
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 194, November 10th, 2024 - THE RUINED SHRINE OF MOTE

LOG DATE 11/11/24

  • Jacob
  • Josalyn
  • Briiz
  • Kheskor - Magic-User, AC 9/10, MV 12“, Doors 1-2, Listen 1-2, 13,17,7,15,15,11, hp 7, Weasel Familiar, AL N, Venha
  • Lygan
  • Thorgard
  • Tatrin
  • Pinkledink Tinkleberry - Gnome Thief, AC 7/7, MV 9”, Doors 1-2, Listen 1-6, 9,15,14,12,13,9, hp 4, AL CN, Louz
  • Xrith'atiril
  • Irayas
  • Ragnar
  • Phineas

Rose Moon the 18th, 498

Pinkledink has black hair and yellow eyes and likes to talk about gardening honeydew melons.

It has been over 2 years since we were last at the Monastery of the Red Sun located in the Red Sun Valley.

We are planning to return to deal with the local Hobgoblins that have taken it over.

We will be setting out on Ornholm and we have a bit of travel. The group must cross the Sea of Grass and not everyone in the roster is in Ornholm. They arrive in Gren on the same day.

In Gren safely. The group will head to Farius to get there in one day.

In the plains and we have an encounter.


We are not surprised. There is a large group of humanoids up ahead and they have carts and horses, numbering 60 not including the animals. They are traveling north on the same road as us. We can see them at a distance of over a mile away.

Xrith, Thorgard and Jacob break off to scout the caravan. They do not look like merchants but more like civilians and have some outlandish clothing from the south.

As we approach the majority are humans and Xrith approaches with a bowl of honeydew from Pinkledink. They accept the Honeydew from the Gnome. They are pilgrims traveling and offer to pray with us. They want to pray at a lake where a miracle was performed.

There is a location in the woods about 10 miles east of Criss Antha, but did not have a band to go with them. There is an old shrine to Mote that they wanted to check and find the Shrine in the woods. The shrine is 10 miles to the east of Criss Antha. They will pay us 100 gp per level or give us two potions of healing. They say the Shrine was a place of reflection marked by a pond. There were some beautiful carved pillars there that were constructed of stone. Not from too many ages ago. They don't know what dangers may be present there. This is a Shrine to Mote.

Pinkledink says they are the nicest murderers he has met. They do not take kindly to murderers.

We decide to help them and arrive in Criss Antha by the end of the day.

  • Shortbow Archers x21 and officers (Sergeant and Lieutenant)
  • Light Footmen x15 and officers.
  • Heavy Footmen x11 and officers.

He distributes fruit to Mercenaries but we do not hire any.

Rose Moon the 20th, 498

It is clear weather today, we will go 10 miles to the east. Light Forest hex to the north east and medium forest to the south east. We will go through the light forest and then medium.

Some of us are up on Hippogriffs over the tree tops.

We travel into the woods with the vague directions and after 10 miles, we should be able to find the location here. It takes us 1/2 hour to locate it from Hippogriff. We spot a pond with several pillars of large size that were once part of a building complex but now they are missing their tops and are crumbling. They stick out nicely and it is only a mile away from us now.

We see a small group of Giant Frogs sitting on various rocks at the edge of the pond. The pond is L shaped and there are pillars in the southeast and north. The area in the south east has remnants of a stone foundation. This is located in Medium Forest.

There is one building with a roof but it is in ruins. The roof to the south has totally collapsed.

Xrith flies back to warn the party about the Giant Frogs while Jacob and Thorgard will fight off the Frogs. They actually fly back to get the rest of the party. We will proceed to outdoor encounter.


Only for the Giant Frogs, they are not surprised.

We get to 9“ before the Frogs notice us. There are 7 Giant Frogs.

  • Xrith fires his longbow.
  • Jacob waits for the Frogs to get closer.
  • Josalyn holds back.
  • Phineas holds the front line.
  • Tatrin casts Prayer.
  • Thorgard shoots.
  • Lygan shoots.
  • Pinkledink fires a sling.
  • Irayas readies his sling.
  • Ragnar fires his short bow.

Xrith hits for 9 damage, Ragnar hits for 6 and another for 1. 3 dead so far. Thorgard kills a 4th and 5th. The Frogs take heavy casualties and start hopping rapidly in our direction. They get to 6” away.

We kill all the Frogs and then Xrith goes to inspect the ruins.


In the north eastern area, we find decorations on the smaller pillars below the roof and the remnants of a building. This area was a place to pray. There is a trapdoor that is built into the stone beneath the remnants of an altar to Mote.

Pinkledink checks for traps. So does Irayas but also Josalyn's magic spell of Find Traps finds no traps. Xrith looks for a nest while Phineas checks the decorations. He does not find a nest.

Thorgard and Pinkledink search the altar for secret compartments.

Pinkledink finds something on the back side of the altar. He finds that the section below the lip is a panel that pulls downward. He checks it for traps, but finds to no traps, nor does Josalyn. They could stick a dagger or sword in there which reveals a shallow area beneath the altar. There is only a small vial of liquid.

Pinkledink smells the liquid and it smells of water lillies. He sips it. He feels buoyant. He finds that he can swim just fine.

Those that inspected the trap door finds a sizable hole in the trap door. It is no more than 10“ in diameter. Pinkledink checks for unsafe floors. Through the open hole are stairs going down sharply.

Xrith will pull out his sword and shield and his continual light ring. The Trap Door is 5' wide and the stairs are 10' wide. The stairs only descend a lateral distance and descend very deeply into a short hallway into a room just ahead.

We have multiple Continual Lights to guide us. There is an open room here which goes up 25' ahead and has at an angle. We proceed forward.

In this room it goes at an angle to the north east. There are multiple long benches that are flanking a stone fountain in the center. Water trickles down into the first layer and then the second layer but it is currently dry. We see a door made of stone that has across its mid section a bar on our side.

Xrith checks out the benches while Pinkledink searches the fountain. Irayas tries to hear sounds.


We are surprised.

When Pinkledink goes on the far side of the fountain he finds a big crack with a hole going downward. Something has dug into the earth below.

Giant Rats leap out of the crack and attack!

3 Rats come out during this segment. With unnatural Dexterity, Pinkledink dodges and leaps out of the way.

There is an uproar of squeaking coming from the stone below us. Many many animals coming from the floor below.

  • Jacob and company all charge.
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Pinkledink trys to parley
  • Thorgard charges.
  • Tatrin lights a torch.
  • Lygan stays back.
  • Irayas is in melee and will attack.
  • Ragnar attacks
  • Xrith attacks.

Pinkledink rolls are reaction, he fails so the Rats are very mad!

Irayas swings and misses. They have AC 8. All of them are attacking Pinkledink. Pinkledink evades all the attacks once again!

A great stream of rats pour up from the fountain. This happens over the course of the round.

We will kill all 25 on the first round. 3 attacks on Xrith who has AC -2, all misses. Briiz is hit by one for 3 damage. One hit Pinkledink who takes 3 damage.

Irayas is attacked an hit by one Rat. Nobody has caught any diseases but we kill all 25 Rats.

Tatrin heals Pinkledink for 7 hp. Briiz is also healed for 3.


We cannot fit through the Rat hole so we search the rest of the room.

Pinkledink finds on close inspection a very thin layer of some kind of lacquer, like a magic sigil that is on the stone bar that would be raised to open the door.

Josalyn casts Dispel Magic, from a 6th level caster. She fails. Tatrin also tries and fails. Tatrin and Josalyn can tell that this sigil would have a mind effecting type of effect. It could be a Glyph of Warding.

As we take a look, a Pilgrim calls to us from the trapdoor area. When Pinkledink shows up and the Pilgrim is disappointed. They have located the tabernacle that they are in the process of extracting it. They just wanted to inform us of what we found.

Their Cleric may be able to do something about the Glyph and is willing to come down. He says wants to get a share of all treasure. The Cleric is level 7, he gets the Glyph and it is destroyed!

He leaves to check on his wards at the surface. He wants to watch us opening.

Xrith and Thorgard and Pinkledink will be opening the door. We open it, the stone door.

Inside is a mausoleum chamber with 3 walls of burials to it. It has been repurposed as a storage area. There are also several barrels and boxes in the center of the room that are built around a stone sarcophagus about 4' around. There are 3 rows of wall burials on each of the walls.

They do not detect any traps in the room. Pinkledink looks in the wall burials and finds coins.

  • 900 cp
  • 2700 sp

Ragnar finds an inscription on the sarcophagus:

“Glishnil, Trapper of Stars”

Tatrin asks if the Cleric knows of this name. Phineas is also a Cleric of Mote. Phineas knows of this person and he is the only one that knows. This was supposedly a Cleric from a long ago age that devised by some secret means of astral bodies that he could accurately accertain the pockets of space where Eldritch beings would pass through and at which times.

This Cleric could determine their location through divination and use a certain device where he could trap them and then harness their power. He was able to divine their passing location and pluck them from the sky.

  • Prayer beads x38
  • Holy symbols x12 wooden
  • Holy symbols x2 silver
  • Small wooden box with 100 sticks of incense
Glishnil, Trapper of Stars

A cleric from a by gone era, by measurement of astral bodies he could very accurately ascertain the location eldritch beings, he had a device to capture and teleport them to Geb.

We remove the lid of the sarcophagus. There is no body inside but there is 1000 coins of gold.

  • 1000 gp

Josalyn detects powerful magic below the bottom of the sarcophagus. The vial has weak magic.

Xrith will tap on the walls for secret doors while Phineas inspects the wooden sarcophagus. There are not accentuating marks and no hollow sounds.

Briiz searches in the sarcophagus but cant find a way to open it, despite it sounding hollow.

They find that the base is hollow but will need to search for a way to open it. Xrith helps with this. After 2 turns we find a cleverly hidden stone outside of the sarcophagus. Xrith presses it in.

The middle third of the sarcophagus slides down revealing a hidden compartment. We find a bunch of velvet. It is thick piece of velvet with something inside of it.

Phineas extracts a small device in the palm of his hand. It is 6 sided like the room we are in. It has strong magic and is a couple inches thick, made of gold. Furthermore the center portion is curved a bit, the top is like a dome. There is a crease in it with hinges in the back.

We head back and give the Cleric his share in the form of the religious stuff and the silver and copper.


The airborne surprise is rolled, not surprised.

Traveling through the woods, we encounter a warband of Orcs. They are at 8” and they number 170 Orcs.

  • Josalyn casts Prayer.
  • Briiz readies his bow.
  • Kreskor is deep in the formation.
  • Phineas readies up.
  • Thorgard flies down with the group.
  • Tatrin casts Protection from Evil.
  • Lygan nocks an arrow.
  • Pinkledink hides.
  • Irayas gets in the back.
  • Ragnar prepares his bow.
  • Xrith prepares his bow.

All of the Orcs are on foot. They are wielding Polearms. The Orcs are charging

Lygan hit for 6, Briiz hits for 4 and 1. They both kill one. Ragnar also kills one.

60 Pilgrims all fire their slings! There are 17 hits! We kill 13 Orcs with this volley.

There are 6 Leaders, they will all fight at -1 due to the Daylight. We also have +1 due to Prayer. They are not escorting any carts of loot. These Orcs are using Hook-Fauchards. The leaders have Battle Axes.

13 including the ones we killed are dead.

Pinkledink does not successfully hide in shadows.

27 Orcs will be targeting our party.

  • 2 attacks on Xrith missed.
  • 3 miss Josalyn.
  • 4 miss against Briiz.
  • Kreskor is missed!
  • Phineas is missed.
  • Thorgard is missed.
  • Lygan is hit for 2 damage.
  • Pinkledink is hit for 3 damage.
  • Irayas takes 3 damage.
  • Two hits on Ragnar for 5 damage.

The Subchief and guards are back out of melee. They do not have the Tribal standard so do not get a bonus.

A subchief hits Tatrin for 6 damage. There are 15 guards with the subchief. Irayas takes 5 damage.

84% of the Orcs attack the Pilgrims. 143 versus 60 Pilgrims. They will hit on 12.

1d20cs>=10 for greater than or equal to ten on Foundry.

Half of the Pilgrims got elimated. The leader of the Pilgrims is 7th level. He has a potion and a magic ring. It is a potion of extra healing and the ring is a ring of chameleon power.

156 hp of pilgrims have been eliminated.

The Cleric had cast Protection from Evil 10' radius. Rerolling the attacks on the Pilgrims due to this spell. 24 of his allies will have the benefit of Protection from Evil.

8 hits on the protected Pilgrims. 16 hp vs 332 hp of their total. Nevermind there are 22 hits. 56 hitpoints of damage.

There are 43 hits for 106 damage. That means half of them are dead.

Phineas hits for 3 damage. Thorgard did 11 and then 7 damage to 2 Orcs, killed two.

155 Orcs left. Half of the Pilgrims are killed so they must make a morale check.

Next round…

  • Pinkledink hides.
  • Irayas tries to hide.
  • Ragnar attacks.
  • Xrith determines that they Dripping Blade tribe and he challenges one of the subchiefs. He also tries to

get the attention of the Orcs on Irayas and Pinkledink.

  • Phineas casts Hold Person.
  • Tatrin casts Hold Person.
  • Jacob lands and attacks a subchief.
  • Lygan attacks.

We win initiative. Sleep is cast on segment 2. Hold Person is on segment 6.

Josalyn hit for 5, Ragnar hit for 3, They killed the leader! 4 damage from Ragnar, Josalyns horse killed one, Ragnars horse killed one. The horse hit with all 3 attacks, kills another one, Briiz's mount did.

Sleep goes off 4d4 HD, he gets 9 Orcs that are slept. There are 142 left.

The group charges Jacobs, the subchiefs group.

29 Pilgrims attack with Shortswords, 8 hits for 31 damage. The Pilgrims killed another 4 of them. The Cleric of the Pilgrims casts Hold Person on the leaders.

Xrith is not able to intimidate any Orcs and the Thieves fail to hide in shadows.

40 Orcs attack us.

Xrith has a -7 AC, 6 attacks and all miss. Kreskor is hit twice, for 2 and 1, and then 4, he DROPS to 0 hitpoints!

Phineas is missed. Tatrin is missed! Lygan has one attack on him, Pinkledink is missed. Irayas is hit for 4 damage.

Ragnar is AC 5/7. Briiz is hit for 2 damage. That covers all of the Orcs except for the leaders. 29% of the remaining leaders, 1 targets Phineas and it misses.

4 assistants on us, missed Thorgard, autohit Tatrin for 1 damage. All of them miss.

105 Orcs are attacking the Pilgrims. Only 3 hits on the Protected Pilgrims. 21 hits on the other Pilgrims for 52 damage. The Pilgrims did not have to make a morale check this round.

The Guards are protecting their Subchief. 6 Guards versus Jacob. No hits! Jacob slays 2 of the guards.

Tatrin got hit so his spell was disrupted. The other Hold Person effects 3 of them from Phineas. They all fail. All of the leaders are now held or incapacitated. This will effect the Morale check.

The Pilgrims force has been reduced by 1/3 so their Morale might waver. Their Cleric leader casts Sanctuary on himself.

  • Jacob murders his way through the leader.
  • Kreskor gurgles
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Tatrin casts Hold Person.
  • Lygan attacks.
  • Pinkledink hides.
  • Irayas hides.
  • Ragnar attacks.
  • Xrith attacks.

The Orcs fail their morale check! They Flee in Panic!

The Pilgrims do not flee in panic and are only retreating.

Xrith killed one Orc. Thorgard and Josalyn kill one each. The Guards are running away and Jacob attacks the leader. Jacob does 8 damage to the Orc leader.

The Orcs flee in all directions, running in panic. The surviving Pilgrims surround their Cleric.

The Orc Subchief escapes!


Xrith is doing overwatch on the battlefield while our party gathers up their stuff and ties up the survivors.

Thorgard and Jacob search for the Orc Lair. They are mostly moving to the south. They track them in the direction.

  • 340 ep
  • 9 regular Orc Prisoners
  • 5 Orc Guard leaders.

Pinkledink will buy one of the Orc Prisoners. Thorgard and Jacob trail the Orcs 10 miles south, 2 miles south of the battle site. They see just a few surface level structures of sticks and mud.

The Orcs go into dugout camps with holes that go into the earth below.

We are back in Criss Antha and now we are safe.


We each get character level in gold x100. Xrith gets 600 gp and 600 xp.

Orc Prisoners are 48 gp and 36 gp.

Pinkledink's potion is id 155

127 xp from gold.

PCS get 175 xp. Henchman get 56 xp. PLUS 45 XP for PCs due to dead NPCs.

Phineas DL 4 quest for next Sunday.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_194_-_november_10th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by