
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 191, October 30th, 2024 - THE RUINS ON THE HILLS

LOG DATE 10/31/24

  • Xrith'atiril
  • Fulmok
  • Lygan
  • Helvik
  • Thorgard
  • Tatrin
  • Savina Lafey
  • Anthrys

SEED MOON the 1st, 498

They found a map with a magical rhombus opal, leading in a direction north west High Dell. They found this in a trap door that was Wizard Locked in a hole with the trap door, this was the location of the Treasure Map that was south east of Elsewater.

Splitting treasure.

They each get 9 gp, 4615 sp each, half for henchmen.

240 xp for PCs, half for henchmen.

On the 1st we travel from Dince to Kawlny. In the evening it begins to rain.

The next morning it is a hard rain.

SEED MOON the 2nd, 498

Risten gets a rumor in Kawlny, which is a village near Elsewater. There are 700 people here.

Fulmok is switched out for Timbraun. He leaves Fulmok and Anthrys who stay in Kawlny.

  • Risten hears a rumor of a ruined temple to the south west, south west of Kawlny the wind is

enchanted and will cut to pieces anyone that steps foot on the temple. It is caked in blood from people and animals, it is between Kawlny and Macetor to the south, in the Badlands. This is not the ruined castle on the map south west of Kawlny. It is a day or two ride on medium horses.

In Dince we could find a guide or a trading caravan that would know about it, or a person that goes down that road and would know more.

Thorgard treats everyone to a hearty drinking session. We find that some people in the village of Kawlny have heard of us before.

We will continue on to Criss Antha when the rain stops.

SEED MOON the 3rd, 498

We head toward Criss Antha because today it is just cloudy. Thorgard takes the Rhombus device outside of the tavern in the moonlight and checks the direction it points. It is pointing in the same direction to the northwest. Whatever it is leading to is not thousands of miles away but is not close to High Dell. It was around 11:00 while they were in Dince. But in Kawlny it was a little closer to 12, more like 11:10.

Travel to Criss Antha is uneventful. We meet with Timbraun and Litlee.

  • Timbraun
  • Litlee

It is still cloudy today. Travel to Gren is uneventful. It is still cloudy.

We are taking measurements from the Rhombus as we go.

SEED MOON the 4th, 498

We are now in Gren. We will head up to Qarn, then to Mombafra which will take 3 days of travel. There is a party of 7 now with Risten.

SEED MOON the 6th, 498

We made it to Mombafra safely and there is a heavy rain coming down. Talks of warfare and commerce is discussed around the town.

SEED MOON the 7th, 498

There is light rain that reduces sight and gives a -1 to missiles. In Mombafra, Thorgard is going to present this message to Lord Thompson in Mombafra. He says how it might indicate that the Forgotten Master is still alive and wants to retake his tower. He could put out his own feelers to counter any plans of the Forgotten Master.

Thorgard is able to get a counsel with one of the Lord's henchmen. He takes the message to Lord Thompson and will deliver a message the next day.

SEED MOON the 8th, 498

The next day it rains even harder. Thorgard meets with Lord Thompson in person. The situation is graver than we assume. The name is of a Magic-User of some power that is in the employ of Lord Wayd. If its true that the Forgotten Master is planning a military strike, then they will need to meet with his cabinet.

Castle Wayd and Mombafra do not have a good relationship but no conflict due to the intervention of the Forgotten Master. Lord Wayd would take up allies with the Forgotten Master in exchange for money and power. Lord Thompson knows that he is superior to Lord Wayd, Lord Wayd is allied with a clan of Hill Giants.

Lord Wayd's sword is SQUELCHER, it is one of broadswords of legend. The Ogre Clan is known as the Iogi clan, which is located next to Castle Wayd.

To the west is another great stretch of the Sea of Grass, past the Meadow Tomb. There are may ruins in that direction. Before the severing, it was part of a collection of city states in that area. Also some old elven ruins from an older age.

Lord Thompson believes that the Forgotten Master is hundreds of years old with a lot of Wisdom, besides his deleriousness. If he reached out to Castle Wayd, he would not do so unless he was expecting an attack from Castle Wayd. It is likely that he gained a strong foothold to defend himself from Wayd.

Lord Thompson will purchase the Rhombus for gold or present or future favor. He will have his magic-user inspect it to determine a value. He knows we are skilled and talented but he will need to talk to his cabinet. He would need some time to provision his troops.

We discuss changing plans and decide we might sell the Rhombus to Lord Thompson and then go explore the ruins with the metal snakes and ancient stones.

He will pay 1000 gp to each PC. Thorgard, Lygan, Risten, Savina, Xrith. He pays 5000 gp.

Risten will cast FIND FAMILIAR. He must pay 100 gp. He does not find any Familiar and cannot try again for a year.

Timbraun obtains the Scroll of Find Familiar from Maervahr (for 408 gp). Timbraun gets a Weasel! He gets a 1-in-6 to surprise and good olfactory senses. Its within 10“.

In the evening it is light rain.

SEED MOON the 9th, 498

It is hard rain today.

SEED MOON the 10th, 498

It is only light rain today. We are finally heading to the ruins that we mapped out. The travel takes the whole day before it gets dark. We see in the distance the hill that was covered in stone blobs. They look like statues or idols but they are now faceless due to being weathered. The hills are covered in some kind of vine. They are thick and would make the hills difficult to climb up. It looks like there were once stone constructions.

We decide to explore the hills and then will make camp.


We are not surprised.

As we approach the hill, we see something very clearly come down the left side. It looks like a segmented mechanical metal snake creature. It looks pristine, made of thin sheets of metal. It has a diamond shaped head. It looks quite big and moves very quickly. When we noticed it the thing moves mechanically and slides down like rain. It has not noticed us.

It is at a distance of 15”.

There is still a light rain.

  • Lygan charges.
  • Helvik charges.
  • Savina follows invisibly to about 7“ away.
  • Xrith charges with his lance.
  • Timbraun casts Shield.
  • Litlee charges.
  • Thorgard charges.
  • Tatrin moves up 5” away and dismounts.

Two of us have light warhorses and Thorgard has a Hippogriff. After 1 segment, we continue moving.

Timbraun closes to strike but does not charge after casting his spell.

The mechanical snake thing notices us and unleashes a CRY that sounds like a very metallic screeching metal upon metal and it courses over the vine covered hill. On the far side of the hill is another call that is heard.

Thorgard will meet the creature first. He sees another one coming in over the hilltop from 5“ away. It has AC 5/3.

Thorgard hits for 11 damage with a magic sword. It cuts a big gash in the steel. The creature tries to snap down on Thorgard's Hippogriff. It has AC 6. It will hit on a 7. It hits for 9 damage!

Thorgard flies past it and sees that at the end of its body, it comes to a vicious barb that is 1' long. Thorgard wants to jump off his Hippogriff to get it to fly off. His ring fails to work but he saves and takes no damage.

We can see the other metal snake is coming in Thorgard's direction. The creature is 5” away and it watches us from the hill and engages in melee at the same time.

Xrith's non magical lance bounces off the creature!

Both of the creatures retaliates with its barbed tails.

One attacks Lygan. It hits dealing 7 damage! They whip around their tail piercers.

Litlee and Xrith. Litlee is struck for 3 damage and must save versus poison. She saves! Xrith is missed!

We cant that the construction is limited in how far they can bend their bodies, they cannot direct their pincer directly in front of them.

Thorgard gets his second attack. He misses!

Timbraun is also engaged but Tatrin and Savina are not.

  • Savina stays at a distance
  • Xrith gets in front and attacks with his sword.
  • Timbraun casts Magic Missile.
  • Litlee does a fighting withdraw.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin casts prayer.
  • Lygan follows Xrith
  • Helvik gets in with the front.

Tied initiatiative.

Prayer goes off on segment 2 of next round. Magic Missile on segment 7.

Thorgard, Xrith and Lygan all hit and destroy one!

Helvik hits for 9 on the other one.

One attack on Helvik, he is hit! He takes 8 damage, HELVIK IS KILLED! Xrith is missed!

Lygan is attacked by the tail, both of the tails actually! One hit for 5 damage and a save versus poison DOES NOT SAVE! He falls to the ground alongside his henchman.

Magic Missiles go off. 7 damage to one creature.

Lygan and Helvik are both down. Litlee is disengaged.

  • Litlee stays back. She will try to get to Lygan
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin will cast Slow Poison.
  • Savina watches.
  • Xrith gets directly in front and attacks.

Xrith is targeted, but Thorgard attacks first.

Xrith takes 11 damage (-2 from armor). Thorgard deflects the tail.

The cleric and Timbraun are in melee.

Xrith hits for 4 damage and Thorgard did 15.



Timbraun casts Slow Poison on Lygan. It lasts 3 hours.

To get back to Mombafra will take 7 movement points.

The snakes look like they are silver and platinum alloy.

We start to gather up metallic snake parts. They have 12 1000 coin plates and 12 100 coin plates.

Xrith takes 1 1000 coin plates. 1 500 coin plates.

We are forcemarching back to Mombafra.

Random encounters are being rolled.

We make it back to Mombafra.

Lygan has the neutralize poison removed.

To raise Helvik would cost 1,375 gp to be raised.

The plates are worth their weight in silver or their weight in gold. 1 of them is worth 500 gp.

  • 8500 sp
  • 500 gp

We are taking donkeys. We will camp south of the mountains.

SEED MOON the 12th, 498

The weather is cloudy.

We arrive south of the mountains and decide to camp. The weather has cleared up in the evening.

No encounters overnight.

SEED MOON the 13th, 498

We make it to the hill. We spend two movement points to search the vine covered hills.

We gather up the remaining plates which is 5x 1000 coin plates. Timbraun finds a leather pouch that has a capsule of vial inside it. Tatrin finds a scroll case made of same alloy of the snakes, it was partially buried underground.

Savina finds a large metal plate of the same alloy as the snake, it is mostly a large shield. Litlee finds a stone outcropping and sees a leather strap of ancient make and adorned with fancy threadwork. Its a Phylactery, like that worn by a Cleric.

Tatrin casts Detect Magic.

  • Light magic on the leather pouch.
  • Light magic in the metal tube.
  • Strong magic on the large shield.
  • Strong magic on the phylactery.

The ruins look like an above ground construction, only a couple pieces of stone indicating a building.

Tatrin finds no traps on the objects. Hands the scroll case to Timbraun. It is readable, Scroll of Protection from Paralyzation.

  • Scroll of Protection from Petrify.
  • Small vial of gold schlager.

No encounters on our way back to camp. We arrive at the mountains and the ruins of the lake.


We are not surprised.

The Weasel Familiar is named POP.

Thorgard and Lygan are keeping watch. They spot humanoid figures moving along the plain, in the direction of the mountains and the ruins of the village on the lake. They number about 10. They are moving along the ground with leaps and bounds, sometimes go beneath the grass. They look at the ground a lot.

Thorgard shields the fire pit. Lygan wakes people up quietly. The group lingers for a bit and then they leave. No more incidents.


SEED MOON the 14th, 498

The potion instills a measure of dexterity and feels like they could trick someone.

Thorgard spars with the shield, which is a +1 Large Shield. Litlee tries on the armband and it fits perfectly, a Phylactery. When she thinks about murdering Timbraun, it would enrage her god. It is a Phylactery of Faithfulness (7,500 gp). SOLD

Thorgard gains the +1 large shield (id 201).

Potion of Persuasion? Savina Lafey takes this, id 202.

Scroll of Paralyzation is worth 7500 gp. SOLD.

We got 2000 gp worth on 2 plates. We got 1 plate worth 500 gp.

Total gold is 17500 gp 15000 sp

2916 gp, 2500 sp each, half for the henchmen, 4 gp leftover to Lygan.

3041 xp worth of gold.

650 xp for henchmen. 2533 xp for pcs. 2735 xp for Thorgard

Timbraun is leveled and will be capped.

SEED MOON the 14th, 498

Last day of this session.

Xrith'atiril pays 2000 gp toward his loan and 200 toward armor repair.


player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_191_-_october_30th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by