We are returning to our search for Reir'al.
Ragnar was on bedrest and Voltendo trained. Voltendo has returned from High Dell after training to level 2.
Eomiaje will wear his Leather Armor to bed on odd nights with Fothas. Yohan wears his leather on even nights with Voltendo.
Some of us have purchased medium warhorses. The weather today is cloudy and we are traveling in the direction of the deserted tower.
We are in Maelc.
We have made it to the tower and are planning to create some defenses. Eomiaje strings up some coins to create an “alarm” 200' around the permieter of the tower.
There are plenty of arrows slits and spots to shoot out from the tower at enemies that approach from a distance.
Fothas checks out the tower to see if it can be renovated. It could provide some defenses but it would be hard to get people to live here. It smells bad, like Leucrotta shit.
The weather in the evening clears up and we can see the stars.
On the second watch in the middle of the evening, Voltendo and Fothas are keeping watch. They see a group of spiders moving around in the grass. They are 10's of yards away so they did not trigger my perimeter trap. They are 390' away, 13“
There are 18 Large Spiders coming at us. Fothas and Voltendo wake up the party and get to the door of the tower and make sure the horses are secure. As we look out the cracks of the tower. They get closer and then scurry off to the north. They are lingering in the grass but are not set on going to the tower.
We see a couple of spiders rear up on their legs and a few stop and waver in the night, as though they are picking up scents. None approach the tower and then go toward the north.
The spiders have left and scurry off for whatever reason. The rest of the night goes by without incident.
In the morning, we will continue on our way. We have an advantage on our search due to Whirlrender. We continue on into the southwest which breaks into a meadowland. We see more rare plants as we go. Eomiaje gathers some seeds from some rare plants. He sees a rare kind of Stag beetles, they have a little bit of value. Eomiaje smells death.
Eomiaje scoops up a Stag Beetle (rare).
We find the corpse of a dwarf. Half the bones in his body are broken, something large and heavy broke him. He has a hammer and a backpack. We are 10 miles from the Tower. There is nothing in the Sea of Grass around us.
All 3 Rangers look for tracks in the area around the Dwarf. There is a 4 legged hoofed mammal that appear and leave. No indication of what came and went but Ragnar finds some bone shards of demi-human and human bones that are heavily ground up by heath. They are in a 20' radius of the corpse. There are also some Dwarf sized boots that were here about two weeks old. He has chainmail, he has boots, backpack with platinum inside and other traveling materials.
Yohan strips the body before we move on. He grabs the tabard of the Dwarves of Yaga-Kel. We take a moment to bury the body. Eomiaje spars with Yohan.
Eomiaje uses the Rod of Alertness to check over the items for magic. Nothing glows.
Voltendo is flying around as our scout.
Voltendo sees a group of 7 Lions that are perched up on our path, ahead of us in the meadow. We could go around them if we want. We avoid the lions and travel upwind to avoid releasing our scent.
We come to a small lake situated in the Sea of Grass. Whirlrender says that we have to go around the lake to the north.
The lake has a bunch of different Avian wildlife. We have a water supply here and can do some fishing. Whirlrender things that Reir'al is due southwest of the lake.
Eomiaje does some fishing.
The night goes by without incident.
The weather is clear today.
We finally make it to our destination this day. We come to the ruins of an Elven town. Rising from the Sea of Grass are intricately carved limestone towers and some formerly domestic structures that are spread out in over a mile diameter radius. We are looking down into this area. There are 5 towers in total rising up. They are made of limestone of a dark gray color. Their tops are curved and pointed. There are many intracately carved flourishes inside of a diamond pattern on each of the towers. The towers are 3 stories tall each and some are in disrepair. There is a large plaza made of different stones in the center area. This is the least grassy area of the ruins and we also see a grove to the south west.
The Rangers can tell that there are wild Apple Trees growing in the grove. There is a lot of cover and on the right side of the ruins is an Obelisk that is made of sandstone that is in decent condition, but not as ornate as Sheel'sadorin. There is a large building that is a central longhouse near the Plaza which Eomiaje knows is typical of Elven settlements.
There is also a sizable temple with decorations that Eomiaje notes that they are dedicated to Cine. These hexes are 20 outdoor inches. (200 yards). We have approached from the east.
It looks like the main gate was located by Tower D. There was once a wall but it has blended in with the ruins. There were roads that were paved or stone, one main horizontal and one vertical. We only now see that the meadow is filled with stones. This was probably about 1000 Elves (High Elves) living here. This is larger than anything he knows in the present time.
Yohan asks Whirlrender where to go. He remembers that the hideout had 3 entrances to it and one was more well known than the rest. It was in an inconspicuous location that could be in any structure. He certainly remembers that this was a large Red Woad hideout as it was the main one in the region.
Whirlrender remembers that one of the entrances was relatively public. The Red Woad would take assets under their wings and they would not have revealed one of the special entrances to the people. There is an entrance in a public building that may be associated with a guard or a tavern. The other entrances would have been hidden.
People would have been expected to be polite in the central longhouse so it would not have been used as a tavern as such.
We enter the city from the east and enter the ruins. We see the top of the Obelisk over the crumbling buildings. This place is missing several portions of its walls. This looks like a robust building. It is 60' tall which also has a 20' high tower, that looks more like decorative observation tower.
When we get closer, we can see that it is heavily weathered and we can see ruins of crumbling furniture inside. Up ahead are some objects that are out of place. It looks like a recently set up campsite. Nothing is there and nothing is moving.
Yohan focuses on Whirlrender and Eomiaje uses the Rod of Alertness but we do not detect anything. Eomiaje has the Rod of Alertness in his hands.
There are doors facing the plaza and some facing other directions but the walls are partially collapsed so we could just walk in.
Yohan checks for traps and scouts the edge. He finds some tracks. He finds tracks of what appear to be several humans and a couple Elves and a Dwarf moving here. The party size was 10 and they were wearing robust boots and were here a couple days ago for several days. The last time they were here was 2 days ago. They were carrying a load with them. They seem to enter the building and leave multiple times.
There was some movement of individuals or pairs along with the movement of the group. Yohan also finds that there were a couple of horses. The camp was under the building in a portion under the roof that has not collapsed.
This camp was set up under a week ago and seems to be made by humanoids. Cutting through the entire camp starting at 20' and going through the camp is a streak of blackness on the ground. A straight line where the stone has turned to a bubbling looking consistency and has partially melted, leaving the grass blasted away in that streak. It cuts through 3 Humanoids wearing chainmail and spears, leaving their bodies and weapons totally melted and blasted in a gross manner. The streak is 10' wide.
Looking up, the roof above the camp is solid but Ragnar can see on the edge of the roof is similar blackness so the streak corresponds to a portion of the roof. The roof stone is caustic like the ground. We believe that the source may have been from the air. It looks like it may have splashed.
Fothas examines the bodies. The corpses just look melted by something corrosive. One coin pouch is intact.
Fothas thinks its a Black Dragon's work. It starts 20' before and 20' after the position of the campfire, a total of 40'. The start of the streak begins toward the West / South West going toward the East.
The time of day is past midday. Periodically as we are looking, Yohan uses Locate Object to search for a parchment. He also searches for trapdoors using this feature.
We are not surprised. We are semi-split up searching the building when we notice some movement. The creatures pass langoriously beyond and appear to be some kind of Gazelle without a visible purpose. There are between 15 and 25 Gazelles. They are looking for things to graze on and they move by pretty quickly. Voltendo gives a whistle and after a couple of moments the cry of fear comes from the Gazelle and then there is hideous crunching and death as the Hippogriff eats some.
After a half hour we search the place and only find some clay cups and metal flagons, all brittle and worthless. There is some indication that some stuff was looted at some point.
The group decides to check the Grove…against Eomiaje's will, who wished to go to the Temple instead.
We will go spread out. Voltendo gets back up on Archie to see if anything is coming.
The plaza is empty and nothing remains, not a single stall as we head toward the Apple Grove.
We are not surprised. The towers are the most visible and imposing with different levels of wear. One tower has a bunch of vines and looks like nature is trying to reclaim it. Tower D and Tower E both look robust. Tower A is in bad shape and look like they have a lot of damage.
Near the Obelisk is a battered cart leaning against the side of the Obelisk, parked right next to it. We have not seen much objects made of wood in the place because it has all decayed away. The cart is the only thing. It could be pulled by people or one horse, it is a simple cart. There is nothing visible in the cart.
The Tower is limestone, the Obelisk is sandstone. The temple is in much better shape than the Large Building.
Elithra will go to inspect the Obelisk. Fothas wants to go to the Obelisk so we go. It is 80 feet tall. There is an open stone archway at the base. There is a stone archway at the base but is blocked. Just inside the archway there is only a couple of combat inches of space available on the left side of the two cubes. The two sandstone blocks are in the archway and blocked by the doorframe. They look very heavy. There is another entrance at the top of the Obelisk, which is 80' high, along with a ledge that is very precarious.
There are windows up there. The cart is very battered and looks like it was recently mishandled. The surface of the cart carried containers with boxes and crates, with recent digs into it. The contents did a lot of damage to it. There is nothing on the cart except for 6 gold coins, in the back end pushed up against the back wall. Several spokes of the wheel are missing. The cart is on the left side of the Obelisk. It looks like the cart was parked there. Fothas looks for shifting or moving stone. Voltendo and Elithra focus on detecting evil and they do not Detect any evil. Fothas finds no shifting part to the walls. Whirlrender can Detect Secret Doors within 1/2” but does not find any secret doors.
A Hippogriff could land on the ledge. Whirlrender does not detect anything around the base. The sandstone blocks look heavy but would require someone with a bendbars / lift gates check.
Eomiaje tries to knock down block and he succeeds, it crashes down with a huge slam. The walls are decorated with inscriptions of Elves depicting town life. The images are faded or perhaps not finished. There are signs from outside that this was a fresh construction that was not completed.
There are 12 crates that look to be made of cheap wood that have not rotted at all. Finally we can see the base of the staircase going along the edge of the Obelisk. Normally these go all the way to the top or it could reach a level.
We go inside.
The tops were broken off the crates and the staircase goes all the way to the top floor. There are certain construction points indicated that more work was intended but it is just a shell. The ceiling is the floor of the top floor. The stairs are 10' wide but there are no railings on them.
Eomiaje does not detect magic but Voltendo can detect an evil from above. The Obelisk is 30' x 30' wide. It detects any evil but only detects it on classed characters over 8th level or evil intent. The Paladin can snese evil energy.
The ledge at the top of the Obelisk was 10' wide so a Dragon could fit inside. If we intend to subdue it, we have to use melee weapons but not magic like Lightning Bolts or ranged fire.
Voltendo sees a closed door in the archway. He senses evil beyond the door. Voltendo listens at the door while the rest of us climb up the stairs. It is quiet through the door of the Obelisk.
Fothas and Yohan are coming into the top room of the stairs. There is only a crate and a single wooden box and some affects on the ground.
Second group needs to Roll. We are not surprised.
As Yohan and Fothas get to the top, they hear a noise from behind and we all hear a slight noise. Nobody sees anything but there is something shifted on the ground. There is some shape hiding behind a crate that is man sized.
Yohan and Fothas come down the stairs. Eomiaje activates the rod and can see between the parties he can see clearly a humanoid shape between the two parties that is 7' tall that is covered in hair with wolflike visage. It was sneaking between us toward us. Voltendo finds that the door is barred from this side. Voltendo bends the bars. The bar shatters and goes flying across the room!
The bar hits the stairs and falls down 60' Voltendo is standing next to a human standing next to a crate. He has a shortbow.
Yohan and Fothas engage the creature that Eomiaje can see. Voltendo has engaged the humanoid in melee. The middle party is engaged in melee…actually just Yohan and Fothas.
The man tries to slash at Voltendo. Voltendo has AC 3 and has Protection From Evil. It misses terribly!
On the stairs, the Wolf headed creature attacks out of invisibility on Fothas, who has -3 AC. He is hit! These are attacking as monsters and not with their weapon vs AC, Fothas takes 6 damage.
We all engage and Sleep spell goes off. Voltendo missed, Yohan hits for 12 damage. They appear to be Lycanthropes. Sleep spell effects the creature, which collapses on the stairs. The creature is now visible. He has a ring of gold on his finger. At the top of the stairs.
Voltendo must his AC 5.
The humanoid / Lycanthropes has to make a morale check. He surrenders and throws down his weapon.
We tie up and take the weapons of the enemies. We move the blocks back into position and the bars are not able to be replaced.
The two Lycanthropes speak the common tongue. Were you always Werewolves? No, they were made into Werewolves. They became afflicted with the curse during the war with Macetor including the Vampires and Werewolves. There were a lot of Werewolf attacks. This happened a few years ago. They say they would want to be cured if they could be.
They say that there is a Dragon in the area that arrived 2 days ago. Their group got split up after the attack went poorly. They have been holed up in the Obelisk for 2 days. They spotted a small White Dragon in the sky and ran into the nearest shelter. It was definitely a White Dragon and Eomiaje does not Detect a Lie. They do not know anything about acid spewing creatures. No lies detected. Any passages or tunnels detected around here? Nothing has been found so far though settlements usually have tunnel systems. One of the prisoners say that Elves have tunnels for fear of their lives since they were so few compared to men.
He says he was wearing a Ring of Invisibility, which is not a lie. The sword and arrows do nothing special. We have looted everything they have.
Ragnar searches the crate. Besides their equipment, we also got 2 sacks containing:
The crate contains high quality looking goods, valuable metals, prayer beads and valuable materials, stolen from a merchant. The box contains a nice carved box with a cushion holding 20 small glass vials with liquids of different colors. The box smells like perfumes. No magic is detected.
The vials were stolen along with a bunch of crates on the cart that had some nicer stuff on it. We discuss taking them back to the 6 cities to get cured.
We are inside the Obelisk on the top floor and will camp for the night. Archie will sleep on the ledge outside. Fothas and Elithra both Lay on Hands to Fothas for 6 hp.
Our evening passes uneventfully.
We are discussing the next morning what to do. The Werewolves are despising of their current situation. Fothas offers to hire them for a time before we go back to the 6 cities. They will not fight alongside us due to Voltendo, the Paladin.
Do the prisoners know of any nearby settlements? They say there is a hamlet to the east, with about 200 souls in it. The Lycanthropes will not be welcome there but we will be. They are jumpy folk so only travel outside at night to avoid being seen in the grass. It is 30 miles distant, about 6 hexes away. The hamlet is called Heshib.
We will leave the prisoners in the Obelisk while we explore. Elithra stands watch and the rest of us are going to the Grove…
Risten uses the Ring of Invisibility. The Werewolf says there is not command word but it needs to be twisted. You can go invisible again until after the round you become visible.
We go to the grove. It is poorly maintained Apple Grove but may have had other plants as well. Voltendo can see little creatures moving around in the grove, like Wild Pigs. There is a group of 12 and some other groups spread out. We do not see any ruins inside the grove.
Fothas searches the grove for tunnels or caves. Ragnar looks for tracks. Eomiaje helps Ragnar search. Yohan finds tracks besides the wild pig tracks that are Huge Spider tracks. This was just one path that passed through in the prior days. We pass through larger tracks that look like Boar tracks. The pig tracks look like they have a pattern. They all come to and from the large group of pigs.
We do not find any caves or tunnels but we check where the Huge Spider was going. The tracks come from the south east and went north. The party decides to track the Huge Spider tracks.
As we leave the grove we look for buildings that may have been a tavern. But before we leave and follow the tracks, we can tell that this area is on the edge of the Tavern district. There are less strong rows and that the grove is part of the district that would have had Taverns but havent seen an obvious sign of one.
We search the hexes around the grove, starting north and going counter clockwise. We get toward the 6:00 position and Whirlrender thinks this area would be worth looking at closer. One of these towers may have an entrance because the Red Woad would have protected the city too.
We are surprised and so is the encounter! We stumble upon a group of 9 Wolves sleeping against the wall of a ruin. They are a mere 8 indoor inches away. They do not notice us as they are sleepy.
We have a segment of surprise on them. Ragnar does not fire. Eomiaje tries to talk to them. They growl defensively but do not attack. Eomiaje tosses them 3 weeks of rations. They accept the food and they ask what we want to know. Eomiaje asks if they know where a Dragon resides. They are traveling pack and will be on their way. If we give them Gazelles they will let us know if they see anything.
Voltendo is reluctant but will go Gazelle hunting.
In the same hex, we find a place that was an inn. The top floor was collapsed but it was clearly an inn. Whirlrender says he only came to this location 3 times ever. The Red Woad has the knowledge of the Towers of the Windgrass Emberwatch.
Yohan searches through the rubble while Eomiaje searches for anything magical. Fothas sees Voltendo and Archie going Gazelle hunting from a perched position. Whirlrender quickly locates a staircase under a crumbling portion of the wall. The opening is wide enough for 3 people abrest to come down. The stairs going down are made of stone so Fothas checks the wall construction. The construction of the stairs are stable but a Giant could collapse the wall onto the stairs.
Voltendo returns after 4 turns and delivers a Gazelle after feeding some of it to the Wolves. They accept it.
We head down into the basement with Continual Light. Ragnar has 2“ radius of light.
We descend into the basement and smell a sickening stench of something living and not death, more like sweat slime or sewer. Voltendo does not detect any evil. The source is not apparent but also the basement looks to be ransacked long ago. We do see a trap door in the stone floor that is open. It goes down 30 degrees at an angle down a ramp. The ramp is made of stone and Fothas thinks its stable.
We descend down the ramp and find ourselves in a cavern that is naturally carved. These are sometimes designed to store Ice. It is kind of cold but the smell has gotten worse…
We are not surprised.
It is believed that a small White Dragon could get through this but an ancient Dragon could not. This could be a perfect spot for one. We sense movement up ahead, further than 60'. There is a faint glow from up ahead, dim and close to the ground. Its not as bright as a torch and we can see vague shadows up ahead.
There is quick movement that are man sized creatures with scales and fins on their backs, claws on their fingers. They are wielding veined javelins. Voltendo detects that they are evil. They are rushing forward with their javelins. Ragnar fires twice at 5”. They have AC 6. He hits one for 4 damage and then misses.
They are not deterred. 16 come into view and unleash their javelins into our group.
3 shots at Fothas AC -5/4 (-8 vs a javelin), no hits. 3 attacks on Yohan missed. Eomiaje is missed. Voltendo is missed. Ragnar has AC 5/7. All of them hit. These javelins and do 2d4 damage each! He takes 19 damage. One reroll on Voltendo and he is hit for 6 damage. Voltendo goes down!
The Hippogriff is outside. Risten is invisible and they do not see him. They are no out of Javelins
The Troglodytes move to engage. Risten has stablized Voltendo.
Ragnar, Eomiaje and Yohan all suffer from the stench. -1 STR to those who fail their save.
The Troglodytes attack with their claws and teeth. There are two attacking Yohan. 3 claw hits, he takes 6 damage. Fothas is now at -5 AC, there are no hits on him. Eomiaje is missed also at -6 AC.
Ragnar is attacked by 6 of them. One claw does 1 damage, 2 claws do 5, 1 bite hits for 4 damage and is at -1 hp. Ragnar is down!
Two more attacks on Eomiaje, no hits. One misses and he is surrounded now. One hit on Fothas for 1 damage. Two side attacks on Yohan he takes a claw and bite hit for 2 and 4 damage, and two claws for 5 more damage.
We stay in melee around Voltendo, who is not taken out.
Eomiaje hits for 5 damage. There is one dead after Yohan does 11 damage. There are 15 left.
They are attacking the three front liners. 4 on Fothas, 6 on Eomiaje and 5 on Yohan. Yohan is hit by a bite and claw for 4 damage, another claw for 1 damage, all misses on flanks and two more claws for 2 damage.
Fothas is surrounded, no hits. Eomiaje is also surrounded. 1 hit on a bite and one claw. Yohan did 10 damage killing one, Fothas also killed one for 7 damage. Sleep goes off.
5 of the Troglodytes are Slept!
Morale check on the Troglodytes. They will be fleeing!
Eomiaje kills one with a backstab. Yohan did 12, Fothas did 11. We kill 3 of them as they flee.
They are in range of Sleep but his spell knocks them all out.
We kill the sleeping ones.
Ragnar's wounds are bound. The Troglodytes have some sacks with them. One has a sack.
The cave ends and then continues around to the east. This section is rubble filled and rough. There is quite a lot of rubble along the edges. The glow was coming from a phosphorescent fungus. Not more than a foot off the ground.
Eomiaje collects some of the fungus while Yohan uses Whirlrender to detect objects.
Risten goes invisible while throwing a coin ahead and moves up carefully. he finds that the cavern is closed off down here. There is rubble down in this direction. He finds faintly on the wall is an inscription of a faint carving of two trees that have their branches intertwined together.
Eomiaje checks out the inscription, there is no writing with the trees. We are not familiar with this. Whirlrender says this is the symbol of the Red Woad.
We search for a secret door but Whirlrender says there is a secret door but to enter these portals, there is often a keyword or phrase is uttered. Whirlrender utters an Elven phrase that is a command word that Eomiaje is unfamiliar with. The wall breaks open revealing a passageway into a dungeon hallway. It goes up 30' ahead. Whirlrender utters the phrase backwards and the door closes.
We head back with Voltendo and Ragnar.
We pick up our prisoners first before heading to the Hamlet of Heshib. We let them go to their Wolf forms as we head back to town.
We travel and arrive in Heshib, the Werewolves in human form. Risten speaks for us and gets a +10 to his reaction. We have a friendly reaction and we manage to secure some space in their modest inn for the evening.
Their Cleric is only 4th level and only have a house of shrines. They do not have a lot of goods to sell. Eomiaje will look after Archie the Hippogriff. We find that the Cleric in the village can buy the gems.
We sell the 1000 gp gem to the Cleric for 800 gp.
There were 6 players and 1 henchmen. Thats 436 xp for treasure.
PC shares: 34 pp, 266 gp, henchmen get half
Ragnar gets the Ring of Invisibility. It is id 254.
Elithra 279 xp Players 777 xp Ragnar 2277 xp
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