Fulmok and Lygan were grabbed by the Water Weirds.
Initiative is rolled.
Ekkor uses Divine Intervention but it fails…
Anthrys and Khekhor try to open the door. They fail to open it. Jacob charges and attacks at the same time as the Water Weird. Jacob hits twice for 14 damage and 10 damage. One blow completely obliterates one of the Water Weirds. Lygan is no longer drowning.
One attack against Jacob who has AC -6. The Water Weird misses. Jacob gets two more attacks and hits for 12 damage, destroying the one on Fulmok! Fulmok is freed! The other Water Weird also takes 12 damage. There is one active one left.
Pithor does not open the door either.
Thorgard has Protection from Evil on him and is charging.
The Water Weird must make a Morale Check. It descends down to the current and tries to slip away through the current.
Jacob hits twice as it flees for 11 and 13 damage as it is obliterated.
Thorgard tries to pull out Lygan. Hold Monster goes off and has no effect on the Water Weirds. Pithor opens the door and we are able to escape out onto the staircase.
We make it out.
We were inside the ruins of An'karet Kepra. Fulmok still needs healing.
We discuss how to kill a Water Weird and find the entry for Purify Water in Eldritch Wizardry.
Purify Water: A limited form of the clerical “Purify Food and Water” spell, which affects only water, but is otherwise the same.
It is 4 hours or more until nightfall.
We return to our camp and Cyn'neth, our Elf guide is still at camp. Josalyn will re-prepare her new 1st and 2nd level spells.
We are joined by Ynfrin who will bring a couple more Magic Missiles to the group.
Back at camp, we only see scattered trees around. Pithor begins cutting the grass with his sword.
Jacob tries out the magic harp and will strum it. It does not start building. He feels like something in his being as if something is there that can be reached out to, but he just feels the edge of a tune. He may be able to figure out a song from it. He tries to figure out the song.
Maervahr helps with clearing out the grass while Lygan talks to the Elf about the Water Weird.
Jacob must roll 6d6 under his INT and CHA to find the guidance of the harp. The harp is guiding him to play a song but is not quite getting. It took one hour to figure out. He tries again after another hour. This time a different song comes to Jacob. The first one was peaceful and solid. This song is much more melodic and lively in sound. He nails the tune…
Everybody except Jacob feels moved. We feel enthralled by the song. Jacob has control over the music to insert a suggestion.
We get a 5“ radius of clearing around the camp. 10” diameter. With Thorgard's help and other people, its 16“ diameter now.
Tatrin and Josalyn recover 4 1st level spells. It takes 5 hours.
We will head back in and deal with the Water Weirds…
Jacob goes in and is holding the Rod of Flailing. Josalyn is going to be casting.
We move past the spitting Satyr. Jacob, Thorgard and Fulmok are on doors. We see the Satyr's mouth move slightly after Lygan insults it.
We do not see any Water Weirds so we end up going to the north west chamber.
Thorgard and Jacob move in to confront the Water Weirds. Tatrin and Josalyn also approach.
The pool begins bubbling. Jacob swings at them along with Thorgard.
Jacob's swings miss but then he does 10 and 11 damage. Jacob beats one down as it is forming. Thorgard hit for 10 and 9 damage too. He also beats one into submission using a flail.
Josalyn is casting Purify Food and Water on the pool. The spell destroys one of the Water Weirds, actually all of the Water Weirds are obliterated!
50,000 gallons of water were purified by the Sweet Water potion from Josalyn. Inside of the pool are a few, 6, rusty curved elven daggers. One of the skeletons is wearing a bracelet and another one has a ring on it with a signet.
Tatrin tries to turn the Skeletons in the pool. Josalyn also turns everything. The Skeletons do not react.
Pithor, Fulmok and Lygan go into the pool.
We go south.
We head through the door and find a mural of Elven women dancing and a Satyr. There are vials and skeletons in here. One holds a vial and one holds a curved dagger. The vials are set upon a table.
Turn Undead does not effect the Skeletons in here.
We search the room for secret doors and sliding panels. Josalyn casts Find Traps.
No traps are detected. We do not find anything moving or sliding in the corner. We find that the Satyr on the relief presses in. The wall opens and we see the room we were in previously.
Pithor takes the dagger to take a closer look at it. There are no inscriptions on the dagger. It is thin and lithe.
We head back north and listen at the North Door. Maervahr and Khekhor both listen.
The party opens up all the doors and Josalyn casts Detect Magic, we detect none in the north chamber, none in the Elven Woman's bath, In the room with the Satyr Skeleton is no magic, Nothing in the south bath.
There is light magic on one of the vials (the Elven Male's room), Strong Magic on the detachable part of the acacia ring, strong magic on the harp, no magic on the vials or incense or rusty daggers.
We exit An'karet Kepra and make for camp. We rest for the evening which goes by without incident.
Today is it still raining hard.
Maervahr is memorizing a 5th and a 3rd level spell for a total of 8 hours. We have 9.75 hours of daylight left.
Maervahr casts Stoneskin on Jacob, Deeppockets on himself and Invisibility on Koriss.
We enter the main chamber and Josalyn casts Find Traps before we open the eastern door. Josalyn does not detect any traps.
We fail to open it the first time but get the door on the second attempt.
We see another door immediately through, leading south and the passage continues to a large chamber beyond.
The party heads forward into the chamber beyond. We can see that the floor is covered in a mosaic. It depicts Elves dancing with Sylphs and Cats. The ceiling is domed and there is an astounding mural of celestial bodies on the ceiling. There is a comet streaking across the ceiling. There is a corpse lying on the ground, near the north door.
Turn Undead is used on the Skeleton. The body does not move. It looks human and he has armor, chainmail, there is a purse on his belt and he has a shield and a mace. There is a terrible bruise on his neck.
Jacob yells “Grass Spirit, we are hear to parley”. Ynfrin tries to disbelieve the Skeleton but it does not change when he looks at it.
Maervahr searches the south wall with his group while Thorgard inspects the body. Thorgard sees that the body is severely disfigured. The skull broke and the bruise covers most of the body. He is robust with some years and has a silver holy symbol of Rook. He is wearing chainmail, has a backpack. He finds a ring on his hand with an icon of the Wistful Sword Brotherhood. There is a large amount of coins .
Maervahr was tapping along the southern wall and finds that the wall sounds solid. He notices on the ground, on the floor, there is a faint but clear carving on the ground. It is a depiction of an eye that is closed. It is about the width of a copper piece.
Maervahr uses Detection of Magic. He sees magic on the wall and it is an illusion. They disbelieve the wall. Savina and Ynfrin try to disbelieve the wall. Ynfrin sees that the wall waves as though through heat rising. The wall does not disappear but looks unstable.
No traps are detected in this room by Josalyn. Ynfrin closes his eye and presses his face against the wall. When he does this, we all see his head pass through the wall and stumbles a bit as he almost falls forward.
Jacob tries to put his hand through and its solid. Maervahr tells Pithor to go through while closing his eyes. Pithor was able to pass through the wall with his eyes closed but he returns.
Josalyn is casting Dispel Magic on the wall. She will have to dispel versus an 8th level caster. She succeeds.
The entire wall section disappears revealing a room dominated by an 8' tall stone statue. It is an armored Elf warrior that is highly detailed.
Thorgard, Maervahr and Pithor search the statue. Jacob tries to talk to the statue “Hello, why has calamity struck” He says it in Elvish.
The statue animates and looks at him with Pupiless eyes. Its head moved but its still in position.
Jacob asks again “Nod if there is a calamity”. The statue nods while Ynfrin puts Holy Water on the statue, which looks down but does not see Ynfrin.
Jacob speaks in Common, “Something angered the Grass Spirit.” He returns to ask the statue if this was its home. It does not do anything. “Was it here to protect the master and was it created by the master of the palace?” It nods to being created by the master of the place.
Is the statue willing to search this place? Jacob asks the question. It nods. Jacob then asks in Elvish if the body to the north defiled this place? Yes, it nods. Were there others? It does not react.
Maervahr asks permission to go through the north door of the Stone Statue. It nods. It also nods for the west door.
We go to the south west door and open it.
We come to a room with 14 hardwood lockers and an arrow slit. There is a set of stairs to the west going down. There are no traps detected in this room. It is a little chilly in here, more than usual. We start looking through the footlockers. We find some moth eaten clothing, the 4th locker is locked, the 5th and 6th has more clothes. 8 and 9 are locked and the last ones are empty and have moth eaten clothes.
We try to pick the locks. Fulmok tries the first. He opens it, there is a pair of riding boots on the ground. Fulmok puts on the boots. The boots fit snuggly and perfect for his feet. He tries to tap and they sound regular. Fulmok cant jump higher but feel springy.
Koriss and Fulmok fail to open the second one. But Koriss finds a letter with a broken seal.
Maervahr reads it, A letter from Xensu’ri to Ra'talem. Its an invitation to the palace on how to handle the encroaching mobs of mankind. Someone should act…
Lygan tries to break open the locker and finds a folded set of clothes after breaking it. They are clothes made for riding. There is a nice pair of gloves made of moleskin. They are small for him.
Josalyn detects strong magic on the Riding Boots but nowhere else.
We head down the stairs in our normal formation.
We descend into a dark chamber. There is the odor of death. There is a door going outside and fine sand. Yellowed skeletons of horses lie around. These are a group of stables and we see skeletons inside the horse bays.
Josalyn tries to Turn Undead. Nothing happens.
Walking on the walls with the boots does not work. The south door is slightly open and leads outside and the north door is slightly ajar.
Find Traps is cast and no traps are found. We easily push open the door.
Inside is a small chamber with utensils for working on horses. To the north is a passage that is 10' wide and goes into a natural cave passage. There are different concentrations of death. The smell of death is fresh death, not old decay.
We head up the cave passage.
Nothing happens when Tatrin puts on the boots.
We see a rockfall to the left and it looks recent to Thorgard. It would take us 20 minutes to clear it. The passage continues forward and forks. Find Traps is still going.
We come to an intersection to our right is a continued passage and another goes to a larger area. The group follows the right path.
The two passageways to our left open to a larger area but it is shadowy beyond, as if there is an obstruction. We see large shapes subtly moving in the blackness of the left chamber.
There are a couple as big as horses.
Tied initiative.
Hold Monster is 5 segments while the other spells are 1 segment. Turn Undead effects Wraiths and Mummies but they are not disturbing the shapes. The shapes move toward us very quickly. They move 1.2” per segment. Currently they are 4“ away. Color Spray and Sleep goes off. Sleep has no effect.
We see 4 Giant Spiders, horse sized. It only effects two of the Spiders. They are 5+5 HD so they get a saving throw or are blinded for 1d4 rounds. 2 Giant Spiders are effected by it and are Blinded! The color spray strikes 2 Spiders in their eyes for 1d4 rounds. They continue their charge despite being blinded.
Pithor hits for 5 damage, Thorgard hit for 6 damage, Ekkor hit for 3 damage. All of them are wounded. NVM Pithor was not in melee yet.
Lygan is attacked and Ekkor is attacked by 3. Lygan is hit and takes 5 damage and must save versus poison. Lygan did not save and drops to the ground and dies. His henchmen is attacked by 3, Ekkor is also being attacked by the blinded ones. One Giant Spider hits and Stoneskin prevents it. Ekkor defends himself from the Spiders. All of the spiders disappear after they bite.
We won initiative. Hold Monster goes off and there are no visible targets. Jacob hits for 7, Thorgard hits one for 16. None of the spiders are dead yet. Fulmok hits for 6 damage.
Lygan is no longer dead.
One spider attacks Ekkor. Phase Spiders do not get a bonus to attack since they cannot see us on the Material plane. Ekkor is missed! Fulmok is attacked and missed also and missed again. Jacob is missed.
They phase out on segment 6. Prayer goes off on segment 8.
The Spiders attack first. Actually, Thorgard can make a second attack since they didnt make an attack last round. Prayer is going so we all get +1 to attack. Thorgard hits for 16 damage and 13 damage from Jacob. More of the spiders are wounded and they attack on segment 4.
Jacob is attacked 3 times and Thorgard is attacked once. Jacob has AC -9. No hits on Jacob. There is one attack on Thorgard. He has -4 AC with Prayer. They phase out on segment 5, no attacks for us.
Lygan and Ekkor disengage.
Pithor did 13 damage and Jacob does 15 damage, Thorgard did 8 damage, we kill 2!
They phase out on segment 4. One of the blinded ones was killed. There are two left that attacks. They miss Jacob and Thorgard but hit Pithor, Stoneskin!
Jacob hits the non blinded spider for 5 damage. Thorgard hit for 12, Fulmok hits for 7 damage, there is only one Spider left.
Pithor is killed by poison and takes 4 damage as he is bitten.
The Final Spider is dead but gets an attack, it misses.
Josalyn casts Slow Poison on Pithor while Fulmok starts harvesting poison. Pithor will get some of the Balm too which lasts a day.
Our light penetrates several normal sized spider webs in here. Regular sized spiders.
In the other room are cocoons, about goat sized. We see a total of 11 coccoons. In one of the cocoons, inside the webbing, is a knife opening dragging along the cocoons. A terrible smell comes out, of a dead boar.
They find 3 Giant Bee carcasses, a Gazelle, two men, and a third man wearing ruined plate mail that has been shattered. It is dug into his skin. He is wrapped up with a flail, a shortsword, 3 javelins, and a shield.
Maervahr uses Detection of Magic on the items. There is a strong magic on the shortsword. It does not look elven, but is Hinterlands style. Anthrys tries it out. This corpse has an identical signet ring of the Wistful Sword.
Fulmok gets +2 and an always strike first capability.
Pithor starts clearing out spider webs from the other room. He easily clears out the webs as the spiders scatter.
It is still raining as we leave.
Day 1 no encounters but the rain is light.
Day 2, nothing happens but our movement speed is halved due to rain. It is hard rain.
Day 3, it gets cloudy.
We make it to Maelc and look for a Cleric capable of casting Neutralize Poison. There is no Cleric in Maelc.
We make it back to Ornholm and Neutralize Poison is cast on both Lygan and Pithor.
Loot: 12/4/24 2 gems 350 gp Potion magic Glowing Broad Sword +1 Golden Hooka 300 coins (1500 gp) 5 vials 3 type a, 1 type b, 1 type c 1 is magic (40 gp each) 4 blocks of incense (smells like cinnamon) (50 gp each) Harp Ivory strong magic Cloak magic Jeweled Slippers (700 gp)
Part 2: 12/11/24 Bronze Ring w/ detachable charm acacia tree (charm is magic) Silvery-Gold Bracelet Hibiscus (800 gp) 6 rusty elven daggers pool 3 vials of oil, 2 vials of thinner liquid, 1 vial medium consistence (130 gp each) 6 blocks of incense Hibiscus/Lilacs (50 gp each) Curved Dagger (slightly rusty)
600 ep Signet Ring of Wistful Sword BH x2 (100 gp each) silver holy symbol Chainmail human (magic) +1 Riding Boots magic- foot locker Letter w/ broken seal- foot locker Riding clothing & Gloves- Footlocker (150 gp)
615 gp 2 gem Short Sword magic +2 sword of speed 3 javelins magic, +1 Javelins
Selling Chainmail +1 (normal price)
Fulmok gets Shortsword +2, 3x +1 Javelins. (id 247) Lygan takes the ring with charm. Thorgard tries a potion, he gets a sense of well being and his wounds heal a little. Potion of healing. (id 249) He tries the potion from the central chamber, save versus poison. Holt neutralizes that. Potion of healing for Thorgard. Savina takes the cloak Ynfrin takes the boots (id 251), they work on a horse. They allow your mount to jump 30' horizontally and 1.25 speed and charge at double speed. Jacob takes the harp. Fulmok will take the broadsword +1 (id 248)
Here is the GP split then
Part 1: everyone but Infrin 940 gp Hookah 1500 gp Jeweled Slippers 700 gp Gems: 10 gp, 100 gp
Part 2: 4685 gp 600 ep Silvery-Gold Bracelet 800 gp Gems: 500 gp, 1000 gp
Thorgard bought the hookah while Savina bought all the other jewelry and valuables.
Last week - 332 gp, half for henchmen
part 1: 332gp, henchmen get half
part 2: 664gp, 56ep, henchmen get half (692 treasure xp)
Lygan has to save versus poison but he fails and HAS A DISEASE.
Ynfrin gets 2692 xp.
For those with no magic items, PCs get 1919 xp Fulmok 4619 xp Jacob 2189 xp Henchmen get 713
996 gp, 56 ep total 498 gp, 28 ep henchmen acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.