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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands

Into The Hollow For Treasure Part 5: The Retreat to Elsewater

Session 182, September 22nd, 2024 - Into The Hollow For Treasure Part 5: The Retreat to Elsewater

LOG DATE 09/23/24

  • Xrith'atiril
  • John - Dead
  • Sapphira - Dead(ish)
  • Jedor - Dead
  • Jacob
  • Josalyn
  • Lygan - AC 1
  • Oswald
  • Briiz
  • Lusia - Dead
  • Shadow - Dead

DEAD MOON the 1st, 498

We continue the Treasure Map quest.

We try to draw out the beetles at the entrance to the hole but we only hear a snap of metal and a crunch. Xrith starts stomping the ground.


A single beetle comes up out of the hole.

  • Xrith tosses a burning oil flask.
  • Lygan tosses an oil flask.
  • Jacob stands for a charge.

Lygan and Xrith miss their target.

The beetle attacks Xrith. He has AC -2.

The beetle hits on a 13. He takes 12 damage plus 7, he takes 19 damage.

Jacob hits for 9 and 12 damage. It is not killed.

  • Xrith plus everyone will get melee attacks.
  • Everyone else stands back and does nothing.

Xrith does 7 damage. Jacob does 16 damage. Lygan does 6 damage.

Lygan takes 8 damage total.

Josalyn begins digging a trench and uses the decanter of endless water to fill it with fresh water. She then starts using the geyser mode to fill the hole.

We are standing outside the entrance.

The decanter starts spraying water down the hole and the beetle starts coming up the hole.

  • Xrith pulls out his bow and starts shooting.
  • Lygan receives a charge.

The Beetle is fighting against the water to some degree.

Xrith does 6 damage with an arrow shot. There is another beetle behind the other one.

Lygan hit for 4 damage, and Jacob hits once for 8 damage.

One Beetle is in melee charge.

The hole goes straight down.

We lose initiative.

The Stag Beetle tries to overbear Lygan. Lygan misses his retaliatory strike.

Lygan has a 13 Dex as the creature tries to engage him in a grapple type attack.

It has a +60% chance to hit. It comes down on Lygan. He is knocked flat and stunned for 1 round. He takes 9 damage, 4 non lethal.

Jacob and Xrith both kill the Stag Beetle! Xrith does 13 damage.

  • Oswald fills up the third spot.
  • Xrith holds the line.
  • Jacob holds the line.
  • Josalyn holds the decanter.

Another beetle comes up from the tunnel. It is trying to escape and charging into a grapple, with more force and less hesitation.

Oswald tries to hit the Beetle as it attempts to break through. He succeeds!

Xrith misses. Jacob did 19 and 11 damage. Oswald hit for 5 damage! We kill this one too!

Two beetle corpses are jammed in the hole.


Xrith and Oswald pull the Stag Beetle off of Lygan and we decide to cut open the Beetle.

Lygan is back on his feet. We try to pull out the other Beetle with the rope.

We pull out one of the Beetles that is inside the hole, blocking it off. Josalyn stops the decanter as the hole begins to fill.

It was 10-15 minutes from the beginning of the fight until now so we will check to see who is eaten and urecoverable.

One Beetle eating a character or Shadow each. There will be a roll to see who is being eaten. Everyone must save versus death, -1 per minute but a +1 per type of armor (add magic). Total -8, +4 for banded, plate or splint, +2 for chain, +1 for leather.

John failed, he is unraisable. Lusia failed, she is unraisable. Sapphira has the ring of regneration so does not need to roll. Shadow failed, cannot be brought back. Jedor failed, he is not raisable.

All characters are ground up by the stag beetles. Sapphira has a GRUESOME regeneration.

John had an elven chain mail +2 and it saves! +1 longsword goes back to Lygan.

Jedor left all his items to Sapphira and had a loyalty of 100.

Lusia had a ring of protection against chaos, pledge to the bank as collateral. She also has a horse and everything on the horse, 146 gp.

Lygan is cured for 8.

Xrith and Lygan are cured nearly to full.

In the pit there are some dead Beetles and the bodies of our friends.

We head back to civilization.

In the morning Sapphira has completely regenerated. Personata has left for now, to return to her clan.

We are 1 days journey from the Kahhed clan.

We make it back unhindered and will now get XP.

The knives are 220 gp each. Personata got a knife.

The Balm is in Lygan's possession.

Personata gets 300 xp. Henchmen get 598 xp. Briiz gets 298 xp.

PCs get 1194 xp, Lygan gets 1694.

The new map is off by 1 or 2 hexes but we do have an updated map.

DEAD MOON the 2nd, 498

We will travel south east toward Elsewater via Sihud Clan and Ainsatis.

Weather is clear.

DEAD MOON the 3rd, 498

We will arrive at the Sihul clan camp on the evening. First day of travel is uneventful.

Xrith and Lygan are fully healed.

DEAD MOON the 5th, 498

We arrive in Ainsatis and will stop for the night. No encounters.

We camp outside.

DEAD MOON the 6th, 498

Evening of the 6th, it is cloudy but we arrive at the Clan of the Coil.

DEAD MOON the 7th, 498

It is still cloudy and we will travel across the plains to Seleb.

Uneventful travel and the morning is clear.

DEAD MOON the 8th, 498

We are east of Tythus's camp so we have to camp outside.

No encounters.

DEAD MOON the 9th, 498

Lygan and Xrith display our daggers prominently and we will go to the Barbarian camp for the night. We can make it in one day.

We travel around the south edge of the lake. We arrive at the encampment.

The forces that ride out are Ukhatu tribe.

Sapphira will be the face of our group. +25 + CHA for having our knives as they approach but they are not friendly to outsiders typically.

The group that rides out but don't speak Common. They use a younger tribesmember as a mediary. Because of Sapphira's charisma and position, we are permitted into the camp and allowed to stay.

They are the Kerjor Clan. and they live in a beautiful camp along some mesas and on the edge of the lake. The people here do not engage with Xrith at all. He rolled a terrible reaction roll of 1.

Jacob finds someone to talk to. They think that outsiders have brought People of Rock into their territory. They are isolationist but believe everyone to the north are responsible for the People of the Rock.

DEAD MOON the 10th, 498

We continue on, last day of camping outside.

No incidents, The weather is clear and in the morning it is still clear.

DEAD MOON the 11th, 498

Evening of the 11th we arrive back in Elsewater.

Sapphira will meet some of Jedor's family, she goes to tell of his death to his parents and will give them the knife and the holy symbol he was given.

She owes 2 months of upkeep.

Jedor's family is stoic from the news but they have reverence for Sapphira. They are thankful to Sapphira and her order to helping to fulfill the deeds he has accomplished. She is welcome in their home anytime.

The Wilderness expedition comes to an end.

DEAD MOON the 12th, 498

Lygan is getting the armor sanded down from the evil black.

Voltendo is a Paladin.

Xrith owes 2483, he pays 1000 gp as a gem.

Xrith's Hippogriff has now grown up to a full on Hippogriff on Dead Moon the 9th.

In Elsewater and Mombafra we can buy a 10,000 gp gem.

Jacob sells a bunch of stuff and pays off his upkeep.

Jacob's other Hippogriff hatched on 10-25, so it will be ready on 4-25.

Stuff we can do:

  • Look for trouble in Elsewater.
  • Delbo
  • Apefang Maw
  • Sheel'sadorin
  • Lairs
  • Dead Mans Stone
  • Gnolls in Red Sun Valley
  • Key in a lockbox with an inscription, from Wolf Den.
  • Silva the Procurer.
  • Check the Ruins out by Mipin.

They are discussing bring on other characters.

Darvin is a level 3 Thief.

Fulmok and Anthrys will be joining us.

We plan to be looking for trouble in Elsewater.

  • Irayas
  • Fulmok
  • Xrith'atiril
  • Jacob
  • Josalyn
  • Briiz
  • Uuto
  • Darvan
  • Oswald

We find people traveling to Macetor, 100 gp per level for each person. We will move in the morning. We agree.

In midday in Elsewater we come across a conflict between two parties. 4 men in plate armor look like experienced adventurers. They look like a Fighter of prestigious rank. They are arguing with a group of Clerics of Xo. Conflict is about requisition of magic items.

Jacob steps forward and tries to parley to help. We dont know these people. They look at Jacob and are surprised. The Fighters say that the Temple of Xo agreed to supply some scrolls but these Clerics are no longer affiliated with the Temple of Xo. These Clerics should not be allowed to leave town until they give the items.

There are 6 Clerics. They wear plate and some look like Acolytes.

Fulmok wants to Hide in Shadows to position himself.

The Head Cleric is able to perform the divination and they have an affiliation with the Temple and it is their duty to perform their task.

Jacob asks if they are affiliated with the temple. They say as of yesterday they are no longer affiliated temple.

If these Clerics are part of the Temple, it would be fair but if the Clerics are no longer part, it would be fair to leave them in peace.

Both agree to go to the temple to rehash the debate.

The group starts heading to the Temple. Fulmok poisons his dagger.

Later in the day we come across some city guardsmen arresting a drunk.

It is a Drunk Elf. Quite intoxicated. It looks like he is under the influence of another drug, like black lotus.

The guards say he has been making inappropriate movements toward people and some say he brandished a bow from a rooftop.

He says “how could I get up on a roof?” and he has a bow.

The bow looks decent with elven craftsmanship. More valuable than a regular longbow.

He doesnt look like he is on Lotus. He mentions a certain beverage, similar to absinthe that is sold in a tavern in Elsewater. The Clerics of the Temple of Zo have a hand in brewing the beverage.

He says he will lead us to the tavern.

The Elf leads us in a roundabout way and we go toward the lake. When we arrive there are several decorative lanterns and a wooden carving of a moth over the entryway. The sign says:

“The Oiled Moth Tavern”

Looks like it was converted to a tavern. The boards look like it could collapse.

Fulmok thinks this could be a front for some guild. There is some movement inside and the Elf is halfway through the door.

We gain control of him and bring him back to the Inn that he stays at. Fulmok goes up to his room.

Fulmok is a Half-Orc, but looks Human. He takes his boots off and…


Fulmok is attacking the Elf with his shortsword and dagger.

Fulmok loses initiative.

The Elf is immediately tries to sober up a bit and swings his longsword at Fulmok. AC 4/8. He misses with his longsword.

Fulmok misses with his longsword and dagger. AC 5/5.

Next round, the shortsword misses and two dagger attacks: miss and miss.

The Elf is angry and irritated, despite the intoxication. He hits Fulmok for 8 damage.

Fulmok attacks. Shortsword hits for 5 damage. Dagger misses.

The Elf does not notice the poison.

Next round, Shortsword misses, Dagger misses.

The Elf hits again for 7 damage! Still doesnt notice the poison.

Fulmok does a fighting withdraw.

The Elf presses Fulmok. Shortsword and dagger misses again, as does the Elf. Poison is still not noticed.

Fulmok still tries to withdraw.

The Elf hits for 1 point of damage. He is now in the hallway of the Inn.

Fulmok starts yelling.

This causes the Elf to get agitated and backs up into the room. Fulmok goes back down.


A plated warrior slowly goes up the stairs. He heaves on the door with a great sigh. He unsticks the door, the room is unoccupied. Jacob can see that the bed is a mess. There is an empty mug and a stack of silverware and plates. No personal effects in here.

Xrith looks outside for guards.

Irayas sneaks up to the room and starts searching the room. He blocks the door.

Xrith goes back inside to continue drinking at the bar.

Oswald throws him a heal spell. He gets 11 hp back.

Irayas searches the room but notices under the bed is a floorboard with a knot, but looks like there is a piece of parchment under the floorboard. He will check for traps on the floor board.

No traps are found. He gets the plank and gets the parchment. Something falls out. It is a wooden thing, like a tube, that is 3.5“ long.

  • Wooden device

Irayas finds magic runes on the parchment. Definitely keeping it to sell.

Josalyn casts detect magic on both items. Faint magic on the wooden block and on the parchment.

We later, stumble across a beggar asking for alms. Jacob gives 3 gp.

10 minutes later a group of beggars also come up. Jacob tells them about work in Mombafra.

Down by the water we come across some sailors preparing for a journey the next day. They are getting drunk.

They are transporting lumber from lumberjacks to the north. To reinforce Dince's palisade. Just regular maintenance of the wall.

In the evening of the upper area of the city, we come across another beggar that is quite successful, he is near one of the nice temples.

We see two people put in gold pieces already.

No incident the rest of the day.

Anthrys casts Read Magic on the parchment and it depicts the Lake and to the people of the Rock in Ansatis. 15 miles down the river, something of interest in that location. Besides the map is a depiction of a face at the top of the scroll with a statueesque face. It has a unibrow with inset eyes. Similar to the meadow dungeon but this one is different.

  • TREASURE MAP south of Elsewater, 15 miles from the lake.

Dead Moon the 13th, 498

We meet some members of the trade caravan and will be traveling to the east to River Knoll and then to Macetor the next day.

There are 50 mercenaries in our company, some other Fighters and Magic-Users.

No encounters on Day 1, we make it to Riverknoll.

Fulmok is fully healed.

Dead Moon the 14th, 498

We make it to Macetor, a city of 20,000. It is known for its martial prowess. We go to the office to trade our mark for payment.

  • 100 gp per level.

Xrith depostis 600 gp in the bank.

Falavor will join us instead of Jacob.

We will wander around for a bit.

We pass by some merchants transporting silks.

Falavor is attempting to pick pocket on the Merchants. Fulmok can roll 4d6 under DEX to get +10 to Pick Pockets for Falavor.

Falavor can make two rolls, two successes.

The merchants give Fulmok 3 gp for his trouble, due to the show he has created.

  • 42 ep
  • 72 sp

Later in the day, we come across 10 individuals. 2 in plate, 1 in leather and 8 in robes. They are all bearing holy symbols of Mote. The rest are wooden holy symbols but some are on their plate. Traveling through the city as though they are not from around here.

They are going to the north to visit a site of interest north of the hills.

The Circle of Annihilation is building a shrine. The group wants to aid in its establishment.

There was a battle between the forces of Macetor and the Circle of Annihilation between some Werewolves and Brigands. The Werewolves had activated some Golems so it took a lot of their best forces to defeat them.

Falavor will make attempts across all the people in Plate. First one fails under 10%. Second one is a success at +20.

He gets some silver.

  • 41 sp.

The rest of the day we come across some beggars.

Silverware that Irayas got:

  • 62 cp.
  • 56 sp.

Dead Moon the 16th, 497

End of session in Macetor.

6 ep, 14 sp each, henchmen get half

We might do either the Treasure Map or Sheel'sadorin.

player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_182_-_september_22nd_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by