Continuation of the previous session.
We left off in a room where we recovered a Bag of Holding. We are joined immediately by Fothas.
We are not surprised.
We can hear a quiet skittering noise to the north. Sounds definitely coming from north.
3 Huge Spiders come out of the corridor, drawn by our light. Stevie throws her javelin at 2“ away, she misses. They engage the front line.
The Blink Dogs are still here. They will melee attack.
Eomiaje hits for 8 damage. Fothas does 10 damage. The Spiders have AC 5. The Blink Dog hits. Eomiaje kills one and Fothas damages one considerably. Yohan did 9 damage and the Blink does 3 damage, leaving only one alive.
All three Spiders get their attacks off first. Eomiaje, Stevie are being attacked. Both miss. Ragnar is also attacked and is struck. He takes 4 damage and must save versus poison, HE SAVES!
Only one of the Spiders is left alive so we knock it out and then wake her.
Eomiaje, Ragnar, Yohan all have Endure Cold.
Fothas takes the Bag of Holding. We open the door and in the north is a set of passages. The walls inside the chamber have monsters carved into them. We Dragons, Snakes, Rust Monsters, Elves, etc.
The Chamber is quiet and still and we don't see anything unusual or hear anything unusual.
Eomiaje uses the Rod of Alertness to look for Magic and Illusion. There is latent magic inside these halls and can sense it down all the corridors. There is a magic in the air. Yohan and Ragnar have a sense of unease.
Fothas steps forward also and gets a feeling of unease. The door is made of wood. Fothas spikes open the door. It is a feeling of a sense of foreboding. The Blink Dogs seems to feel uneasy and do not wish to pass into the chamber.
Lucien does not have the uneasy feeling, but Risten and Stevie do as well.
Whirlrender does not feel uneasy. Lucien and Risten can tell this is feeling of interminably destabilization. Eomiaje attempts to use the Rod to Detect Alignment and he does not detect anything. He goes with Lucien toward the hall to see what we see.
Lucien and Eomiaje head down the corridor and the carvings continue on the wall down. Eomiaje and Lucien will continue down the hall. Yohan tells us that he senses the parchment to the north east beyond the wall. We tell them to meet us at the door, using the same route we took.
Yohan says “Were friends of the Red Wode, we are here for a purpose”. Everyone has that destabilization feeling and they press on down the corridor. As they get to the end of the corridor, they must save versus magic.
Ragnar and Stevie did not save. Both Blink Dogs also fail to save. They turn down the corridor, others feel an internal sense of pulling and a terrible headache, those that saved feel hung over. Ragnar and Steve both transform. Ragnar is transformed into a Blink Dog and Stevie transforms into a Tiger. Blink Dogs do not change.
Both of them survive the change and their items polymorphed with them. Stevie maintains her consciousness. Her INT is 12. Ragnar also maintains his consciousness with INT 14. Ragnar can now communicate with the Blink Dogs. They say that they have not been in this room before. Stevie can attack as a Tiger and their hitpoints are the same.
Eomiaje uses the Rod to detect magic on the doors. We open the north door. Fothas joins us in opening doors.
The door opens into a large sanctum that is punctuated by altar with figures. Inside the room is a White Dragon.
Is the White Dragon asleep? It is surrounded in silver, copper coins. The Dragon is asleep!
It is surprised on a 4-in-6. It is definitely waking up. It is not surprised.
There are tiny statues made of gold on the altar. They are hand sized. One of the five is set closer to the south edge. Lucien checks for any exit for the creature.
The Dragon will breathe if it can. It does so. It is 7' long cone that comes out into the hallway.
Eomiaje saves but the Endure Cold takes effect for Ragnar and Yohan.
The Frost shoots down through the door. Everyone passed takes 7, those who failed takes 15 damage.
Stevie and Lucien are both down. Lucien actually saves and is at -2 hitpoints! Stevie is at -1 hitpoints. They are unconscious.
The other two Blink Dogs save and one fails. They both are still alive though they were not charging.
We have dealt a bunch of subduing damage. It automatically surrenders. We take down the Dragon in a single minute. Two allies have been nearly frozen to death.
Fothas tries to talk to the Dragon but it grunts. Eomiaje muzzles the White Dragon with rope.
There is a harp, a lantern, an albatross, a horse and a flagon
The front of the altar shows the harp placed in front inside of the indent. The albatross and others are further back.
Eomiaje uses the Rod to Detect Magic. There is a faint magic coming from the altar itself, front the entire surface. He then uses Detect Alignment on the altar. He can detect Good on the altar.
Whirlrender detects the parchment directly to the east. The wall on the eastern side is solid. They only hear the rattling of bones on the ground. Whirlrender senses the map is through the wall, 30-40'.
Treasure from the White Dragon:
Eomiaje makes a prayer to Cine and feels he was well heard but nothing happens.
We all search the room of the Dragon. Yohan finds that a section of the wall taps hollow on the west wall. Eomiaje finds on the altar, on the back right of the lip. He flips the switch. A small room opens up.
There is a shelf, 2 barrels, a crate and a wall switch. We thoroughly search this room.
We find a section of the wall above the table that sounds hollow. Yohan flips the switch which closes. One of the barrels opens the passageway, there is a 5' diameter passage and we can continue.
Risten goes invisible.
We enter the tunnel and is stone fortified for 10' before it becomes dirt and roots. There are long strands of roots hanging down and winds left and right until we come eventually to a burrow, 15' wide and 10' deep. There is a ladder on the far dirt wall. There are rotted planks leading to a hardwood trapdoor in the ceiling. The ceiling is only 7' tall, about half the height of a normal dungeon.
Eomiaje detects magic and evil, no evil but there is magic on the trap door.
Fothas tries to direct the dragon to open the trap door. It climbs up to the surface. Fothas can see a stone ceiling about 15' up. There is a musty scent and he does not hear anything.
Fothas takes the dragon up into the room. There are barrels and crates that are broken and empty. Eomiaje follows up afterwards and Yohan uses Whirlrender to detect a Ring of Animal Friendship. He can sense it above about 80' above us.
Both Lucien and Stevie are conscious now. Ragnar listens at the door and Eomiaje does not hear anything. Ragnar does hear something and as a Blink Dog, he starts whining. Blink Dogs blink through the ethereal plane. Ragnar blinks through the door while Yohan and Whirlrender can detect “walls” but not their precise location so it cannot be used to map out the dungeon.
Yohan tries to sense the Mace that the dwarf was wielding and the sickle that the Druid was holding.
Yohan drinks potion ID 246, it is a potion of Stone Giant Strength! Risten casts Lightning Bolt as soon as we open the door.
In the room beyond is the base level of a stone tower. The stone staircase rises up. There is a wooden door to a sealed off area. There are a number of figures.
On the other side of the door is the Dwarf, Xel-Kir with a footman's mace, Human with a broadsword, the Druid up on the stairs, a Human Fighter, an Elf, and a Thief. The door opens and the three in front are now in melee.
No surprise.
The door is thrown open and Lightning Bolt is unleashed as a forking Lightning Bolt at Xel-Kir and the Human with the broadsword. Actually no…because we are in front of him.
The Elf fails its save and the Human also fails. He deals 17 damage! They both fry and fall to the stairs, the Elf's body lands on the ground below.
Yohan, Ragnar and Fothas attacks. Ragnar have a 75% to blink. He does and he hits! Ragnar does 2 damage. Fothas does 7 damage to the Human Fighter.
Eomiaje was charging through. They get their attacks.
Two backstab attempts against Eomiaje, Both MISS! Xel-Kir attacks with his mace and hits for 16 damage! The broadsword misses. Looking down from the stairs, he sees one guy in Plate Mail (a Cleric) as well as the Druid. Eomiaje hits for 6 damage and dies!
Yohan, Ragnar and Fothas are in combat. Xel-Kir attacks the Blink Dog and hits for 13 damage to Ragnar. The Human with Broadsword misses Ragnar. The two Thieves attack Fothas, one Thief hits for 4 damage. The other Thief attacks Yohan and hits for 4 damage. The Druid's body does not fall.
The door will automatically close.
First thing that happens is one of the Thieves throws down his weapons and cowers. The Magic-User is casting a spell. The other Thief attacks Fothas. Xel-Kir attacks Ragnar and hits. He does 12 damage to Ragnar and Ragnar Drops! He is at 0 hp. The Thief attacks Fothas and misses with a longsword. The Cleric makes a loyalty check and passes. He charges at Eomiaje.
Eomiaje attacks first and slices down the Cleric. His body falls down the stairs and crashes into the wall.
The Magic-User spell finishes and everything is filled with a thick webbing. The Webbing fills the back chamber. They must save at -2 versus magic or are trapped in the webs. Risten, Stevie and Lucien. Risten can keep casting if he does not jump forward. He stays in the room. Risten is half trapped.
The Copper Dragon is called Ahek'slyn.
The Dwarf has AC 0/2. Yohan hits the dwarf for 16 damage. Fothas hits for 8 damage against Xel-Kir and he is cut down!
Risten targets the Magic-User, who is Human and he has a 50% chance to effect him. The Magic-User is slept!
Ragnar is bleeding out from wounds. Stevie, Lucien and Risten are trapped in a web.
The Thief has AC 4/7. Yohan hits the Thief for 19 damage. Eomiaje gets into melee. Everyone except Eomiaje gets a swing at the human as he flees. Yohan hits him for 18 damage. He makes it to the door and throws it open and runs outside. This single Fighter disappears through the doors.
Eomiaje, Yohan and Fothas are all faster. Fothas is on a White Dragon. We easily catch the fleeing enemy.
We all melee the guy. Eomiaje misses, Yohan did 20 damage and kills him.
Eomiaje binds Ragnar and the others start cutting out the Web to free our allies. Fothas ties up the Magic-User.
The trapped characters are only in there for 1 turn. Lucien and Stevie have a 5% chance to suffocate while Risten has a 3%. They Magic-User is tied up. Eomiaje uses the Rod of Alertness. The magic items are:
The magic shield is destroyed by the Lightning Bolt.
There is an empty potion vial also and the Human that tried to flee also has an empty potion vial.
We will head back to the Copper Dragon.
We head back out during the sunset. There is an Owl circling overhead. Over to the east, we can see the ruins. We head toward the Temple, Eomiaje yells out “Ahek'slyn, we have come back”. Yohan and Fothas are outside. We tell Ahek'slyn that both threats are defeated.
The Copper Dragon is very interested in the gold ring. We will not give the ring, even in exchange for a meteoric dagger.
She does not accept our offer for the Javelin in exchange for an escort to town. I tell her that we will return soon to complete our mission.
She does bestow upon us an item, a single piece of jewelry.
We can stay with Ahek'slyn in the back of the Temple or in the White Dragon's Tower.
We head back to the Tower and return to the site of the battle. Lucien, Ragnar and Stevie are staying behind in the temple. We arrive at the tower where the fight took place. We search the area of the tower.
Fothas guards the Dragon and the Magic-User. It takes us a while to search the tower which is unnocupied barracks. We turn up a chest that is locked.
Eomiaje searches for traps and tries to pick the lock. Failing both, he puts his armor back on. Fothas breaks open the lock and finds
On the third floor we find that several people have been staying here. It looks like guard barracks. It takes us an hour to search but we find personal effects, but the Rod of Alertness detects magic in a closet chamber that is covered in dust. There is magic from two points near the ceiling. It is radiating two points of magic, unmoving. Weak magic that are about a foot on either side.
Yohan asks the Magic-User what lies beyond the area. He thinks for a second and those are the places where we have concealed their spells. There is no magic trap but he lies about a magic trap.
The Magic-User is Neutral Evil and the Thief is Lawful Evil. The Thief serves someone who is dead.
Yohan proposes that the Thief can be unbound to get to the place. The Thief makes a Climb check but fails and takes 2 damage from a fall. He tries again. This time he climbs it, he is visibly sweating as he scales the wall. He swings out his arm and there is a big puff of dust which flies off the surface and the entire room is filled with dust and descends upon everyone.
The Magic-User passes, Eomiaje fails his save. It brings a sickness and pain.
EOMIAJE DIES! The Dragon Dies.
Eomiaje uses Divine Intervention and it fails when he prays to Cine.
Fothas collects the brain and blood of the Dragon as they make it back to the temple. They killed the Magic-User and the Thief died.
They sleep and head back in the morning, after staying in the Temple. The weather is still clear outside.
The two Blink Dogs we had with us are no longer there in the morning. The Polymorph is dispelled from the Magic-User and the Blink Dog.
Ragnar is dead after Dispel Magic. The Rod of Passage is used to teleport us back to the Temple of Geos in Ornholm.
Eomiaje, Lucien, Stevie, Yohan and Phineas get an additional 139 gp for the first session. Bag of Holding. (id 260)
They sell the Footman's Mace for 3000 gp. Broadsword sells for 2000 gp.
Ring of Animal Control/Friendship goes to Risten. It is a Ring of Mammal Control. (id 259) Bag of Holding goes to Yohan. Javelins go to Stevie (id 253, id 254) Potion of Healing (taken from the Elf). Lorynth takes a Potion of Healing and Fothas takes the other.
Part 1: Risten, Stevie, Eomiajie, Phineaus, Lucien, Yohan 139 gp
They will try to get Eomiaje reincarnated but first go to Gren to speak with Maervahr.
EOMIAJE'S ITEMS Longsword +1 (id 234) Rod of Alertness (id 37) - PARTY ITEM elixir of phenomenal insight (id 216) RINNANETH (Female Hippogriff Fledgling) Field Plate +2 (id 148)
on his horse, HITHFAER 42 pp, 298 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp 4 x amber gems (100 gp each) 2 x sapphire gems (1000 gp each) 2 x citrine gems (50 gp each) 6 x turquoise gems (10 gp each) 2 x smoky quartz gems (50 gp each) acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.