Continuation of the battle against the Bandit Camp.
Jacob and Thorgard chased after the fleeing guards and the full plate wearing leveled Fighter.
Timbraun and Litlee are on hasted warhorses with Maervahr pursuing the magic sword wielding Fighters.
15“ distance for both encounters.
All of the Bandits in the huts are fleeing as well. Lygan and Aliisis will be pursuing after running to the north of the camp. 21 units are fleeing to the north. One group is on foot and one is on horseback. Three of Aliisis crossbowmen is going with Lygan and Aliisis and 5 Cavalry.
They managed to catch up to the 21 that were fleeing north. There is now a 3rd melee. The east side has been 4 turns, west had been 6 turns.
The Shortbow archers will fire upon Lygan's group.
Thorgard attacks and does 13 damage. Jacob misses. The enemies attack their Hippogriffs who have AC 5, or AC 6 when charging. Jacob's Hippogriff takes 14 damage. STONESKIN negates. Another attack on the Hippogriff misses. One hit with a Halberd deals 3 damage to Jacob's Hippogriff. The other 3 attack Jacob's Hippogriff, first one misses, second one misses and third one misses.
Jacob's Hippogriff hits the main plate wearer for 3 and 4 damage, which DROPS HIM! Thorgard's Hippogriff hits one for 8 damage, which kills another plate wearer! They have AC 2/2. Jacob hits with his second attack for 5 damage.
Enemies fire their missiles with Lygan in front on a Light Warhorse, Cavalry with medium movement. Aliisis is also in their. Bow fired at Lygan with 2 shots. He is hit once for 6 damage. STONESKIN!
6 Shortbows going at Lygan or Aliisis. 3 and 3 each. No hits on Lygan or Aliisis. The charge is met. Aliisis has a lance and attacks a plate wearer, AC 2/2, but misses. All the cavalry miss. No hits on Aliisis. Lygan has a Masakari (battle axe which is 5.5' long). He tries to sweep the shortbowmen with 6 attacks, AC 8/8, All hits! 6 shortbowmen are dead.
One hit a cavalry troop of Aliisis, which dies. One of the plate wearers had a bow out and fired already. Longsword wielder is going to sweep attack their troops. Only one hit and one takes 8 damage. He is also dead. Battle Axe wielder misses Aliisis.
Maervahr has dismounted from his Hippogriff and will cast next round.
The enemies around Jacob and Thorgard surrender and throw down their weapons.
We win initiative in the East group.
North group goes. Aliisis draws her sword and attacks infantry. All miss and the Cavalry is also missed. Two hits from the cavalry! One hit for 5 and one hit for 3. One dies! Aliisis's Heavy Mount does 5 damage and 2 damage. Only 1 infantry left. Another horse does 2 damage killing another infantry. The spear wielder dies after taking 4 damage. Third horse hit twice for 7 killing another Spearmen.
Lygan hits 4 of the Spearmen. One is dead and then another is dead. The remaining hit is on AC 4/4, killing a third one.
Morale check for the remaining troops in the north, they flee in all directions. Aliisis hits but Lygan misses and she does 11 damage to one. 3 Cavalry swing with 2 hits, 7 and 2. Horse hits for 7 damage with their parting attacks.
Aliisis continues to shout for them to surrender. All 3 of the remaining Fighters go after Aliisis. She takes 3 damage from a battle axe wielder. The horses of the enemy attack Aliisis and deal 5 damage.
Confusion is 4 segments. They will try to attack Litlee. The glowing longsword swings at her and misses. The flaming longsword wearer hits but Stoneskin! 2 Longsword wielders attack which hits and does 5 damage, canceling Hold Person. The enemies had charged this round. Two rear attacks on Litlee so none hit.
Confusion goes off
The north group is surrendering and Aliisis accepts the surrender.
Charm Person goes off on the one with the Flaming Longsword. He fails his save! Maervahr tells him get away, you are in battle and tell him to go toward the north woods. Sleep goes off and knocks down a bunch of the regular troops. It effects a 3” diameter circle.
The enemies are confused and one is charmed. Charmed guy stands confused for 1 round. The other one passes his save and attacks. Magic Longsword wielder misses.
11 damage from Magic Missile to the glowing longsword. He dies!
The fight ends and Polymorph fizzles out
Kheskhor, Uuto and the slingers ties up the held guys. Briiz was rushing up the mound and did not see any remaining men in the camp.
Aliisis lays hands on herself. Lygan is healed for 4 and then 4 more.
We found 8 prisoners and 20 slaves at the camp. We start loading up their horses with the weapons and armor of the Bandits that have been captured and killed.
The summoned monsters that appeared in the camp showed up and then were dismissed.
Maervahr has a Charmed Bandit as an assistant for now. We will free the slaves and prisoners.
The camp was lead by Varkhan and they made their money from tradesmen by walaying merchants from Crellin'Deep which is run by a Cleric of Cine. They also waylaid people from Ylvenrest which was a fortified Inn that offered a guide service across the Lorianth Flow. They would pay for passage and go across the flow toward the easterlands. The owner is a powerful Elf from Ikazingu in the far east. The prisoners talk about her in fear and respect, they think she is a jaguar spirit. Ylvenrest is a neutral site that accepts anyone.
A lot of people travel to the 6 cities from one of those places. They would target monsters or people that were unprepared.
In the ruins they bear the sign of the skull, revealing a Temple to Geos. There is only walls but no altars and no dungeon entrance. The Bandits all believe the ruins are cursed. We dont see anything that would make it cursed but they all have different ideas of why it is cursed.
Thorgards asks Aliisis about the magic properties of their magic items. The prisoners all say they will trade information for their freedom. They have confidence they will not be killed due to the Paladin.
Maervahr's assistant says that the sword is important for killing undead and he gets the command word. The cloak is a Cloak of Displacement.
We head back to Mombafra.
On the way back we must make camp the first night. The weather is clear in the evening and we are in Scrubland.
No encounters the first night.
We have more days of travel. Maervahr casts Stoneskin on Pithor who is also healed.
The weather becomes excessively hot, dropping our movement to 3“ so we only can make it to the canyon.
We are carrying all the magic items on our Hippogriffs and in Jacob's Handy Haversack.
Slaves and prisoners are riding on horses, 28 total and 5 Hirelings with Aliisis and 22 Hirelings with Jacob.
We only move 3 movement points due to heat. 3 days and 2 nights. We start in scrub and end in the hills.
Nighttime weather is clear. No more excess heat.
The night goes by without incident.
We will camp out in the scrubland. Thorgard sleeps in his Elfin Chainmail. Maervahr casts Invisibility on himself.
The weather is clear during the day. No encounters.
The weather is clear at night. We set up camp in the Scrublands.
The night goes by without incident.
We pass through the hills, 3 hexes from Mombafra.
We made it back safely!
The prisoners were not all from one group. They are all people of different origins and backgrounds. We will get some gold for their return and freedom. We will keep the prisoners as contacts and find out more about what they know during downtime.
All the slaves are human and we will free them. Some of them will take us up on that offer to help construct Thorgard's aviary.
Mombafra pays 100 gp per level for the Bandits. The guy with the flaming sword has the Charm Person fading off, if we return his weapon and armor he will tell us how to access a treasure vault in Crellin's Deep. He is a 3rd level Fighter.
Our reward for the prisoners is 5600 gp.
Jacob and Thorgard will spar with the magic weapons and armors. Briiz senses a great power from the leader's broadsword. He can sense its strength. The name of the sword is Cataclyzer. Briiz tries to speak to the sword but it has not respond.
Timbraun tries on the ring and spars with Thorgard, nothing happens. Hold Person is cast on Timbraun by Tatrin and it works. Outside the city. Aliisis tries to wish for Fandillas back but nothing happens.
Order of Treasure Selection:
Jacob = +4 Defender Longsword (id 220), +3 Falchion (id 230), +2 longsword (id 231), +1 Buckler (id 242) Lygan = Full Plate +1 (id 221), +1 Battle Axe (id 229), 11 Arrows (id 232), 1 arrow (id 241) Timbraun = Cloak of Displacement (id 222), +2 Buckler (id 228), Potion of Rainbow Hues (id 233), 4 Arrows (id 240) Thorgard = +1 Flametongue longsword (id 223), Footman's Flail +1 (id 227), longsword +1 (id 234), broadsword +1 (id 239) Aliisis = Rope of Entanglement (id 224), Spear +1 (id 226), longsword +1 (id 235), longsword +1 (id 238) Maervahr = Gold Ring of Water Walking (id 225), Cataclyzer (id 70), 3 pots with brushes (id 236), +1 bastard sword (id 237)
We are selling all of the mundane goods. Timbraun takes 2 Medium Warhorses and a suit of platemail.
The mundane goods sell for 10,697 gp (this is the half amount for them).
PC shares: 12 pp, 2512 gp henchmen get half
subtract for mundane items kept or gems
2292 gp is the total cost for all the Men-at-arms. 382 gp each.
Briiz 816 Tatrin 891 Litlee 916 Pithor 941 Koriss 2241 Thorgard 4468 Maervahr 5268 Aliisis 5318 Timbraun 5768 Lygan 6068 Jacob 7968 Other Henchmen 741 acknowledges all copyrights, trademarks, and registered trademarks detailed on this page that do not belong to and makes no challenges to the ownership of said property rights.