
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 179, September 11th, 2024 - BLOODFIRE NETHERGROTTO Part 5

LOG DATE 09/16/24

  • Maervahr - Stoneskin
  • Ilariya - Stoneskin
  • Thorgard - Stoneskin
  • Tatrin - Stoneskin
  • Timbraun - Stoneskin
  • Litlee - Stoneskin
  • Risten - Stoneskin
  • Fandilas - Stoneskin
  • Arusun - Stoneskin
  • Fothas - Stoneskin

Doing upkeep.

Maervahr 1360 gp for upkeep. He pays his upkeep.


Fandilas has a Hippogriff and has 4026 gp of debt. Does not owe any debt after a correction.

Storm Moon (12) the 10th, 497

The weather is cloudy, and we head out to the west for the entrance to the NETHERGROTTO.

Maervahr casts Strength on Thorgard and Deeppockets. Thorgard has 1-3 on doors now. Fothas and Fandilas.

Ilariya checks for tracks or unusual things as we descend down the main pit.

We go down normally and get to the bottom. The party is moving at 6“ movement speed. It takes 8 turns to get to the bottom.

We head down the eastward passage and Tatrin casts Find Traps. We see a long straight hallway going south and an archway going east.

Maervahr listens with his weasel before we pass the archway.

We can see into a wide open room as far as we can see. We see a staircase north and the archway is 10' wide. 3 Fire Giants could fight us in this hallway.

In the room, the ceiling is 60' in height. The staircase goes up to an elevated stone rise 15' up. Coming out of the platform is a 20' diameter column that goes up into the darkness. The ceiling does not slant so its probably 60' high.

To the west side of the platform is a pathway of maroon bricks. This pathway is built into the floor. Normal floor is gray stone. The pathway leads north. The ground is littered with debris, big bulky stuff, stone, weapons, armors, bone, some larger than man. Debris looks quite old. Could be from decades ago or longer. The debris is enough that we could not charge into the room.

Tatrin looks at the Maroon Bricks for traps and finds none. Sees no other traps in here. The bricks are bigger than human sized.

We move into the room. Fandilas considers flying up to the ceiling. Across the way is another archway. There are two huge alcoves with big statues in them and another brick pathway on the other side of the room.

The statues are 16' tall hulking figures, double the height of a fire giant. They are depicted in plate armor with sword in both hands.

When we step into the room, suddenly we hear a gong…striking of a sizable gong from down the hallway. 3 loud bangs, a pause and then three more.

  • Fandilas casts Fly.
  • Maervahr uses Detection of Magic

No magic is detected.

Fothas readies his bow. Maervahr can suddenly hear the sound of landing of heavy boots running away, coming from the east.

Fandilas flies straight up. The column is 20' wide and starts at 15' up. It connects to the ceiling and he can see that the ceiling is flat, there are no other connecting pillars.

There are big pieces of wood and stone can be used as a barricade.

Maervahr sees another pillar behind the other one and there are two more alcoves up north. Maervahr sees statues in the two alcoves he revealed.

One statue is holding out his sword and missing one arm entirely. A lot of the debris has old bloodstains on it. There are some Troglodyte skeletons that look newer along with some half giant skeletons.

The columns look plain with no markings.

Maervahr is continually listening from behind the column. Fandilas flies up and positions himself above the east door. Everyone else is behind the barricade now.

Maervahr is taking some time to map out the rest of the room while we wait.


We are not surprised.

There is some movement coming from down the hallway and Fandilas can hear things coming from the other side of the hallway.

  • Tatrin casts Prayer.
  • Timbraun casts Ray of Enfeeblement
  • Litlee stands in front.
  • Thorgard stands in the front.
  • Fothas goes in the front.
  • Maervahr casts Fly and goes psionically invisible.
  • Ilariya has her bow out.

We win inititative.

Fly is 3 segments. Ray of Enfeeblemet is 2 segments. It will be timed to when he Timbraun sees them. Prayer is 6 segments.

From the west hallway come 2 Fire Half Giants and 2 Hell Hounds. Ray of Enfeeblement goes off and he targets a Half Giant.

The Fire Half Giant fails and has damage reduced by 25%.

Fandilas takes his shot but they are not surprised, they all have AC 5. He targets a Hell Hound. Fandilas hits for 1 damage. Thorgard attacks but they go first because they have big longswords.

Fothas, Thorgard and Litlee in front. Fothas is attacked, he has AC -2 but with his Dwarf bonus he has AC -6. They hit on 16s. Missed. Also the attack on Thorgard misses.

The Hellhounds cannot get into the barricade but try to get around the barricade. We have a bonus to our saves against their breath weapon. +10 to save if we dont do anything.

3 characters in front can attack at +4 since they are moving through melee. Fothas will get his regular attack. Hell Hounds are medium.

Thorgard hit for 5 damage. Fothas hits for 13 and then another attack at +4 which does 13 damage.

The two Hell Hounds are wounded but they try blast someone behind the barrier. Ilariya is having to save and made it!

We took no damage at all from the blast.

On the East Side are two more Hell Hounds with 4 Half Giants. Fandilas can get another shot but does not fire this round.

Maervahr goes Psionically Invisible to the right hand side. The Hell Hounds avoid Arusun. The Fire Half Giants go into the north barrier but one of them goes to Arusun.

Prayer goes off with a radius of 6”.

Thorgard hits a Half Fire Giant for 6 damage. The barricade still serves to our advantage.

  • Tatrin drinks a potion id 90, potion of Fire Resistance.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Timbraun casts Magic Missile.
  • Litlee attacks.
  • Risten casts Magic Missile.
  • Fandilas casts Confusion.
  • Arusun uses a scroll of feign death.
  • Fothas casts Confusion.
  • Maervahr casts Hold Monster.
  • Ilariya attacks one of the Hell Hounds.

Thorgard feels empowered by Lorwirs blade, it functions as a +2 blade. Hold Monster is 5 segments. It takes 2 segments to cast Feign Death (cleric). Confusion takes 4 segments.

Arusun is attacked by a Half Fire Giant. He has AC 2, he is hit and it strikes his Stoneskin. He falls with the blow to fake it.

Litlee is attacked by two Half Fire Giants. One misses, the other hits and hits the Stoneskin.

1 attack on Ilariya, 2 on Risten. Ilariya is MISSED! Risten has AC 9, is hit on a 4. Hit - Stoneskin, second one hits causing him to lose his spell doing 11 damage. He has 3 hp left!

4 Hell Hounds are breathing and biting. 2 more on Risten, 2 on Ilariya. Ilariya saves but takes 9 damage. They try to bite and they miss! All her items save!

Risten failed his save, he takes 6 damage and is at -3.

The Hellhound attacks Timbraun. Must save versus breath. He saves! Takes 3 damage. Bite hits, STONESKIN!

Ilariya hits for 8 damage. Litlee misses. Timbraun loses his spell. Fothas hits one for 14 damage. Thorgard also hit for 14 damage. They are still alive!

Potion takes effect, for 1d4+1 turns of Fire Resistance. Confusion goes off, he gets a 9 on the roll which effects 10 of them. He effects all of the opponent creatures.

Confusion effects all of them and they are all confused, saving every round. Feign Death is active. Half Fire Giant is Slowed, not held, 2 Hell Hounds are Immobilized, one is also slowed.

  • Maervahr rises up and casts Polymorph Other
  • Ilariya attacks
  • Timbraun and Litlee attack.
  • Fandilas casts Mirror Image
  • Everyone else attacks.
  • Arusun plays dead.

Thorgard hits one for 13 damage. He does not kill one! Actually, he does! 1 down. It attacks Thorgard and misses.

The Giants are confused. They need 13s, 2 failures and a pass. 1 stands confused, 1 attacks. 1 attack on Ilariya and another on Tatrin. Ilariya is hit, STONESKIN! Hellhound stands confused.

Ilariya does 9 damage to one Half Giant. Thorgard does 15 damage. Tatrin does 4 damage against a slowed Hell Hounds. Timbraun kills a held Hell Hound, it is dead.

Polymorph Other goes off and Maervahr turns one of the Half Giants into a small brown snail.

Ray of Enfeeblement is over.

  • Timbraun does a fighting withdraw
  • Litlee attacks.
  • Risten is at -4 hp
  • Maervahr goes psionically invisible to collect the snail.
  • Ilariya attacks.
  • Thorgard and Tatrin attack.
  • Fothas attacks.

Fire Half Giant attacks Fothas and misses. Hellhounds both stand there! Half Fire Giants both attack nearest creature.

1 attacks Ilariya, is hit for 10 damage.

1 attacks its ally and one attacks Tatrin. It goes for one of the Fire Giants. The Half Fire Giant hits for 13 damage!

1 attacks Tatrin and hits for 10 damage!

Ilariya misses. Fothas hits for 9 damage. Thorgard did 11 damage.

Fandilas hits for 14 damage against a Hell Hound. Its not dead yet.

Tatrin did 2 damage against the slowed Hell Hound.

  • Maervahr flies above the melee.
  • Ilariya does a fighting withdrawal into the south alcove.
  • Thorgard charges in.
  • Tatrin fighting withdrawl south.
  • Timbraun stays back.
  • Litlee attacks.
  • Risten is at -5.
  • Fandilas is attacking.
  • Fothas charges.

2 Hell Hounds fail their saves. 1 stands confused and attacks nearest creature. It attacks one of the other Hell Hounds. It misses.

1 Half Giant fails, attacks nearest creature and the other stands confused. It attacks another Half Giant and misses.

One must make a Morale Check. It passes and attacks. Ilariya is attacked. She takes 10 damage and is DEAD DEAD DEAD AGAIN!

Thorgard hit for 8 and 14 damage. It kills one and does 14 to another one.

  • Tatrin casts Light at a Half Fire Giant.
  • Everyone else attacks.

They all fail their saves again. One Half Giant stands confused another attacks the party.

Thorgard kills another Half Giant. Light goes off and the last Half Giant is blind.

  • Tatrin moves in to stabilize Risten.
  • Maervahr assists Tatrin.

Both Hellhounds failed, one stands and the other fails its Morale and tries to flee.

Litlee did 7 damage. Fandilas did 8 damage and discharges its ring. Killing it!

Timbraun hit for 6. Thorgard hits for 14 and 16, killing a Hell Hound!

Fothas is attacked. He must save versus breath, he takes 3 damage. Bite is a miss. Fandilas does 7 damage. Fothas does 7 damage. Killing it!

Fothas kills the last held Hell Hound, ending combat.


Maervahr collects Hell Hound and Half Fire Giant parts.

Risten is stabilized but unconscious. We map out this chamber and it will take a long time to search this room. Probably an entire hour.

Maervahr does the mapping and Fothas + Thorgard watch the exits. We search the whole room. Arusun finds a pouch with 68 cp.

  • 68 cp.
  • Giant Rusted Sword.
  • Giant sized Kite Shield trimmed with gold. Weighs 2100 coins.
  • Unrolled silver and copper coins.
  • Pouch with 2 gems.
  • 5' long chain with end links broken.
  • 5,000 sp in a sack.

Timbraun checks the precipice of the dais. Thorgard bathes Lorwir's blade in Half Giant blood.

The side of the platfrom sounds solid. Risten wakes up from unconsciousness.

Maervahr uses detection of magic on all the room including the statues. No moving parts on the statue, but the arm was broken off cleanly. Powerful magic coming from the north statue with the broken arm.

Thorgard taps the base of the statue and Tatrin did not see any traps. The entire statue is magic, except for the base. The statue has a determined look in its face.

We thoroughly tap along the statues and search the two pillars, we find nothing new.

The swords in each statue are the same style, but not identical. Fothas does not notice anything unusual about the columns.

Maervahr casts Invisibility on Risten.

We travel down the corridor and come to an intersection. It goes north and south and the passage continues east. It smells of swampland to the north. We see natural stone stairs leading south. The other corridor continues on straight. The north passage opens up further.

We see a big brass gong with a mallet wrapped in reptile hide.

Thorgard does not get any directional feeling from the sword. We continue down the main hallway to the east. There is a door to the left made of the white and brown streaked wood and the corridor continues past.

Arusun casts Find Traps. Litlee casts Endure Heat on herself and Timbraun. It lasts 18 turns.

No traps are detected as we move up but we do find a similar door on the opposite wall.

We go through the north door.

Our light illuminates some sort of barracks, we see weapons, shields and armors of the Half Giants. High quality. There are also large military beds along with rubbish. There are enough bunks for 10 large sized creatures. There are bowls of water with chewed on bones along with a large sized barrel at the head of the room. There is a door to the east.

Maervahr uses detection of magic. Only 2 have furs, which are gross looking. We also thoroughly search. We find some boxes next to the beds but they are empty of valuables. The barrel to the north has a mildewy beer smell. Nothing of interest is found. The barrel is closed and there is a tap. There are several clay mugs with gray colored beer.

The barrel is pretty full of beer.

We open the east door and see a much larger chamber. There are piles of scaly skins and burnt leather. There is the smell of cooking and a lot of heat coming from here. We can see due to a dim glow from a black stone bowl about 3' tall. It illuminates a corner of a room. In front is the corpse of a Subterranean Lizard that was seared by great heat.

There are Troglodyte skulls that have been nailed to the wall and there are bits of Troglodytes around.

We go inside the room and look around more. There are 4 huge barrels on the north wall. The bowl is filled 2/3 with Lava!

Maervahr uses detection of magic but does not detect any magic.

We decide to leave the room as nothing is found of interest. We head south through another door.


Not surprised.

Standing right in the front of the room is a single Half Fire Giant with an oversized helmet. There are two Hell Hounds at his first.

  • Timbraun casts Sleep.
  • Litlee stays outside.
  • Fandilas attacks.
  • Fothas attacks.
  • Maervahr casts Polymorph Other on a Hell Hound.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin shoots.
  • Arusun charges to attack.

The Hell Hounds are prone and have AC 1. Thorgard misses. Arusun charges in, misses. Thorgard did 9 damage. Fothas did 7 damage. Fandilas misses.

  • Litlee charges in
  • Fandilas attacks
  • Arusun attacks.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin holds the door.

Sleep goes off but does nothing. Thorgard gets his attack doing 12 damage against the Half Fire Giant.

Arusun is attacked, he takes 10 damage. The two Hell Hounds, 1 attacks Arusun and the other attacks Litlee.

Endure Heat is used by Litlee. Bite hits causing 3 damage. Arusun fails his save and takes 6 damage, he is DEAD DEAD DEAD!

Polymorph Other goes off on one of the Hell Hounds and it Saves!

Maervahr is psionically invisible.

Thorgard hits for 16 damage, SLAYING THE HALF GIANT! Fandilas hits for 5 damage.

Thorgard takes 2 attacks, He uses the Ring of Fire Protection. He fails his save! And takes 6 damage, his items must save. NVM! His items will not need to save except for paper or parchment.

1 bite hits Thorgard for 10 damage, but STONESKIN!

The double doors suddenly burst open. Another Half Fire Giant comes, a Hell Hound and a full sized Fire Giant.

Litlee must save versus fire breath. Bite attack hits for 5 damage, Litlee is now at -2 hp.

Thorgard is attacked by Fire Half Giant but misses. Full Giant roars with anger and attacks Fandilas. He is hit on a 7, he is struck. The giant blade hits Fandilas for…STONESKIN!

Thorgards sword is +3 against the Fire Giant. Fandilas does 16, Fothas does 14, Thorgard does 10 damage. 40 total damage!

  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin casts Prayer.
  • Timbraun holds door.
  • Fandilas casts Blink.
  • Fothas attacks.
  • Maervahr casts Light.

13 damage from Fothas, the Fire Giant is slain! Thorgard hits the Half Giant for 15 damage.

Fandilas and Thorgard must save twice. Both succeed!

6 damage to Thorgard, 3 to Fandilas.

2 bites to Thorgard, 1 hit for 7 damage. 1 bite on Fandilas misses.

Fire Half Giant attacks Fothas.

Thorgard hits for 8 on the Half Giant, killing it.

Maervahr casts Light on one of the Hell Hounds and it fails its save! Its blind.

Maervahr hits the blind one for 4. Thorgard hits for 11. Fandilas hits for 13. Tatrin hit the blind one for 7. Fothas did 12 damage.

The two Hell Hounds flee!


Arusun is Dead (RIP).

We search the bodies.

  • Platinum chain with gems with one massive ruby.
  • Key ID 95
  • Key ID 97
  • Rod in a pouch.

Maervahr detects Strong Magic on the Rod which is made of platinum. They are made of strange shiny metal that has a lavender tint to it. Powerful magic.

Beyond the door is a great hall, which is lit by large torches with metal sconces built into the wall. At the end of the hall is a bed of furs which is surrounded by a wall of bones. Thicker than a human arm, these bones. A large throne with a great goblet of gold. There is also a great barrel on the side. A large chest is found in each of the alcoves.

Maervahr uses detection of magic but detects nothing in the room. He leaves and collects Fire Giant parts.

Fothas tries key 97 on the south chest, there are 3 mechanical clicks. A great metal arm comes out and Fothas must save versus death. He takes 8 damage from the blade.

  • Gold Goblet.

Inside is the following :

  • 13600 sp
  • 4000 ep
  • 2900 gp
  • 1300 pp
  • 6 gems

Thorgard tries key 95 on the north chest, but there is no mechanical clicking.

  • 21700 cp
  • 15000 sp

Maervahr can carry another 950 coins in his deeppockets.

Tatrin tries to use the Rod to raise Arusun but it does not work.

Fandilas casts Wizard Lock on the double doors.

We manage to get out of the dungeon and will head back to Ornholm.

Fandilas will cast Identify on the Rod. 4 successes. He knows that he can activate the Rod to be cast Passwall. He can also activate it to Teleport a target against their will.

We are camping outside. Night passes without incident! We made it back to Ornholm.

The goblet is worth 1000 gp Platinum is worth 9000 gp Shield is worth 1160 gp


  • 50 gp x2
  • 100 gp
  • 10 gp
  • 9 gp
  • 50 gp
  • 1000 gp
  • 50 gp

Thorgards Notes:

Loot: Kite Shield trimmed with gold 1160 8 gems 9 gp x1 10 gp x1 50 gp x4 100 gp x1 1000 gp x1

Platinum chain with gems 9000 gp Gold Goblet 1000 gp Key 95 and 97 Rod (powerful magic) activate rod to case pass wall, shoot at target to teleport 2900 gp 1300 pp

Left behind 4000 ep in throne

3630 gp to raise Arusun.

Fothas gets the Rod of Passage. ROD ID 188.

3172 gp for xp

1260 gp xp for Risten.

Player shares: 200 pp, 2172 gp, henchmen get half

Arusun 1179 xp Risten 1260 xp Litlee 1631 xp Maervahr 4847 xp Thorgard 5247 xp

Tatrin levels up to 6th! Litlee levels up to level 3. Arusun levels up to Cleric 4. Timbraun goes to Level 4!

XP Totals:

- Thorgard: 5247 - Maervahr: 4847 - Timbraun: 4847 - Fandillas: 4847 - Fothas: 4847 - Tatrin: 1631 - Litlee: 1631 - Risten: 1260 - Arisun: 1179

player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_179_-_september_11th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by