge the evil, he is curious about what we found in the complexes.
  • 2nd, the tower was built and controlled by a Wizard, specifically the City Wizard of Delbo, back when it was populated. When many of the other places were still around, up to the time of Lordelai, Delbo was controlled by ERISIL, the champion and ruler of Delbo. OAJI was the Wizard of Delbo and the Summoner of Demons.

Shin would like for us to retrieve something from Oaji's Tower, any piece of jewelry once used by Oaji. If we retrieve the jewelry and are able to report that we have purged the evil inside the city, he will be encouraged to give us a profitable task.

Shin also desires an object from the Barrens to the south that is controlled by Barbarians. It is an item to be retrieved from the Ziggurat. The Barbarians are untrusting of magic and Sphinxes so the nature of object is sensitive and Shin will not tell us more until the right time, due to information found at a later date. He will equip us with the knowledge after clearing Delbo. The area is controlled by the UKHATU Tribe where they dwell in a massive swath.

Shin says he shall be in our debt for guiding his new mate, Atase, to his new castle. A gift has been promised to us. Since he is in our debt, he shall grant us one desire that our party has.

We ask about the Elven Forest known as WUN'RA and Shin does have some knowledge. He says that he can facilitate the return to that place. We ask, “By what kind of transport?” Shin says that he could equip us for an adventure and he has some lore regarding a form of instant transport to that place. Work will be involved to gain access.

Wun'ra is the largest settlement of High Elves in the land. There is no other place with greater numbers of Elves, there are hundreds of them. Sheel'sadorin is the name of the place we intend to find and we bring this up with Shin. He does not know anything about the place but will gather information about an Obelisk and finding transportation to Wun'ra. We should return to Shin in one month or if we explore Oaji's Tower before then.

Does the Androsphinx know about the Hippogriffs we spotted on the way or how to attain one as a mount? Shin says that if we recover an egg from their nest, we can train them as mounts from a young age.

Kek gives Shin the BLOOD RUBY who takes kindly to the gift. He says that the ruby emanates with Necromantic magic. Shin feels as though there is no ill intention, he accepts the gem and he is happy to obtain it.

We further inquire about Griffons, who can have but one master only, Hippogriffs can have multiple masters and riders.

Since we were at Delbo, we have located a map that leads to another location there as well. It is a Treasure Map that goes into Delbo.

It is still daytime and the sun is high.

Shin's servants are of many fighting professions, Warriors and Wizards, and they all reside as part of a commune. There is at least one empty guardhouse. We learn that Shin is famous in the region and he takes on henchmen of his own. All of the residents are Shin's henchmen who will stay here until sometime after they learn all they can from vanquishing evil. Are there Paladins? No Paladins currently serve Shin.

Can use speak with the animals? The Druid, Kana, could use Animal Friendship to tame a hippogriff. Shin does not have any hippogriff saddles but the city of HIGH DELL would have them. We are presently in Shin's castle and we estimate that the Hippogriffs lair is only 10 miles away but would require a hike through the mountains.

Kana knows that Hippogriffs are fierce fighters and they will defend their lairs. It is not uncommon for their nests to be raided by Adventurers because the eggs have value of 1000's of gold pieces and a Hippogriff female may produce enough eggs for 1-2 young. After some discussion, we determine that Animal Friendship does work on Hippogriffs, presumbably.

Maervahr believes he could turn Psionically Invisible to about 6 Hippogriffs.

ROSE MOON the 24th, 495

The weather today is COLD AND RAINY and it has been 3 days since we set out.

Rhinock, our Porters and the Linkboy are all still visible. Everyone else is now Invisible by Maervahr's spell.

We head out, going south. It is slow going through the mountains but continue to head south toward the Hippogriff nest. Due to the rough terrain, it is gruelingly slow.

Suddenly, there are some animalistic cries and shouts of beasts that we do not see. However, nothing shows up and there is no encounter.

Just before the sun sets, we can view the Sea of Grass expanding out just beyond the peaks. During this time, we manage to get our bearings and know that the Hippogriff lair is two peaks over at a cave mouth. It will take another half hour traveling to the east. The rain continues and the sky has grown dark but we manage to find the entrance to the cave.

It is a 10 minute climb to the cave mouth. The party walks into the dark cave and Kek holds the lantern. Inside, we see that the cave descends down about 20 degrees and then the path goes awry.


Illuminated by a floating lantern (Kek is invisible), we descend down the ramp and go around the corner. Here, we enter a larger, more open cave area. We hear the cries of multiple Hippogriffs within. Suddenly, we spot several talons and fluttering wings as they move about in the cave.

We hear the bird-like cries of Hippogriffs and the galloping of hooves. We spot a total of 6 of the creatures. They seem to gather around where the light is coming from and then stop short where the light originates. The beasts look confused and angry.

Suddenly, they can see Maervahr.

3 of the Hippogriffs can see him immediately, then 4 attack. From the first attack, Maervahr takes 11 damage, then takes 7 damage, and finally he takes 12 damage. He takes a total of 30 damage! Maervahr drops after being attacked by the Hippogriffs!

All the Hippogriffs go towards Maervahr and he loses his attempted spell, PHANTASMAL FORCE.

We lose initiative on the next round. The Hippogriffs clop around Maervahr's body and snort at the air. One of them steps back with a surprise as it bumps into Kek.

Kana casts Speak With Animals to appease the Hippogriffs but they are wary of spell casters waving their hands in the place with their young in their nest. Kana says they bear no ill will but ask to take our wounded companion. The party retreats with Maervahr's body. At the edges of the nests, we can spot some other movement in the darkness.


They grab Maervahr's body and bring him back to our campsite. Maervahr is brutally wounded. Kana's dog goes back to get Rhinock who stayed behind but there is no note tied to his collar to relay a message. This is like the Bridge on the river Kwai.

Rhinock shows up at our campsite an hour later.

ROSE MOON the 27th, 495

The rest of the party, besides Maervahr, goes back into the cave using Invisibility to Animals. They can see the heat shapes of horses, just a couple. They are currently pruning themselves. Farther beyond are 6 more shapes that are unmoving beyond that. They can see four distinct areas with 2 small heat signatures like the size of dogs.

Rhinock grabs one of the Hippogriff eggs then goes for the second one. It has been 10 rounds and they make it out of the cave with the eggs. The entire party has made it out of the cave mouth and as they leave, they can hear some calls coming from inside.

Kana, our Druid, knows everything about keeping the eggs alive and the training rules for raising a Hippogriff as a mount.

They navigate down from the peaks with Maervahr's unconscious form. In his condition it will take twice as long to get back to Shin's Castle and the group will have to camp in the Castle for 1 night.

We find a peak overhang and make camp for the night.


About halfway to Shin's castle, as we go around the bend with Maervahr making us move slowly, we go around the bend and spot 5 Large Snakes. These are Venomous Snakes that are about 15' long and. They are 13“ away outdoors. Kana says these Snakes are very fast.

The 5 Snakes are hanging out in a shadowy overhang and are split into two groups. They maneuver further into the mountains, going out of our sight.

Suddenly, we spot a flash of one of the Snakes that is moving around the side of the mountain, albeit slowly. It is moving away from the pass and they do not make an appearance in the pass.


We make it back to Shin's Castle and we stay here for two more days. After that point, we will need to head back to Gren by traveling once again over the Sea of Grass.

REED MOON (5) the 4th, 495

We make it back to Gren on the 4th without any encounters.

Kana pays off her loan.

We managed to collect 4 Hippogriff eggs! If we choose to raise them, Kana can do the training and we can hire an Animal Handler to train them. We would have to pay them consistently but the eggs seem fairly close to hatching. Maervahr hires the Animal Handler and pays them for 11 days.

REED MOON the 10th, 495

  • Dalakai - PAL
  • Iona - MNK
  • Kek - FTR
  • Rhinock - FTR

This group is going to head to Delbo.

We make it to the outskirts of the ruined city without issue but we must camp. The night passes without event and we are ready to move after breakfast.

We move into the ruined city of Delbo and see that the place appears totally empty, except for a collapsed buildings. We once again see Oaji's Tower standing with no doors or windows. However, it has now manifested an open window.

There is sunlight shining off the edges of the window, which is about 15' up the tower. It took us 20 minutes to hike through the ruins to get to the tower. We do not see any movement inside.

Iona scales the tower walls and finds that the room within is empty. She climbed the walls and entered inside through the window. She can see the trapezoidal summoning circle inside and a door to the north along with another door to the east.

Lemures can only be destroyed by holy water, holy weapons or blessed weapons.

After we all enter the room, we push open the door to the room that previously contained the Lemures. There is a glass case that has not been destroyed in here as well as several Lemures with claws hanging out in this room. Banished creatures that have gone to the Hells can optionally become a more powerful type of Devil.


The Lemures begin to form around us and are only stopped by Dalakai's holy power. He holds aloft his holy symbol and says, “By the power of MOTE!”

Iona holds open the door and the rest of the group engages the creatures.

Kek charges in and attacks, dealing 11 damage to one. This dematerializes a Lemure due to his blessed weapon! The creatures try to retaliate on the charge and Kek takes 3 damage.

Dalakai and Rhinock move to engage while Kek takes another 4 damage. Rhinock is attacked and takes 3 damage then another 2 damage.

Iona hits one with holy water dealing 3 damage. Kek is struck again and takes 2 damage.

Rhinock takes 1 damage and Dalakai takes 4 damage. Rhinock takes another 4 damage but Rhinock also kills one. Kek hits one for 4 damage.

There are now 11 of them left.

Dalakai takes 1 damage and likewise Rhinock takes 1 point of damage as the Lemures continue to land blows. Rhinock takes yet another 1 point of damage.

Rhinock deals 6 damage meanwhile, Iona kills one after dealing 6 damage.

Rhinock hits for 4 damage and Kek hits for 7 damage this time. Meanwhile, Dalakai takes 3 damage while Rhinock is missed along with Kek.

Rhinock is missed again and Kek hit for another 7 damage. Rhinock hits for 6 damage and finishes it off. Then, Rhinock kills another one.

There are only 8 left but they are relentless. Kek takes another 3 damage but hits for 6, Rhinock hits for 4 damage.

Kek takes 2 damage this round while Dalakai takes 3 damage. 4 damage was done to one and then Kek hits again for 3 damage. Rhinock kills one just as Dalakai does 3 damage to another.

Now there are 7 left…the fight continues.

Dalakai takes 2 damage but at the same time, Dalakai kills one as Rhinock does 5 damage. Luckily, none of the Lemures hit this round.

Kek does 10 damage, a mighty blow along with Rhinock who also hits for 10 more damage! Dalakai deals 5 damage to another one. This brings 2 more down and leaving only 4 left.

Kek takes 1 damage but also, Kek kills one. Dalakai kills another one. Rhinock hit for 4 damage just as Kek hits. Dalakai and Rhinock cut down the final 2.

All of the Lemures are destroyed!


Finally, we look around the room.

We check out the glass cabinet which has inside, a rolled scroll. There is a lock on it and 4 shelves. All of the shelves are empty and the cabinet has two doors.

Iona searches the cabinet and does notice in the crack where the door meets the lock that there is a white residue running along the crack. She leaves it be for now and searches along the south east wall. Here, Iona bumps into something solid.

She starts tapping around and taps out a rectangular shape that is about 2' wide and 2.5' tall. The object has two invisible handles but there is no rattling inside. It seems to be sealed by something non-physical.

Someone smashes the glass and the glass case shatters falling everywhere. There is now white residue is on the stand. The scroll comes loose amidst a cloud of dust which spreads and eventually fills a 10' cloud.

Once the dust settles, Iona grabs the scroll because the cloud did not reach her.

The scroll contains letters written in common. It says:

“Ho Thief, may you be split into a thousand pieces.”

A warning indeed…

We head back to Qarn and split the treasure.

We get 843 xp EACH.

Iona gets 343 xp.

Maervahr gets 500 xp.




player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_52_-_march_26th_2023.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by