We are going to Reir'al to find the other Emberwatch Towers.
Ragnar is done with training on Blood Moon the 11th, 498. The party is currently in Gren. Fothas is going with his bow out.
Ranger class quest. Make a map to Reir'al is one of the objectives. Magical or alchemical items that can be found and the corpse of an evil creature of significant power. Whirlrender will reduce our chance of getting lost. Yohan is looking for any old maps and a sage to help find the location. We would have to pay for that and wait for the results.
The terrain will vary, so we would have a 3 in 10 chance to get lost with advantage due to Whirlrender. Whirlrender knows of the direction about 7 miles south of the Windgrass Emberwatch.
We are all riding on Medium Warhorses or lighter, and Hippogriffs. We need to stop in Ornholm first.
The weather is clear before we head out from Gren.
Travel to Ornholm is uneventful and the weather remains clear in the evening.
Today is hot and halves our movement points for the day so we decide to stay in Ornholm for the day. A forced march would require us to rest for 10 extra hours the next day.
We check for rumors around Ornholm. Nothing is heard.
The weather is clear today and our travel to Maelc is uneventful. Whirlrender has a general idea of where to go from the Tower of the Emberwatch. We head south to the Tower. We travel to the south east from whatever Whirlrender remembers where to go. It is around 80 miles to get to the place we need to get to.
We will roll to see if we get lost once per day. We have a 1 in 3 chance to get lost with advantage. The first day is steady. Whirlrender takes us to the south west. We traveled for most of the day, about 7/8ths of the day.
Voltendo sees a structure about 5 miles away, a stone tower. Eomiaje searches for tracks as we approach or anything that may have disturbed the grass. Phineas looks off in the distance to spot anyone in the area.
So far, the only terrain passed through has been Sea of Grass. Both Eomiaje and Yohan find tracks of animals in the area. We also discover tracks of individual hooved animals that have passed through in the past few weeks, traveling alone. They look like the same sort of animal. They are probably the size and weight of the largest horses. They dont look like horse hooves or cow hooves.
We approach the ruined tower. It is made of plain stone and has fallen into disrepair. It is a freestanding tower. There may have been a palisade in the past but it is gone. We hear the cry of a woman in distress or elf. We only hear the woman and nothing else. More Human than Elf.
Phineas casts Find Traps and Risten casts Invisibility on himself. The Rod of Alertness can be used to sense enemies within 12“ radius. The grass grows outside the tower and to the inside.
The foundation is in disrepair but Eomiaje will use the Rod of Alertness once we get close. It uses 1 charge and a Prayer spell is released on us. The light orbs fly out into the tower. It illuminates something in the grass inside. There is danger inside that we all feel. It illuminates the base of the tower and the voice is from the upper part of the tower.
Voltendo detects evil just inside the doorway. We head quickly to the door and go into the Tower.
Immediately we see two creatures inside positioned to jump onto someone, they are the largest horses we can imagine. They have the tail of a lion and their skull is exposed along the mouthline with a sawlike ring of teeth.
There is some ruined stairs running along the edge of the tower. The second and third floor are partially collapsed.
We win initiative this round. Elithra fires at two Horse-like creatures. Elithra shoots at Voltendo. Eomiaje hits for 15 and others hit too, neither are slain though. The creatures retaliate. The one on the stairs leaps down and charges into battle. Two in melee are attacking Yohan and Ragnar.
Yohan has AC -2, He is missed! Ragnar has AC 5 and is hit on a 7, he is hit for 15 damage!
Elithra avoids taking a shot. The other Horse creature goes for Ragnar. It hits for 4 damage.
Ragnar hits for 9, Yohan hit for 9, Eomiaje missed. Phineas hits for 3. The creatures are badly wounded. We have 6 potential targets. Eomiaje has -7 AC, he is missed! Ragnar has AC 7, he is hit again. He takes 13 damage and he is at -3 hp.
Elithra charges but misses.
Yohan kills one and Voltendo hits for 6 which also kills one! Two are down! There are 7 possible targets. Two attacks on Yohan and one on Eomiaje. Eomiaje is missed, Yohan is hit for 17 damage! Ragnar is down to -4 hp.
Morale Check on the Horse Creatures since they are reduced by 50% in their numbers. The final creature tries to flee, We do 11, 7, 10, 4 damage between. It flees but gets a fleeing attack. One on Yohan and one on Voltendo. Yohan is hit and Voltendo is missed. Yohan takes another 6 damage but we cut it down.
We secure our companion Ragnar and bind his wounds. We remove the heads.
Phineas heals Yohan for 3. Voltendo lays hands on Yohan for 2 as does Elithra, total of 4. Another 6 hp of healing. Ragnar is secured and we check the tower. There is one gap between one set of stairs.
We used our grapnel to scale up the tower.
We can roll treasure type D
We searched the whole tower and we found no other bodies or people. The voice must have come from the Horse Creatures. They spar with the spars and both seem to be +4 Spears each! Fothas gets the 10' spear (id 244) and Voltendo gets the 13' spear (id 245). Risten holds the potion.
1 last CLW is cast on Ragnar for 1 hp.
We are 6 hexes from the Tower of the Windgrass Emberwatch. The party is sleeping on the upper level of the tower with our Horses and Hippogriff inside the tower.
We set up camp…
We see a group of 11 creatures, dog sized 4 legged moving around kind of slowly during the first watch. Fothas wears Elven Chain on odd nights. Yohan quietly wakes people up. Ragnar is in the corner.
Voltendo straps himself into his Hippogriff, he will do this on the second round. Phineas lights a torch.
The creatures detected something and begin moving in a unified pattern toward the base of the tower. Yohan starts yelling to scare them off. We will have to hit AC 7.
Risten casts Magic Missile next round. Yohan hits one for 1 hp. The creatures approach the base of the tower. They have moved to the horses. We hear our horses whinying the Wolves begin snapping at them.
Our Warhorses are engaged with the Wolves.
Tied initiative. Eomiaje hits Phineas's Horse for 5 damage.
The Horses and the Wolves attack each other. Eomiaje's Warhorse hit for 4 damage, Ragnars hit for 2, Yohans hit for 7. Elithra's horse did 4, Phineas's horse did 1 damage. One Wolf is killed.
11 Wolves attack. 2 Wolves attack Yohan's horse, hits once for 5 damage. 2 on Fothas's horse, 1 hit for 2 damage. 2 on Eomiaje's horse for 2 damage, Ragnar's horse misses. Phineas's Horse takes 2 and 4 damage.
Phineas's Medium Warhorse dies. Magic Missile kills one Wolf. There are 9 Wolves.
Yohan and Fothas take their swings. Yohan hits for 8 damage. Yohan and Fothas are now being attacked by 9 Wolves. 6 Wolves attack Yohan, one is a rear attack. Two hits on Yohan, Fothas has AC 8 who is hit once. Yohan takes 4 damage and Fothas takes 3 damage.
We are all engaged in melee now.
Fothas does 11 damage, Yohan does 8, Fothas kills one. Eomiaje misses, Elithra did 7 damage, kills another one. Voltendo's Hippogriff kills one in the dive.
Morale check on the Wolves. They are disengaging, trying to retreat. Fothas kills one, there are 5 left. Yohan does 11 damage to one. Voltendo does 8 damage. The Hippogriff does 6 damage.
We let them get away as they flee.
The combat round is over. Eomiaje and Voltendo will wear leather armor during even nights. He is also wielding the Rod of Alertness, so we are only surprised on a 1 in 8.
We are not surprised during the third watch. Eomiaje is on that one.
Eomiaje spots 18 dog sized animals moving from the other side of the tower. They are moving erratically and quickly. They are at 11” from the tower.
We wake everyone up. Phineas prepares some oil. The creatures move along the ground erratically, but much slower than a wolf. As they get close they look like insects, Dog Sized Spiders.
Phineas can try to drop it on them. They are also going for the walls. The oil is thrown and it is outside of splash range, the oil ignites the grass near the Spiders. The Spiders make it to the edge of the tower by the end of the round.
There are 18 large Spiders. They are scurrying to the door and to the walls. Half went for the doors and the rest went for the walls. 9 try to attack the Warhorses.
Eomiaje's warhorse did 4 damage, Ragnars does 5 and kills one, Yohans did 6, Ristens did 2. Elithras warhorse did 5 damage.
Anyone can shoot the Spiders as they climb up. 3 attacks on Yohan's horse. Only one hit for 1 damage and save versus poison at 14, Yohan's horse is killed. Eomiaje's horse is missed. Fothas's horse is panicked and takes 1 damage, fails it's save. Fothas's horse is dead. Elithra's horse is hit for 1 damage and must save. Her horse is also dead. Ragnar's horse takes 1 damage and must save, it saves! Two attacks on Risten's horse, 1 damage and a save, failed it dies. There is 1 spider dead.
Ragnar's horse kills one, Eomiaje's horse kills one.
3 attacks on Eomiaje's horse, 1 hp of damage . Eomiaje's horse is dead from poison. 1 attack on Ragnar's horse, 1 damage and must save. He saves! another hitpoint and his horse saves again!
Ragnar's horse is hit and fails, it dies! Voltendo and have taken to the wing and have taken off.
Eomiaje engages the 6 Spiders at the bottom. There are 9 at the top.
Eomiaje hits for 10 damage and kills one. They only hit him on 20's, not hits and no hit.
He can see at the top of his eye that the spiders are maneuvering.
Eomiaje hits for 5 damage and kills one.
Misses this round. No hits on Eomiaje.
No hits and 1 hit, STONESKIN!
Eomiaje is surrounded by 8 of them. The other 5 will be moving toward Archie and Voltendo.
Eomiaje kills another after 7 damage. No hits this round.
Elithra fires arrows. The Grass Fire was going during a previous round. The fire has been growing. The fire was going on outside the entrance. The 5 Spiders are 18“ away from Voltendo. There are 7 Spiders on Eomiaje.
Eomiaje hits for 9 damage and kills one. The other Spiders have concealment and AC 6. Both Voltendo's arrows miss. Now the others are 12” away.
6 Spiders attacking Eomiaje, No hits!
Eomiaje hits for 6 damage, killing one. Elithra missed. 6 attacks on Eomiaje miss.
Voltendo flies back up.
The spiders get within 6“ before Voltendo flies up. Theres a sizable conflagration around the tower.
Eomiaje kills another one.
Eomiaje kills one for 12 damage. They dont have a morale check.
4 attacks miss Eomiaje. Voltendo flies back down.
Eomiaje hits for 7 but does not kill one. Archie and Elithra, Voltendo all land.
Eomiaje hits for 11 and kills one. Elithra misses her shots.
Eomiaje misses but is hit for 1 hp and will fail its save. No damage is taken.
2 attacks on Eomiaje, misses. He kills one with 10 damage.
Elithra hits for 6 damage, but does not kill one.
Eomiaje misses. The other spiders disperse.
Eomiaje kills the last Spider.
Eomiaje grabs the coins of Ragnar and Yohan and goes back up. Voltendo comes back to the tower. The entire tower is surrounded by flames.
Eomiaje starts pulling stuff off the horses and taking it to the top of the tower where Voltendo and starts moving stuff away.
There is an encounter check to see what is attracted to the fire. It attracted Trolls and went somewhere else.
Voltendo flies back and Eomiaje starts walking back.
Voltendo and Elithra are airborne.
Hipporgriff riders are not surprised.
Voltendo sees men with carts coming in the direction that she came from. Voltendo lands and tries to parley. She meets a group of Pilgrims of Geos that are so enthused by her presence, they invite her to camp with them. She is almost back to Maelc. They will seel some horses but even though they dont have a huge number, they will give her one for free. She buys one light and one heavy. They will give the Heavy Warhorse for free and to pay for the Light Warhorse.
Eomiaje has 4 movement points per day. No encounters during the day or at night for him.
Voltendo takes the Light Warhorse back to Eomiaje. Elithra stays with the caravan. They find Eomiaje the next morning.
Eomiaje has a Light Warhorse to ride now. 2/3rds of a day.
We have made it back to Maelc.
It took 2 days to get back to Maelc.
Travel day.
Arrived back in Maelc.
Eomiaje, Voltendo and Elithra stay here in Maelc while the rest of the party is back in Mombafra.
The three monsters are LEUCROTTA. These heads will qualify for the corpse. We can use this for a DL 4 completion quest.
If there is a trader from YAGA-KEL, the Dwarven hold, then we can sell stuff in Maelc.
Elithra, Eomiaje and Voltendo head back to Ornholm.
Voltendo is not surprised.
Encounter distance is 18”. In the grass in a marshy pond area, Voltendo spots 9 Giant Toads. We evade the Giant Toads.
We make it back to ORNHOLM!
Voltendo and Fothas each take the +4 Spears.
Risten sips the potion. Nothing happens. Fothas sips it and his muscles feel powerful like granite stone. Potion of Heroism. Potion of Heroism goes to Yohan, id 246.
Phineas is at 1024 debt.
There is 5920 gp worth of gems.
The Spider XP is split between Phineas, Voltendo, Elithra and Eomiaje.
556 gp each, half for henchmen.
Elithra gets 480 xp
Ristan Ragnar 897
Eomiaje and Phineas 1239
Fothas 3397
Voltendo 3739
Eomiaje donates 100 gp to Phineas for his horse.
Voltendo has 6 hp.
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