Voltendo Class Quest.
He has begun to have visions of a great earthquake, like abstract shaking and then falls into a crevasse in the earth. He has dreamed of a stone structure in the earth that is causing the quake and sees wreathed in flames, a strange, dark steed. These are as real life.
He is attuned to some knowledge of visions and is wise enough to know that if the vision is meant to guide him somewhere, he only needs to concentrate to be pulled in the direction of his task.
The party is in Mombafra. The pull leads him straight north from the city. It is some days of travel away, but no more than a week. Voltendo puts the word out to seek out a steed. Morella and Yohan will go. Darvan joins as does others, such as Thalen and Xrith'atiril.
Leo shoots a sling bullet at Yohan to try and identify a magic oil. It misses Yohan, the Ranger. The oil is pretty concentrated but it is just a tiny fraction of the surface area it can coat. Next, he coats the shield and tries to shoot a Lightning Bolt at it. The Bolt obliterates the shield but the oil provided some kind of protective benefit to the shield based on his knowledge of the spell. The shield failed its item saving throw.
We are gathered in Mombafra.
We will go to the Forgotten Master's Tower so we will follow the signs from there. Starling is highly active with military and we are known to the Mombafran army and the Tower is inaccessible.
The Forgotten Master is aligning with Lord Wayd, Hill Giants, Dragons and Devils. There is a garrison at Yenshin's Citadel, 35 miles west of Castle Wayd. The spymaster said that the Steward said that they were connected to the Green Lance. Ruins associated with the Green Lance in the area.
We wake up outside of the Tower of the Forgotten Master and Voltendo is still being pulled north.
There is a Cleric of Rook at the encampment and Voltendo goes to seek advice from them about this pull and dream. The building in his vision that is architected in a way that is chaotic or a monument of some kind. The architecture suggests it was built around the time of the Green Lance, during the time of the ruler of the Marble Keep about 500 years ago. The nature of the vision itself, the Cleric says, the breaking open of the earth is a powerful omen so he expects that there are great forces at play.
The Terrain of the vision is broken wastes, rocks and shrubs. The Cleric of Rook was a military Cleric.
We will skirt around the lake and then go due north.
We are south east of the lake and heading due north. We will pass through the forest and go into the next hex. We are now west of Dead Man's Stone and Xrith will scout up ahead. He sees Marshland. We avoid the marsh and head north west into the woods.
Xrith flies up again to scout into the next hexes. He sees Scrubland.
Xrith can see 11 Blink Dogs popping in and out to the West. The Blink Dogs do not come into our camp.
We have traveled 7 movement points so far. Xrith scouts from above and sees mountains, hills, and a lake. Night comes and the moon and stars appear. The night passes without incident.
We will head into the hills this morning, which are north west of our location. From the Hills, Xrith can see heavy forest, another marsh north and to the south west. The heavy forest is flanked by the marsh. He notices something on the edge of the forest.
3 creatures about the stature of a Dwarf, a few 10's of yards away from the edge of the forest. The 3 creatures are far apart from each other. They dont move with any purpose.
We head back south into the Scrubland where it terminates and opens up to a plains.
We got 3 points into the tree of Elis'tun. The Heavy Forest to the north continues to the northwest. A small pond lies within that hex. The plains continues to the west and mountain to the north. A canyon can be seen in the plains.
We will go through the forest and avoid Castle Elir. We will be North West of the Forest and we move through the forest.
Yohan picks up something to the right, toward the swampland. He spots the slight movement of the trees. And he sees one switch places. We are an hour away from making camp. These were Trees switching places, possibly Treants.
We leave them alone.
The weather clears up and we are encamped in the scrubland. The evenings encounter checks will be on d20s due to the proximity of Castle Wayd.
No encounters.
We head north to Great Hill, the weather is clear and warm. We make it past Relomo and into Great Hill.
We check in with Nodo. He has a staff with small motes of dust floating around it like planets around a sun. He says there have been no Red Dragon attacks. His staff is the product of many years or months of studying. The people of Great Hill have knowledge of many secrets of the land, this is one of the secrets from the lands. It is magical but not dedicated to a god.
The Orcs have been fended off in thanks to the power of the staff and the great leadership of their war chief. Nodo is unwilling to provide information about where he acquired the staff. He has a smirk on his face the entire time. He casts his gaze downwards on his throne, as if one that looks upon a cat toward the chief.
They have met men to the south, the number of patrols has decreased in recent seasons. Two seasons in fact.
Voltendo feels the pull to the north and slightly to the east. We head north east.
Xrith flies up and takes a view of the surrounding area. To the south is Marshland. South east the hills continue and to the north of that more hills.
We head south east of Apefang Maw and to the left we see a Heavy Forest. More hills to the north east and hills to the south east.
We set up camp south of the heavy forest.
We are getting back on track as we go into the hills to the north east once again.
On the Hippogriff, Xrith must…
He is not surprised (6). Encounter distance is rolled. It will be somewhat difficult to notice for this. 24 inches away, he sees 3 10' long Snakes. He flies down and informs the party.
As he flies down, he sees the Snakes are racing to meet him. The party can see the Snakes in the distance, they move 15“. They are at 9” away.
The Snakes are going straight for the party.
We go to pursuit rules. We are in Hills and the weather is clear.
Combat is rejoined where we end up in a cul-de-sac in the hills. We are 21“ away from the Snakes and backed into a corner.
We keep trying to flee.
The snakes are coming at us from 210 yards away.
They move 2.2“ a segment, they get closer and Xrith unleashes his sling bullet for 2 damage. Darvan hits for 3 damage. We both hit the same snake.
Lyo hits for 11 damage on a charge.
Elithra shoots from 7.7” away. The horses do not get to attack on the first round but the characters can strike blows. Yohan does 12 damage and slays one! Lyo does 1 damage.
Two of the Large Snakes survive and attacks.
Voltendo, Yohan and Lyo are targeted. Both are going for Voltendo. One goes for his Horse. AC 8 (due to charging). The Horse is bitten and he must save versus poison, or die! He takes 3 damage.
Voltendo's Horse is instantly effected and is killed! Voltendo is attacked with an AC 4. Voltendo deflects the snake! Voltendo must now dismount.
The Light spell completes on segment 10. The Snake fails its save and is now totally blinded. There are 3 characters still in melee.
There is a Morale check. They are retreating with full movement. All Melee attacks get a +4 for their parting attacks. Yohan autohits for 12. Voltendo hits for 10 damage, which kills another Snake!
Only the Blind Snake is alive now, Lyo hits for 6 damage. Magic Missile goes off for 15 damage. Luciend was mounted up on a Light Horse while Elithra missed. Yohan's Horse did 6 damage, which kills the third Snake.
The Horse will not survive but Slow Poison was cast.
Xrith will begin scouting from above, 2 points North East into the hills. Xrith scouts the surrounding terrain from above. To the north, he sees scrubland. to the east, is a valley taken up by a large lake and to the south are hills.
We head towards the lake. Xrith must roll…
Not surprised (3), we move into the Valley where Xrith sees something sparkling brilliantly on the edge of a pond. It is radiant as if made from reflective glass, it is low to the ground and not tall. Also it is not moving.
We make note of this area.
Voltendo still feels the draw toward the north east.
Xrith scouts and to the north is a plain, another plain and hills to the southeast.
We have spent 4 movement points out of 6 because Voltendo is on foot now. We see Hills to the north and Mountains to the north east.
We make it to our campsite in the hills to the north. The surrounding terrain is a low, wet marshland to the north west and a pond/lake inside. To our north is another marshland with a pond/lake and hills to our north east.
We set up camp in the hills for the night.
The weather is clear by morning and we are not attacked.
The pull is to the north east so we head further into the hills. The weather is clear.
To the north we see hills and to the north east is scrubland and hills to the south east. The party heads down into the scrublands.
Xrith spots a great crevasse in the scrubland. There is a Y shaped crack in the scrubland and feels a powerful pull toward it.
Voltendo must seek and destroy if there is evil afoot as part of his Class Quest to this location.
We approach the fissure cautiously. From the south west to the center is about 100' in length. It has soil uplifted on all sides from the fissure. It has clearly not seen rain. The earth is split away leaving an earthen column in the center. I has crashed against the side of the fissure.
The distance is 15' from the island and the edge of the crevasse. When we look down at the crashed column into the crevasse is the top of a stone structure.
Voltendo instantly recognizes it as the roof of the upper level building. The lower level is 40' deeper. It has been damaged by the break in the earth. On the west side is a slope/stone of gravel that runs into a hallway of the first level.
The stone building looks as though it is upright and there is a break in the fissure above it. Elithra and Voltendo can sense a general evil in the air, through the stone of the building. From the rubble landslide, it appears that it is broken open in another spot that is 70' down.
Finally, under where the column broke off, there is the only break in the upper level. Flames are pouring from it. A great fire from below shows through this. Nothing is moving down there.
There is an entrance covered in rubble. The western part where the rubble is opens into a hallway. It is 60' down and another 20' to get into the hallway. The upper point of the fissure breaks into a room.
The spot where there is a fire, on the north side. The evil feels as though its inside the building in general the eastern side has an evil twice as strong on the second level of the structure. It is 40' down.
The architecture looks Human and it looks like Green Lance architecture.
Xrith flies from above about 15' up and takes a look along the fissure. The fissure appears unoccupied but there is some kind of vapor or mist, about 30' to the eastern most crack. It is coming out of the terminus point of the fissure and it is 80' down. It is heavier than steam and colored.
The column forms a bridge. It may not be stable. The other way down is going down the rockslide.
We secure the horses somewhere.
The slope is at 4“ and the other is at 8”, each square is a dungeon unit.
Voltendo has Continual Light, Xrith has a Ring of Continual Light that is concealed.
We tie off some rope and start going down toward the collapse.
We are not surprised (4). Voltendo and Yohan both hear a door open.
They are at an intersection where it T's off and continues on to the West. The sound of the door came from the south.
We win initiative (2).
Voltendo detected Evil. Xrith climbs down. Risten casts invisibility. No additional sounds are heard.
30' down the hallway is a door and a deer that was killed today. It was eaten without being cooked. Mirella casts Find Traps.
Yohan can tell that the deer was killed in the last few hours. There is no wound on its body, other than being eaten by sizable teeth. A lot of bits from the same mouth.
Yohan, Voltendo and Lyo are on doors. Voltendo has an 18/60 Strength score now.
They open the door and face a wall. To the right is a 40' corridor that terminates in a door. The light is bright enough to shine into a room. There are several Orcs running around gathering their equipment. They are coming in and out of the darkness and see us clearly.
At the sign of our light they move forward. An Ogre steps out, hesitantly toward our group. Gives plenty of time for Risten to cast his spell.
Risten targets the Ogres specifically with Sleep. The Ogre resists the Sleep spell. As the melee is joined about halfway down the hall. Thalen casts Hold Person on 3 Orcs. One Orc passes and 2 are Held. They are held for 8 rounds.
15 Orcs have moved into the hallway, there are more Orcs in the room beyond. Another 15 Orcs.
Yohan and Lyo are moving forward.
There are 2 Ogres and 1 Orc in the front line.
1 segment of casting time for Chromatic Orb. Xrith misses with his backstab attempt. Yohan destroys an Ogre! Voltendo hits for 8 damage on the Ogre. One Ogre is still alive.
Magic Missile goes off on the Ogre for 13 damage, it is not killed!
The pearly Chromatic Orb. He targets an Orc but misses. One Ogre attacks someone, Yohan. The two Orcs attack the others. Yohan is missed. Lyo is missed!
Light spell finishes on one of the Ogres. It is 12” and the Ogre is blinded!
Hold Person finishes, 3 more Orcs are Held! This will cause a Morale check. No Orcs are killed. One Orc in the back is blinded.
There are two Ogres in the back and 1 in front. One in back is blinded.
Elithra hits for 1 damage. Yohan did 13 damage on the Ogre, killing it! Voltendo hit an Orc for 9 damage, killing it instantly.
Sleep is cast on the back group. He sleeps 6 Orcs! Chromatic Orb goes off on an Orc and misses again!
The Ogre in the back is now also blinded!
Xrith backstabs an Orc for 16 damage. Yohan hits one for 18, killing it. The Orcs and Ogres go fleeing to the east. Into the circular room.
We Pursue.
Darvan goes to town on the Sleeped mobs. Thalen stays with the 9“ movement group and we try to pursue.
They rush forward into a 20' hallway. They go into a barracks running toward the back. Both Ogres also flee. They get to a door and burst through into a wide open area.
Light pours into that room where there is a vast messhall with an island. It has been taken over by the Orcs. It may cause a confuse panic, but they are not surprised though they have to morale check. Those other Orcs become alarmed and scared as well. They are running for a door on the other side of the wall but are not stopping at all.
We lost initiative (2). We rush into the confusion of the rooms.
Xrith does 14 damage to one Ogre, Yohan does 15 damage and kills the Ogre. Lyo does 5 damage killing an Orc.
Yohan Destroys the other Ogre with 14 damage and Xrith backstabs a fleeing Orc for 16 damage.
They cannot escape!
All the Orcs surrender.
Xrith begins questioning the surrendered Orcs.
They are part of the Gray Bone tribe. They come on command of their War Chief. Grack has come to this spot. The War Chief is Thalkrow of the Gray Bone.
The Orc blabbers that the Horse we speak of is real, it is the Ghost that haunts this place. The Vengeance of the Steed.
There is a door in the eastern side of the room. The Barracks looks like they housed 3 groups of men, allowing the Orcs to create their nest.
There are 50 Orcs in here!
We are actually in the Great Mess Hall which is beyond the door. It is a chamber with several tables and a kitchen. It was where the soldiers would eat. What lies through the door? A Hallway according to an Orc…which leads to an Armory.
The pouches that the Orcs carry:
The blood splattered Orcs immediately say that the bulk of their treasure is stored in their armory.
Find Traps is still going.
With our characters in position. There is a 40' x 40' armory that is absent of weapons.
There are 4 stacks of furs that look somewhat valuable. They are each on a large piece of animal skin that were carried in sacks. Some have bugs but others are good, beaver, fox, etc. They are set around a large chest. There are no traps on the chest.
Mirella tries to open it.
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