
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 192, November 3rd, 2024 - RETURN TO THE MOUNTAIN CRAG SHRINE

LOG DATE 11/3/24

  • Eomiaje Bemyr'Iomyr - Wood Elf Ranger 1 / Thief 1
  • Mirella
  • Ragnar
  • Yohan
  • Phineas
  • Klort
  • Irayas - Thief

SEED MOON the 9th, 498

Return to Mountain Crag dungeon.

This is 2 hexes north of Maelc.

Time is advanced for Yohan.

SEED MOON the 28th, 498

With mounts it will take 2 days to get there.


Found a coven of undead Dwarves and this was inside of a Dwarven shrine to Rook and Aneara.

From the population of Maelc, 35% of which is Dwarven, we head north into the mountains.


We are traveling through the Sea of Grass heading north, before we reach the mountains we come to an open scape dotted with pool. There are about 170 Bison here, drinking and at rest.

None of them are hovering above the ground. They have not made any movement toward us.

None of the Bison break free and we make a detour.


We arrive at the foot of the mountains and we make camp.

In the evening it begins to rain hard. The night passes without incident.

ROSE MOON the 1st, 498

We travel into the crags the next morning and find the place we came to before. It is the tallest crag in the midst of several greens. We can see some green copper bars at the foot of the crag from which come two streams. After 100 yards they flow together.

There is a path leading up to a door with a keystone on top of it. The rain comes down steadily. We do not see any new signs of changes.

We will have to camp once again.


Awake is Ragnar, Klort and Fineas. They are camped out where the streams meet. In the dead of the night, they can see that suddenly there are large shapes moving on the western side of the crag, bigger than man but humanoid and are spying on us.

They are 15“ away when we spot them. We count 18 humanoids, larger than man size. They are too big to be Orcs.

  • Klort sends his cat closer. Also wakes people.
  • Ragnar tries to wake people.
  • Phineas casts Sanctuary.

Klorts cat leaps from the firelight to get a closer look. The forms are popping up and down and then some disappear behind the rocks and do not reappear. They are holding something, like large weapons.

We cant tell where the other half of them went. Everyone is awake.

Klort's cat tells him they smell like Ogres. Yohan can spot that it looks like some of the Ogres have moved around to flank the party.

Yohan has spotted the other creatures that have moved diagonally. Half of their bodies are concealed by the crags.

  • Klort gets on his horse and runs.
  • Everyone else does.

The Ogres begin to charge but we manage to get on our horses. We will now check for Pursuit rules. They do try to pursue, 120% for us to evade. It is also dark. We automatically escape down the mountainside and escape.


We are in a depressed area outside of the mountains. The group will wait until sunup before deciding what to do.

It has stopped raining and we only fled a half a mile to get down the mountains. We arrive back at the dungeon entrance and find the tracks of the Ogres. We find a sign of where the Ogres came from and that they turned back the way they came. They went further into the mountains toward the northwest.

We find the location where the Ogres are camped. From a high spot in the same Mountain Hex. We only traveled a mile into an uninhabitable valley. We see several huts that held together by mud. There are 13 of these buildings. No animals or agriculture. Outside of the huts are 3 large metal cages that are domed.

Inside the cages are 6 humanoid figures, about man sized. There are 3 in each of the two cages.

We return to the crag with the dungeon entrance and it is about noonish, we will not gather reinforcements now.

There are 3 openings but we head for the top door, main entrance. We find some drag marks over by the path, we found almost imperceptible markings, two streaks. Something medium and something small. It began a little up the path. One set of hoof and one set of paws made within the last days. There was a scuffle that happened over the crag and into a nestled area in the rocky face of the mountain to the other side.

There are also tracks from whatever dragged it away. 4 fingered and one backward finger. The tracks that left them were very hard, never seen tracks like this before. 4 legged and medium sized creature with a tail.

We break off the crag and follow the drag marks down to a cave, built into the far side of the cave. It is 8' tall and 6' wide.

We find more of the 4 fingered hard footprints, it has gone in and out several times and we can see plenty more marks of creature going in or out. We can only smell the rain, nothing else.

Yohan has a magic sword and Mirella has a continual light necklace.


We have 60' of light. We go down the incline and find remnants of medium and small sized creatures. It is dry and there is some sand. We hear rock on rock move just beyond our light.

  • Irayas readies his sling.
  • Fineas will put himself between the party and the sound.
  • Klort stays back.
  • Yohan moves up with Fineas.
  • Eomiaje forms up with Yohan and Fineas.
  • Mirella casts light.
  • Ragnar draws his sword.

Something 4 legged moves very quickly. Climbing on the side of the wall to our right is a man sized lizard but it blends with the rocky crag and there is sand falling off of it. It darts toward the party.

Irayas misses with his sling. It has AC 4. It moves 1.2” per segment.

The Light spell goess off just as it meets the party. The spell succeeds and the pupiless eyes are illuminated and the creature roars!

Yohan hits for 9 damage and Eomiaje misses.

Yohan has AC -2 effectively, it misses horribly!

  • Ragnar attacks.
  • Irayas attacks with a sling.
  • Fineas attacks.
  • Klort casts Magic Missile.
  • Yohan attacks.
  • Eomiaje attacks.
  • Mirella stays back.

It must roll a Morale check. Being blinded and wounded it backpedals a bit. We pursue it. The creature attacks Yohan and he takes 7 damage.

Magic Missile does 5 damage and the clash of our weapons destroy it and it dies around its own tail. It is unmoving.


The cave ends abruptly, decorated in many bones. There is fur, bloody fur and torn fur. We also find a face down skeleton in platemail with a backpack.

Eomiaje collects parts for Maervahr.

The corpse was a Half-Orc and no magic is detected.

  • Adventuring supplies.
  • 200 gp
  • 30 pp
  • 1 gem
  • Plate mail

The other corpses are a deer and a wild dog. Mirella casts Cure Light Wounds on Yohan for 4 hp. There were also a couple of Dwarf skeletons but we also find a nest with two eggs that are broken open and empty.

We discuss going back to exchange out our party for higher level characters but instead, go inside.

There is a three ringed halo on the keystone.

Yohan and Eomiaje are on doors.

We unseal the door and are on the edge of the precipice. There are two metal sconces that are empty. There is a rainbow stretching across the set of stairs. There are two statues on either side of the waterfall one is the Dwarven Rook and the other is Aneara guiding the stream.

The stairs descend down until we get to a stone sign with 4 lines of dwarven runes. The middle staircase goes to the bottom and goes directly into the pool. We can see the tops of two statues that look like Rook and Anaera. The stairs end in the pool.

There are two streams coming off from the pool where the waterfall spills, the third level of the place toward the bottom.

As we are standing here, we can see that from the right, we see an instance of radiant light being pushed out and sucked in, along with a shadow doing the same. There is a flickering to the right.

Eomiaje can see in the pool that there is a curved sheen of some light refraction above the pool. There are three bodies above the pool, that he can detect. The light is weird, it refracts in a weird way. It is not moving.

Fineas throws a copper coin in the direction I pointed. He misses. The coin splashes into the pool, shortly to the left. Eomiaje can see that the ripples seems to break at the place of the refraction of light. There are 3 bodies that are completely still. Nonetheless everyone sees the ripples normally.

Yohan holds up Whirlrender.

Mirella casts Find Traps while Fineas holds up a mirror. Eomiaje throws a lasso around the first figure and he successfully wraps around it.

The pool suddenly comes alive, there is a big splash and they can see three 3' diameter forms made of water, they are almost perfectly translucent. We can make out arms and legs as though they are frogs.

The one he lassoed is agitated and thrashes around.


  • Irayas uses his sling.
  • Fineas forms a line.
  • Klort might cast Magic Missile.
  • Mirella stands back.
  • Ragnar advances.
  • Eomiaje pulls on the lasso.

It gets a save versus paralysis to avoid being lassoed. It slips out from the lasso and it takes the whole round to do this.

They break out of the pool and onto the stairs. They are frogs made of water and are transparent. Irayas fires his sling.

Yohan, Ragnar and Fineas may be attacked. They must hit AC 9. They miss. One is going for Phineas, they leap through them and coalesce on the other side of the front line. They both feel the choking feeling of water and take 1 damage and must save versus poison or begin to drown. Yohan failed his save! So did Phineas, they are drowning! They are incapacitated.

Ragnar misses.

  • Eomiaje tries to help Yohan with the heimlich.
  • Mirella swings in with her hammer.
  • Ragnar attacks.
  • Irayas helps Phineas.
  • Klort casts Magic Missile.

Mirella and Ragnar can attack. Mirella hits for 5 damage! It destroys one of the frogs.

Magic Missile does 2 damage.

There are two that are not charging. Both are going for Eomiaje. 1 of them does hit. Actually 2 and he takes 2 damage and saves!

The Heimlich does not stop the drowning, they will not drown but it does not end this round.

Yohan and Fineas are both incapacitated.

  • Irayas helps Fineas.
  • Klort throws a dagger.
  • Eomiaje attacks.
  • Mirella attacks with their hammer.
  • Ragnar attacks.

Ragnar hits for 5 and Eomiaje destroys one for 4 damage.

The Rrog retaliates against Ragnar who takes 1 damage resists drowning.

  • Mirella helps Yohan.
  • Eomiaje picks up Whirlrender to attack.

It misses Ragnar. Eomiaje picks up Whirlrender and we destroy the remaining frog.


After a couple of minutes, Yohan and Fineas are now conscious. Klort throws off his clothes and gathers coins.

He finds Key id 52

  • 10 pp, 87 gp, 162 ep, 14 sp,

Whirlrender chastises Yohan and tells him, you think you can fight?

Eomiaje checks the source of the light. We see a masoned gutter that is a couple feet deep and two black curtains.

Through the black curtain on the right we can see the light effect, it is flickering beyond the curtain.

Klort finds a solid wall behind the waterfall.

Klort wishes he was level 10 and nothing happens.

Eomiaje searches for hidden compartments but they look solid.

Eomiaje looks beyond the curtain.


Eomiaje is not surprised.

He steps over the streams of water and hears something moving inside. A quiet sound of footsteps beyond the curtain.

  • Eomiaje falls back.
  • Ragnar nocks an arrow.
  • Fineas moves up to the front.
  • Eomiaje falls back.
  • Klort is drying off.
  • Yohan moves up to shield Eomiaje.

Whirlrender was just chastizing him as 4 Dwarven skeletons come out with the shadow energy pulsing between them. Mirella turns all of them.

Ragnar and Irayas fire all of their shots. Half damage with arrows full damage with bullets.

One arrow does 3 damage and another does 1. Two separate skeletons, one is shattered in its skull. Yohan and Eomiaje can be in melee.

  • Irayas tries to hit with a sling bullet.
  • Fineas engages with a mace.
  • Klort goes up the stairs.
  • Yohan attacks.
  • Eomiaje attacks with his sword.
  • Mirella charges.
  • Ragnar attacks with his sword.

Eomiaje misses and Yohan does 5 damage, destroying one! Irayas misses.

The Skeletons flee back. All of them are destroyed. Only the bones and their rusted warhammers are left on the ground.


The pulsing light still continues but the skeletons are destroyed.

We continue through the curtain and find a room full of boxes. There is an arrow slit facing into the pool room. We see some long boxes and some crates and barrels. They are pretty old and seems to be the kind made by dwarves with stone. They are high quality but have wear and tear. All of them are sealed.

To our left are some stairs going up where we see the pulsing of light. The brilliant illumination of light as shadow is pushed out and it continues steadily. No traps are detected but Find Traps is done.

We search this room. We do not find anything out of the ordinary. Inside the boxes are materials for metalworking and there are some unusual tools we have not seen before. Building materials of various value.

  • 500 pounds of stone, materials and tools.
  • 200 pounds of high quality materials.
  • 300 pounds of standard materials.

There are no crates of food or living supplies.

We go north into the illuminated room. Find Traps is cast by Mirella.

We find ourselves in an oddly shaped workshop. There are stone tables on the walls, they are covered in stone tools of dwarven craftsmanship. Usable for cutting stone and metal. There are some closed steel cabinet.

Hanging from the ceiling by several steel poles and chains is a contraption of bronze, silver and gold. It is a collection of tubes, valves and dials made of precious metals.

It is this object that causes the sucking and pushing of the light and shadow. It makes the continual light from being lit and extinguished. On the ground in front is a

  • Footmans's Mace
  • Black Cape with High Collar
  • Shield
  • Club
  • Plate Mail
  • Silver Holy Symbol of Zo
  • Cloak clasp

It is suspended by chains and poles but goes almost 3' above the ground. There is nothing beneath it. Whirlrender has nothing to say about this.

Irayas tries to crawl on the ground and spreads his weight evenly to take a look at the plate armor and the belongings.

The poles are for support. The device is more cylindrical in shape, kind of like a flat cyliner. It is composed of tubes of various sizes.

Irayas is able to crawl forward and inspect the remnants. Below the cape is a silver holy symbol of Zo and a pile of ash. There is a cloak clasp made of bone.

The plate armor is plain. Irayas picks up the clasp and throws it back to the group. Eomiaje grabs this and sees the symbol of the ORDER OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN. There is a five leaf clover and a vial.

Irayas finds on the device that there are dials and tubes.

Eomiaje knows that this is the Order and the owner of the clasp has an etching on the back indicating the owner. He does not know who is represented by this.

Irayas can feel that there is some level of heat coming from the device. There is some production of heat but not from fire. No material going into the device.

There are some measurement dials on the machine and the needles go up and down at the same time.

Irayas will search for traps on each of the cabinets.

Yohan finds a cube. It is precisely smoothed and worked. It is mostly abstract. Most are blank except one. It is a depression about the size of a thumb.

Ragnar finds a high quality gem cutters lens.

  • Gem cutters lens.
  • Pouch with light blue salts with a sharp effect on the air (dry).

Klort finds a noteback that most of the pages have been torn out. There is a streak of blood that doesnt look more than a year old.

  • Bloody, torn notebook.

Irayas takes a look at the cube. He examines the cube but does not see any moving mechanism. It looks like a solid cube other than the thumbprint.

There is nothing on the device that would correspond to a cube. Klort can tell by now that he might be able to mess around with this but he can also tell that it is extremely fragile and delicate. Also it has a lot of power behind it.

We leave and go beyond the curtain to the east.

We find another room with an arrow slit and three chairs with brass ornaments. On the opposite corner is a bench. Find Traps is now expired.

We thoroughly search the room. We do not find anything. The chairs with the brass ornaments are at the end of the armrests and on the backrest.

Phineas casts Find Traps but does not find any traps.

We open the door and find ourselves standing on a stone area. There is a great solid wall of black on the wall.

Everything beyond is solid black.

Irayas will go through tied to a rope. He goes beyond the darkness and finds a ledge with a set of stairs.


Irayas is surprised. Actually NOT Surprised.

He is being attacked. Something hard flies through the air and collides with him. It feels like stone. He has an AC of 4.

His natural instinct allows him to deck and he hears the collide of stone on stone. Something unseen allows him to evade attack.

  • Irayas pulls the rope and tries to go back.
  • Fineas pulls the rope.
  • Klort pulls the rope.
  • Yohan covers his approach.
  • Eomiaje goes up to the darkness to help.
  • Ragnar pulls on the rope.

Irayas is attacked again. He still has an AC 8. All the attacks hit except one of the weaker attacks. Irayas takes 15 damage, he is now at -2 hp. A bloodied Irayas comes back, there is a pool of blood.

We stand between the door and the darkness.

  • Yohan steps back 5'.
  • Eomiaje steps back too.
  • Mirella tries to turn.
  • Ragnar tries to open the door.
  • Fineas casts Cure Light Wounds.
  • Klort stays on the other side of the door.

Ragnar opens the door, Klort leaps through. Mirella turns Zombies but turns nothing.

Nothing comes through. Irayas is healed for 6 hp.

  • Yohan waits.
  • Eomiaje holds her position.
  • Mirella holds.
  • Ragnar keeps the door open.
  • Fineas tries to turn undead.
  • Klort stays outside.

Fineas rolls to turn undead.

Mirella and Fineas must roll for number of undead. Nothing comes through and Eomiaje and Yohan hear stone touching stone about 20' away. Like setting down a stone object on a stone table.


Irayas's wounds look like they are from bird claws and a deeper one from a deep beak cut.

We decide to head back. Irayas becomes conscious and can tell that something with claws and wings attacked him. It had a great weight. It was made of something large, like stone. His instinctual dexterity saved him.

We arrive back to Maelc safely…

Detect magic is cast on everything.

  • Stone cube has powerful magic.
  • The Cloak Clasp has powerful magic.

None of the other items had magic.

Eomiaje wants to find the Order of the Midnight Sun, maybe back in Gren.

  • Gem 1200 gp (960)
  • Lens 160 gp

Ragnar pays upkeep.

297 gp (xp) each.

Yohan puts on the clasp and tries to call forth someone to come to Ornholm. It emits a pulse. But nothing happens.

407 xp each.

Ragnar and Irayas will be leveling up.

Treasure shares: 5 pp, 261 gp, 23 ep.

We head back to Ornholm.

Irayas will examine the cube and he puts his thumb on the shape. But first, Mirella casts two cure light wounds and he is now healed.

Ragnar has 1500 gp for training. He will be ready on Rose Moon the 12th.

Irayas puts his thumb on the box and feels a strange sensation as though his body and clothes feel unstable. They have shifted in some way. He feels a weird internal affinity for the stone wall of the bed chamber. He tries to push on the wall with his hand and his arm passes through the stone wall. He takes his hand out of the wall. His finger is still on the cube and when he removes it the odd feeling goes away.

Ragnar is at 17 hp.

Yohan feels another pulse of energy as he uses the cloak clasp once again.

Irayas will claim the cube. Actually NO, Klort claims the cube. ID 203. He gets 500 xp.

If anything happens with the clasp during downtime, we can decide what to do in the next couple of days.

There is a DL 4 Fineas Quest.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_192_-_november_3rd_2024.txt · Last modified: 2025-01-06 20:38 by maervahr