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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands

Into The Hollow For Treasure Part 3

Session 178, September 8th, 2024 - Into The Hollow For Treasure Part 3

LOG DATE 09/10/24

  • Xrith'atiril
  • Lygan
  • John
  • Briiz
  • Jacob
  • Josalyn
  • Sapphira
  • Jedor
  • Lusia
  • Oswald
  • Josalyn
  • 2 Shortbow Archers

Storm Moon (12) the 1st, 497

XP Totals

  • Ptolemy 448 xp
  • Others 1312 xp
  • Henchman 605 xp
  • Jedor 812 xp
  • Lygan +400 xp

DEKELAN is a new town that was discovered on the way back. Elder Marsho leads the town and is a 5th level Cleric of Cine.

War Dogs of Dekelan have 3+2 HD and cost 250 gp each. They are known to bark and make noise, preventing surprise against enemies.

Player shares: 138 gp, 136 ep, henchmen get half.

Lygan is leveling up!

Storm Moon the 3rd, 497

Cloudy weather today.

Going into the mesas and badlands.

Day 1 travel is uneventful. The weather stays cloudy at night.

1st watch must…


Jacob is not surprised.

We are surprised in the night by 8 Trolls.

Briiz is not surprised.

Distance is 16“, they are charging.

Nobody else was wearing armor.

Josalyn, Briiz and John are awake.

  • John flees.
  • Josalyn flees and raises the alarm.
  • Briiz tries to put horses toward the trolls then flees.
  • Everyone else is asleep.

We lose the initiative.

We can react. We wake up and grab our stuff.

  • Lusia sends her light warhorses into the pack and then flees.

There are 9 horses between us and the Trolls.

We pick up our bags and try to flee. We left behind the donkeys and horses and what was on our horses.

We flee…


Day 2.

Weather is cloudy and day is uneventful.

Weather clears up at night. Evening passes without incident.

Day 3.

In the morning the weather is still clear, unseasonably warm. Uneventul.

In the evening, it is clear, about 10 miles from Lepolap. We are camping in the mesas.

Night passes without incident.

Storm Moon the 6th, 497

Day 35 since we set out from Mombafra.

Day 4.

We make it back to Lepolap.

Lygan is training for 1 week. He took out a loan back in Mombafra.

Lusia will recruit a new henchmen here.

Encounter rolls are made here due to the small size of the settlement. Week passes without incident.

Lygan has 42 hp. He is a Level 6 Fighter.

Storm Moon the 14th, 497

Day 42.

We are traveling back to the Barbarian tribe, the Kahhed Clan.

Passing into the Light Forest, nothing happens during that day of travel. It is still clear at night, we are camping in the woods.

Day 43.

Travel uneventful.

We are camping in the mesas.

Watch 2 must…


13 winged creatures of 20' wingspans.

  • Xrith puts out the fires and wakes everyone up.

They flapped their wings like birds and didnt have tails


Storm Moon the 16th, 497

Day 44.

Next day travel is up to the mountains. Jacob is scouting ahead. Create Food and Water is being cast by multiple clerics daily.

Jacob does not see any structures around the mountain.

We can do a forced march for 1 extra movement point, but there can be a chance of horses dying.

We arrive at the Kahhed clan in the evening.

Since we brought up the interest in the Bandit clan, they scouted but could not locate their hideout. They think it is to the North East. There were a lot of Wolves in this direction.

They have a message they want to deliver to the Clan of the Coil, in the South West close to Seleb.

It is in the form of message beads. They will compensate us if we deliver this message.

Jacob informs them of the Witch in the South East marshlands. The Barbarians say some words in their tribes tongue, they have a serious expression on their face. They thank us for the information.

Oswald shows the fungus from the Ogre's chest. Do they know what this fungus is?

They say they do not know the intention of the fungi, but there is enough here they could put together a curative, poison or healing salve.

We ask why they are not taking the message themselves and how far it is. The message is a military matter between the two clans but dont trust us enough to tell us exactly. It is a bit of a distance and would weaken their forces.

The distance is 90 miles. Are there any other tribes between the two?

There is a small encampment of the Sihu clan, no more than 60 tribesmen there. Also on the way is a village of 900 men. They are lead by the religious group People of the Rock and they are not friendly to the Ukhatu tribe.

They would ask us to complete it in a month.

The bandit camp might be 20 miles away at the farthest.

Day 45.

Storm Moon the 17th, 497

Jacob will fly out on his hippogriff to look for the Bandit camp. 4 checks per movement point, target number of 13. 2 Random encounter checks per hex.

We have 8 movement points.

The weather is cloudy.

We are splitting into two parties, Jacob and the rest of the group are separate.

Jacob is moving 1 point northeast, Scrubland. Then Northeast is Badlands. Northeast is plains. He does 1 movement point of searching.

2 Random encounter checks.

He does not find anything here. He does another movement point after.


He is not surprised. There is an encampment in the distance, along with humanoids there. Temporary camp. There must be over 200 people in it.

He checks it out from 22” above, in the air on his Hippogriff.

Tents are similar to the ones the Barbarians use and they are occupied by men. No banners or sigils. There are as many horses as there are men.

Jacob lands and wants to Parley. He get a +20 for being Human and will roll a Reaction. He rolled a 24.

There is a force of about 100 riding out toward him. He tries to fly away.

Jacob rolls the high initiative. These men were dressed as Barbarians.


The other party goes north into the Medium forest, our travel is uneventful.

Jacob flies north into Badlands. Jacob searches this hex using 1 movement point. He flies overhead a cavernmouth in the badlands, in the lower area of the badlands. The entrance looks dismal and bleak. There are bones of horse sized animals littered about.

He flies to the south west. No encounters, and he finds Badlands. He explores this hex now. Does not find anything so Jacob uses his 10th movement point to explore again. Still does not find anything.

The other party searches for lairs in the forest. Target number is 15 and we get 2 rolls per hour and 1 random encounter check.

We do not find anything so we search again, and still do not find anything. We then move into the scrubland to the south west, search and do not find anything.

End of the day.

Storm Moon the 18th, 497

Day 46.

Weather is clear.

We head out the next day. 1 movement point to search in the Scrublands, nothing found.


This is in the Scrubland. We are surprised.

We see a contingent of mounted men bearing a banner of peace to parley. Much larger force behind them.

There are 50 approaching us. Some wear plate, some where banded, some wear leather, they come from the north east.

Sapphira moves up to parley, bonus is +35 plus charisma, rolls an 83. Traveling merchant caravan. They are willing to sell us food and a special item.

  • Potion of Healing for 1200 gp. It is ID 187 (bought by Josalyn).

Josalyn has a Potion of Sweetwater she might trade. Oriental topaz with 800 gp plus 4 other gems.

Lusia buys human sized chain and a medium shield.

Oswald asks about Bandits, they have not seen any. These Merchants are familiar with the 6 cities but they are from there.

The merchants travel through the badlands.


Jacob ends up on Badlands in the far north east. He searches this hex. Finds nothing and searches again, finding nothing.

Party moves one to the north scrublands and we search. Find nothing the first time. We search again. nothing. Third time…


We are surprised by a herd of 150 Wild Cattle.

They are at a distance of 13“. They are not at 12”.

The Cattle do not stampede.



We stumbled upon a pack of lions. 6 Spotted Lions at a distance of 11“.


The Lions are angry and charge.

  • Briiz will try to shoot.
  • Josalyn moves forward to intercept.
  • Lusia casts Prayer
  • Lygan charges one.
  • Oswald casts Light.
  • John will try to get a few shots off.
  • Sapphira charges.
  • Jedor charges.
  • Xrith charges with his lance.

The Spotted Lion have AC 5.

Briiz missed and John missed. On segment 3 they get to us.

Briiz hits one for 2 damage.

Melee has been joined.

6 people on outdoor marching order.

Xrith missed his counterattack. They will hit on a 13. 1 claw hit for 4 damage. (3 +1 to armor).

Lygan misses but he is hit for 3 damage. 1 claw hits from another for 3, total 6.

John is attacked, he misses his counterattack. Bite and 1 claw hit for 9 damage.

Josalyn can attack, she hits for 9 and 8. She has -1 type 3 AC.

Briiz has AC -2, he will be hit on 13, 1 claw and 1 bite for 5 damage.

Sapphira can attack and she misses. Jedor can get his charge and attacks, he hits for 6 damage.

Prayer goes off! It has 6” radius. It effects everyone except Josalyn and Briiz. Light spell goes off on Lygan, but the Lion resists!

  • Xrith switches to longsword and attacks with his horse
  • Lusia casts Light
  • Oswald charges.
  • Everyone else attacks.

Josalyn hit for 7 Xrith hit for 15 Lygan for 9 Xrith's warhorse hit 3 times for 9 damage. Jedor missed. Briiz's horse hit for 1.

One of the 3 with Xrith and Lygan is now blinded. NVM, it was on Josalyn's Lion.

None of the Spotted Lions are dead.

Lion attacks Briiz at -4 due to blindness, he is only hit on 19 and the bite hits for 4 damage. The one that is not blind attacks Briiz, hits for 7 damage. Briiz is down to 0 hp.

John is attacked and ALL HIT! Takes 8 damage plus 2 rakes, which miss.

2 on Xrith hit on a 15, no hits at all! Lygan is hit for 8 damage.

  • Everyone attacks except Lusia casting Light.

We lose the initiative.

Morale check for the Blind Lion. It keeps fighting.

All of them on Lygan, who only has a buckler. 1 claw hits for 3 damage. 2 more bites for 3 damage. 1 claw and 1 bite hit for 12 damage. He has 10 hp!

4 damage to John.

Blind Lion attacks Josalyn, all miss. Other is attacking Oswald, 1 bite hits for 6 damage.

Josalyn did 7 Xrith hits for 13 damage and KILLS ONE! Sapphira hit for 4 John hit for 6 Jedor misses.

Blind Lion is killed

Xrith's horse did 2 damage

Lion saved against Light.

  • Josalyn casts CLW.
  • Oswald moves to the other group and dismounts.

Xrith hit for 14 damage His horse did 8 damage.

Xrith's horse killed it!


People are getting healed. Lygan for 5 points. Josalyn heals Briiz for 2.

We collect the spotted lion pelts and head back to the Barbarian camp.

Jacob flies into the plains.



He is surprised.

Does not notice anything.

Nothing happens


He searches again.


Not surprised, he flies over a barren and sees 11 wolves in the shadows.

Jacob avoids and flies into the scrublands.


He can see many miles of smoke over the horizon. There is a settlement or an encampment.

He passes over the settlement. It is a permanent encampment of men in armor. No children. There are about 150 people here. Half of them have horses, some have medium horses. All of them appear to be wearing armor. Most wear leather but there is some glints of metal.

Some are cooking, some look up at the Hippogriff. None are in a great panic.


Not surprised even though 1-4 roll.

His Hippogriff notices something behind him, alerting him. There is a robed woman flying in the air behind him, out of melee range.

He asks her why she has appeared behind him.

He wins initiative.

He moves 10.8“ putting him at 11.8”. Make a reaction roll at +20 for being human. Good reaction roll.

The robed woman was pulling some things out of her robe. She keeps floating there watching him fly away and does not respond.

She does not turn invisible again.

Jacob will fly back but takes the indirect route. He is now 33.4“ away and then dives to move twice as far. The woman disappears.

Jacob gets back to the camp.

We are all back at the Barbarian camp.

Briiz is down and must get bed rest. The barbarians have a palisade and a couple of towers. Briiz is healed completely.

Spotted Lion pelts are worth 8 gp each, with Sapphira's persuasion we get a total of 96 gp.

We discuss what to do next time.

We were about 30 miles out from the Treasure Map location.

  • Treasure Map 1
  • Fight Bandits 1
  • Barbarian Quest 2
  • Go back to Mombafra 1
  • Explore around Mipin 1

Everyone gets 324 xp.

Treasure Map will be the choice if we don't decide.

player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_178_-_september_8th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by