
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands


Session 177, September 4th, 2024 - BLOODFIRE NETHERGROTTO Part 4

LOG DATE 09/06/24

  • Maervahr - Stoneskin, Invisible, Endure Heat
  • Ilariya - Stoneskin
  • Timbraun - Phantom Armor
  • Litlee
  • Risten
  • Delemir - Stoneskin
  • Fothas - Stoneskin
  • Tatrin
  • Thorgard - Stoneskin

2 potions of Half Fire Giant Control 600 xp value, 14 days

Maervahr crafted 1 potion of Half Fire Giant Control which pushes us to the 27th. We will begin in Ornholm.

We are awarded extra xp from the chest due to DM reducing the value last session. This was in error.

Old Moon (11) the 27th, 497

A chill to the air and a light level of snow to the ground. No footprints outside of the entrance.

Full fire giants will get a +4 save versus the potions of Half Fire Giant Control.

Tatrin and Thorgard have continual light.

We are moving at 6“, moving 90' per turn. 8 turns of time.

We make it to the bottom, we are in the chamber with the oversized table made of strange white wood. Urn is overturned. It is quiet. We notice that there are large oversized bootprints. In the stuff that came out of the chimney.

It looks like the Half-Giant size. Two separate giants looking around with an undirected curiosity of the area. No items left behind. They stayed here a few minutes before departing. There are some bootprints that leave the mess in the room. They only last 20' toward the door.

Thorgard, Delemir and Fothas are on doors.

We move into the large chamber beyond and continuing south toward the lake of fire, heading toward the location of the buried treasure area.

When we arrive at the Lake of Fire, it is the same as it was before, we pass through the muck room.


Not surprised.

The Rod of Alertness can be used for detection of magic, etc, but it takes a round of focus.

We hear a shifting sound and an echo of a small stone rolling across the floor.

  • Tatrin casts prayer
  • Thorgard forms a frontline
  • Timbraun stands fast
  • Litlee casts Endure Heat on herself.
  • Risten stays back
  • Delemir joins Thorgard at the frontline
  • Fothas forms up at the front.
  • Maervahr awaits to see what may come
  • Ilariya has her bow ready.

We get into position. Endure Heat is 1 round to cast. Prayer is 6 segments. We hear the movement of creatures with great bodies moving from around the corner.

A big group of lizards show up. 4 of them are on the ground and 1 is on the wall. They have curiosity and then saliva as they burst forward.

Ilariya hits with 1 arrow and does 3 damage. 3 of them are on the ground in front of our party, 2 of them are on the wall.

Prayer finishes.

  • Litlee braces for a charge.
  • Risten stays out of melee
  • Delemir attacks
  • Fothas attacks.
  • Ilariya takes a shot at one on the wall.
  • Maervahr holds fast.
  • Tatrin casts light.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Timbraun casts sleep.

4 segments for Light. On segment 4 Endure Heat finishes which goes on Litlee for 9 turns per level (9)

Melee group can attack. Thorgard hit for 7 damage. Ilariya misses with her arrows. Sleep goes off and does not effect them.

They attack the front line. 1 on Fothas who has AC -2, missed. 2 attacks on Thorgard, missed. 2 on Delemir missed.

Thorgard gets a second attack on segment 6 doing 11 damage. 1 of them is blinded by the Light spell. Gets -4 to AC, attacks and Saves for 11 turns.

  • Timbraun casts Magic Missile
  • Litlee casts Light.
  • Tatrin and Ilariya will shoot the blinded one with bows and slings.
  • Everyone else in melee.

They all have AC 5

Ilariya hit the blinded one for 5 damage. Thorgard did 7 damage to one. Tatrin hits a blinded one for 7 damage. Delemir hit for 8.

Magic Missile goes off doing 4 damage to one of them.

The blind lizard tries to climb up. Everyone can take a swing a fleeing one.

Delemir does 6, Fothas does 7. The Lizard is Cut Down!

The other 4 are attacking normally. They are not intelligent.

One on Delemir, misses. Thorgard is missed and another on Delemir missed. Light goes off on segment 7. It is Blinded!

Next Round…

  • Ilariya takes another shot.
  • Maervahr is checking behind us.

Thorgard misses his first attack.

The blinded one is fleeing so they all get a free attack. Thorgard hits for 7 and Delemir hits for 4. It flees to the south…

Thorgard is missed but Delemir is hit! Delemir's STONESKIN is used. no damage.

Delemir hits for 5 damage, and Thorgard hits for 17 damage. That one died.

Ilariya holds back this time.

One on Fothas is missed, Delemir is missed.

Fothas does 11 damage. Thorgard did 12 damage.

We lost initiative but Thorgard attacks, and misses.

2 attacks on Fothas, AC -3. 1 hits STONESKIN, he takes 9 damage.

Thorgard hits for 13 damage.

Tied initiative. 2 attacks on Fothas, both hit for 9 and 6 damage, total of 15!

Delemir hits for 8. Thorgard hits for 8. Tatrin hits for 2 damage. Another killed.

Delemir hits for 4, Thorgard does 16 damage.



Maervahr collects giant lizard parts.

Fothas is healed by the clerics. Endure Heat is cast by Delemir on Maervahr, Fothas and himself.

We rest after the battle.

Find Traps at the bridge. Both dwarves agree that the bridge is stable, it has 5' of stone and looks robust. No traps are detected.

Maervahr uses Clairaudience to listen beyond into the open room on the other side of the bridge. He can hear the distant sound of something beyond, there is a cry of pain from a non human creature, like a cry of pain from a lizard. Sudden, sharp and stops suddenly.

Potion of Greater Healing was used by Fothas already.

We cross the bridge and find a large open area, there is a glow of a lake of fire that comes to a shoreline. There is a rock wall on the south sides. two passages lead off to the south and south east.

We dont hear anything. Ilariya looks for a trail of blood going south. 65% chance to track. We can see the blood drops on the ground, going due south. Ilariya can tell from the trail of blood but it was moving erratically.

We come to an area with an empty area. We smell the scent of charred flesh.

Resist Fire is cast on Risten before we head south.

Maervahr throws the coin down as far as he can. The coin illuminates a cavernous room littered with bones.

In this room it is empty of creatures but numerous skeletons of lizards, troglodytes, broken javelins and a couple larger skeletons that are fire half giants. Broken, smashed and twisted. Parts are separated from each other. Big thick bones that have been split in half and spread across the room. There are some remnants of half giant sized armor. Tribal wear from the troglodytes, they have been horribly burnt by fire. Blackened flame on the bones themselves.

On the back of the wall are big boulders, with rocks of various sizes, and as wide as a barrel. These are like boulder sized rocks. There are bones jammed.

Risten goes up to the corner. Maervahr makes his way backwards. He can see a few boulders in an alcove. Risten must…


Not surprised.

Risten hears the sound of something very large moving this way. Something organic slaps into stone. There is a great heat in the air.

  • Risten goes back with Maervahr.
  • Maervahr goes back also.

We retreated back to the party.

The Ceilings are 20' tall. Delemir goes down to see what might be coming.

Maervahr uses Clairaudience in the south tunnel. Something big and heavy is moving away from the point and moving north.

Delemir can…


Delemir is prepared, just BARELY!

A 5 headed Hydra exhausts a stream of fire and destroyed the Light Coin.

  • Delemir plants the Rod of Alertness.
  • Fothas moves up.
  • Maervahr casts Fire Shield.
  • Ilariya stays back with her bow.
  • Thorgard is up front
  • Tatrin prepares a sling.
  • Timbraun stays back.
  • Litlee stays back.
  • Risten stays back.

We lose initiative.

A mighty roar lets out. A many footsteps approach. Nothing comes by the time Delemir brings up the Rod of Alertness.

Fire Shield is 4 segments.

With the rod planted into the ground but Delemir can hear something is coming quickly. He takes out his mace and shield.

The Hydra bursts out of the darkness and unleashes 5 streams of fire toward Delemir and Thorgard. Endure Heat negates the damage on Delemir and Fothas. Thorgard needs to save 5 times vs breath.

Protection Ring does not work on Thorgard but Protection from Fire misses 1. Two failed saves. Thorgard takes 28 damage, but with the ring it does 18 damage, actually 9. He saves for his armor twice, his weapon saves, backpack saves, +4 ring must roll too, saves. Fire resist saves.

Thorgard and Fothas, plus Delemir engages. Ilariys misses and Fire Shield goes off. Tatrin hits with a sling for 8 damage. The Hydra head drops! Only 4 heads remain!

  • Maervahr moves to engage.
  • Ilariya falls back.
  • Tatrin reloads.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Timbraun stays behind.
  • Delemir casts Resist Fire
  • Fothas attacks.

We lose initiative.

Thorgard hits for 11 damage, another head is dead! 2 fire breaths now, one on Fothas and one on Delemir.

Delemir failed his save. Fothas takes 4 damage. Delemir takes 8 damage.

Brooch of Shielding is destroyed!

The other head attacks Fothas and misses. Delemir was hit so he loses his spell.

Something else comes, another Hydra. a Larger headed hydra joins its twin. It emits 5 streams of fire down the corridor.

All of the front line is hit by the stream of fire. They must roll three saves versus breath. Fothas saves. Delemir fails all three. Thorgard saved. Fothas takes 28 damage Delemir saved two more times. Thorgard takes 10 damage. Delemir takes 32 damage.

Must save twice for his saves, he saves for everything. Backpack is destroyed. Arrows are fine.

Litlee hits for 7. It is down to 2 heads!

Fothas hits for 13 damage. Thorgard hit for 8, which slays the other one!

  • Fothas goes back
  • Ilariya stays back
  • Tatrin is hanging out.
  • Maervahr casts Polymorph Other
  • Litlee tries to pull Delemir's body.
  • Timbraun watches the rear.
  • Risten is in the back.

It does all 5 of its heads.

Only 2 streams may hit Maervahr. Endure Heat for Maervahr. Litlee is good. Fothas failed once. Thorgard saved all.

Fothas takes 24 damage. Delemir is a half elf. 10 damage to Thorgard.

1 set on Fothas's gear, his dagger is destroyed.

Polymorph goes off and the Hydra saves.

Maervahr goes psionically invisible.

  • Litlee engages. She passes her morale.
  • Maervahr engages in melee
  • Timbraun moves to engage.
  • Ilariya grabs the body of Fothas.
  • Thorgard attacks.

Thorgard misses. Thorgard is hit but his STONESKIN. Thorgard destroys one of the heads.

  • Maervahr attacks with his staff.

The Hydra will roll morale.

Thorgard hit for 6 damage. Maervahr missed his attack.

The Hydra flees.

Maervahr does 3 damage. Thorgard does 9 damage. Timbraun hits for 2. Litlee hit for 4 and Tatrin hit for 1.

It has 2 heads left.

Delemir loses his Divine Intervention attempt.

The Hydra flees.

We find another cavern with boulders and a great nest of shiny things. They Hydra is in the room.

Maervahr hits for 6 damage. Thorgard hits for 15 damage.



We lost Fothas's dagger +1/+2 vs men and arrows +1. Delemir lost his Brooch of Shielding.

The room / lair of the hydra is filled with boulders and bones, there is the smell of decayed flesh. Recently alive animals also jammed into the boulders.

Treasure is:

  • 11000 cp,
  • 23000 sp,
  • 2760 ep,
  • 2000 gp,
  • 300 pp,
  • 6 gems,
  • wrought gold chain
  • key id 19.

Within the alcoves is an interesting collection of bodies. 2 skeletons that might be fire giant half sized. They look older than the others, they are grotesquely intertwined. Some megahuman force combined them together into a mishmash of a ball. Within the center is a powerful magic on a disk shaped locket of iron or steel. It is being grasped tightly in the hand.

  • Disk shaped locket.

Tatrin will heal Thorgard and cast Find Traps. Thorgard gets 2 hp.

No traps on the locket.

Maervahr can hold 950 coins in his deeppockets with his stuff.

We are moving 15” per turn through mapped terrain. We drag the bodies back and hit an intersection. We hear the distant ringing of metal. Like an anvil.

Maervahr casts Fly and then goes Psionically Invisible to spy around the corner. He sees on the precipice next to the geyser of lava is a full sized Fire Giant with a great hammer that is forging a great blade on an anvil, and sticks it over the hole and then it illuminates the blade. He is wearing armor and has tools and a gold pendant around his neck

Maervahr drinks the potion from above the lake of fire. We will try to sneak away.

The Giant Resists the potion of fire giant control.

Maervahr casts Hold Monster and it WORKS!

  • Wrought gold pendant.
  • Hammer
  • Sword
  • Armor
  • Key 11
  • 400 gp
  • Boxes with bricks of gold, copper, electrum.

He rejoins the party and we make it back to the surface.

We make it back to the surface. Litlee and Thorgard get Stoneskin.

15 hp of healing for Thorgard.

Rest of our travel is uneventful!

Fothas is going to get Raised. Good Old Holt is the Cleric in Ornholm. Fothas is RAISED! Success.

He is in debt for Fothas.

Gems :

  • 60 gp
  • 90 gp
  • 400 gp
  • 1000 gp
  • 5 gp
  • 50 gp

Wrought Gold Chain 900 gp Brick is 500 gp

Loot: Key ID 19 & ID 11 Disk Shaped Locket (magic) 6 gems (60 gp, 90 gp, 400 gp, 1000 gp, 5 gp, 50 gp) Wrought Gold Chain 900 gp Wrought Gold Pendent 1300 gp 300 pp 1050 gp Gold Brick 500 gp

Remaining in lair 11 k cp 23 k sp 2760 ep 1350 gp

We notice that there are fire giant runes on the back of the locket.

Magic-users and illusionists may be hired for spellcasting services, though there aren’t “magic shops” and things like that. A magic-user or illusionist must be sought out. They will almost always demand service rather than payment for their own services. In the rare case where they may be convinced to accept payment, the cost will be based on guidelines found on UA 80, and they may demand that part of the fee is paid in magic item(s).

Morganna was able to get to Ornholm to check the locket and read the runes using Comprehend Languages.

Timbraun touches the locket and hands it to Morganna. She casts the spell and sees a nonsense word but it is incomprehensible.

Morganna casts Read Magic.

The command words of the locket is ZUG WAP.

A great burst of flame comes from the locket as Timbraun says it. A gem forms and tears a hole in the middle of Ornholm, opening a RIFT! The locket is too hot to touch.

The fire burns and causes us to sweat. People in Ornholm start to flee.

A couple of guys in robes and some in armor come around.

A rift grows to a height…and out steps an EFREETI!

We begin to cast Dispel Magic.

His voice booms over ORNHOLM.

“Who has freed me from this prison?”

We tell them it was us and he offers us 3 wishes. The first wish that is used is to send him back to his home plane…2 wishes are lost.

Player shares: 42 pp, 656 gp.

No XP value for the Locket of 3 wishes.

Henchmen get 454 xp PCs get 1339 xp Maervahr gets 4887 xp

From Last Session from the Chest: 469 xp , half for henchmen

11-28-497 is the END DATE.

Timbraun takes the locket id 185. POWERFUL MAGIC DETECTED BY MAERVAHR.

The locket is opened on its own accord. Timbraun says the words again and nothing happens. It is still radiating magic.

Litlee gets to 2nd level. Ilariya gets to 3rd level. Timbraun gets to 3rd level.

player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_177_-_september_4th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by