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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands

Against the Ogre-Magi

Session 172, August 11th, 2024 - Against the Ogre-Magi

LOG DATE 08/15/24

Roll Call:

  • Ptolemy Candlebeard - Magic-User, AC 10, Mv 12“, Doors 1-2, Listen 1-2, 12,16,15,11,13,13, hp 2, AL NG, Mote
  • Xrith'atiril
  • Thorgard
  • Sapphira
  • Jedor
  • Tatrin
  • Jacob
  • Josalyn
  • Esterwhile - Human Magic-User, AC 9/10, MV 12”, Doors 1-3, Listen 1-2, 18,16,11,15,5,8, hp 1, AL N, Venha
  • Lygan
  • Phineas
  • Lusia
  • Voltendo

LONG MOON (10) the 17th, 497

Resist Cold is shorter duration than Endure Cold. Endure Cold is kind of like a Stoneskin spell.

We are going to deal with the Ogre-Magi camp that we found a while back. Esterwhile has Burning Hands.

Sapphira and Jedor pay their upkeep.

They are memorizing multiple Endure Cold and Resist Cold spells. Ogre-Magi have at will spell abilities that function kind of like Psionic abilities so these would not necessarily be effected by Silence.

Looking for Men-at-arms in Starling:

  • 29 Crossbowmen plus Captain.

Ptolemy will buy a light riding horse.

We set out for the Ogre-Magi!

4 hexes to get there and we are mostly on Medium Horses. It is Cloudy in the morning as we head out, travel is uneventful.

We are getting pretty close to the location, a half mile away.

Josalyn casts Endure Cold on Esterwhile and Resist Cold on herself and Jacob.

Lusia casts Endure Cold on herself and Voltendo, Thorgard, Tatrin, and Xrith.

Tatrin casts Endure Cold on Sapphira, Jedor and Ptolemy.

This lasts for 9 turns per level. It takes 10 minutes max to get half a mile away. Josalyn casts Find Traps once we get close. She will activate her rod once we get ready to charge in. -4 AC and +4 to saves when activated, costs 1 charge.


There is a big wooden teepee thing, about 100' tall and 100' in diameter. Inside of the circle… They are 11“ away.

Jacob is not wearing the periapt.

They are surprised by us.

There are two gnolls working on the teepee repairs, they are on the left side of the teepee.

  • Sapphira and Jedor charge.
  • Xrith charges with Sapphira.
  • Thorgard will charge as well
  • Tatrin moves up 6”.
  • Jacob will charge.
  • Josalyn charges.
  • Esterwhile moves forward.
  • Phineas moves 20' back from the Gnolls. 2“ away.
  • Lusia moves out the other way with Voltendo.
  • Ptolemy stays where he is.

We lose the initiative, some of us are charging. 2 segments of movement. The Gnolls raise a shout of alarm and then cut right into the teepee.

Sapphira and Jedor have found an entrance. It is a triangular entrance in the wood. 2 layers of fortification. Structure looks robust.

Hanging in the doorway are some witch doctor charms. They hang from the ceiling above the doorway, like windchimes. Swinging as though they have been disturbed. There are some burning braziers inside the teepee. Massive cauldron in the center which is dormant.

Around the perimeter are tables and chairs with strange objects with weapons, crates and supplies. it is a two level structure with an upper level, there is a catwalk with a big ladder going up.

Inside of the teepee are the two Gnolls, shouting near the center of the cauldron. There is also a Warg with an Ogre-Magi on the bottom level.

The cauldron is in the middle, a big one with smaller cauldrons around it. The 2 Gnolls are right next to the cauldron and the Ogre-Magi is by a table with the Warg. On the upper catwalk level is a second Ogre-Magi. He was doing something as there is smoke coming up from a table, he is 50' high. The ladder is by the other Ogre-Magi.

That is what we can see standing outside.

The Ogre-Magi with the Warg has a Masakari and the one on the catwalk has a Naginata. A lengthy butterfly shaped polearm. The Gnolls have great bows and halberds and shields. It is a 10' wide catwalk that the other Ogre-Magi is standing upon.

The catwalk has angled support beams coming out from the wall. There is hide for insulation on the inside of the wooden outer teepee. Its wooden paneled. More like a yurt. There are no openings to sneak in through.

You can only charge for 10 segments of movement.

  • Thorgard moves to engage with the Magi.
  • Tatrin moves to the door.
  • Jacob and Josalyn engage.
  • Phineas moves to the front of the Yurt.
  • Lusia goes to the doorway.
  • Voltendo goes to the doorway.
  • Ptolemy charges the entrance but does not enter.
  • Sapphira moves toward the Warg.
  • Jedor moves to engage the Gnolls.
  • Xrith moves to the Ogre-Magi.

We win the initiative.

The Two Ogre-Magi go invisible. The Warg begins to charge and the two Gnolls pull out their bows to shoot us. Gnolls need 1 segment to shoot. The Warg moves into melee in 1 segment.

Must hit AC 6 against the Warg. AC 7 due to charge, and they are Large. Thorgard hits for 8, Jacob hits for 11. Josalyn hits for 8 damage. Sapphira misses. The Warg got killed!

The two Gnolls fire their bow, they get two shots each. Both are shooting at Jedor. AC 3/3. No modifier for the great bow. AC 1 for Jedor due to Protection from Evil. 3 hits! 4 Hits! The great bow does 1d6 damage, total of 12 damage to Jedor!

  • Phineas casts Hold Person.
  • Lusia charges the Gnolls.
  • Voltendo moves to the door.
  • Lygan charges the Gnolls.
  • Ptolemy casts Sleep on the Gnolls.
  • Sapphira moves toward the Gnolls.
  • Xrith moves to engage the Gnolls.
  • Thorgard moves toward the ladder and swings.
  • Tatrin holds.
  • Jacob moves to engage with Thorgard.
  • Josalyn moves with Thorgard.
  • Esterwhile stands outside the door.

The hole at the top of the teepee is big enough the Ogre Magi could get through but there is no way to climb up to it.

Xrith hits for 5 damage against a Gnoll. Sleep goes off after 1 segment. It encompasses both the Gnolls. Both Gnolls are out of range. Phineas is a human so he is slept.

On the next segment the Gnolls pull out their halberds against Jedor and Xrith. Xrith has AC -3 with PFE, Both Gnolls Miss!

Thorgard and the rest see the ladder moving a bit. Shakes once violently before settling down.

  • Jacob and Josalyn get to the top of the ladder by the end of the round. Then they throw

down balls of flour.

  • Esterwhile stays outside.
  • Lusia casts Dispel Magic.
  • Phineas sleeps.
  • Thorgard is also at the top of the ladder. Attacks whatever he sees.
  • Voltendo charges the Gnolls.
  • Lygan charges the Gnolls.
  • Ptolemy wakes up Phineas.
  • Sapphira attacks.
  • Jedor attacks.
  • Xrith attacks.
  • Tatrin moves to engage.

6 segments for Dispel Magic. On segment 3, the Ogre Magi become visible again. One is flying in the air. He is 30' up in the air above the ground, lower than the group. The other Ogre Magi is above the entrace, 40' in the air. They both discharge magic abilities. One discharges Sleep at everyone outside. Lygan, Tatrin, Voltendo. Voltendo is slept.

Cone of Cold is blasted at the group above. They get some kind of cover due to being below the platform. 50% cover. Saves at +4. Jacob and Josalyn both save. They both have resist cold. They take 1/4 damage. 35 damage /4 9 damage each. Jacobs armor absorbs all, he has 1 point of damage to him since his armor is now broken. He is AC -4/1.

Dispel Magic is cast 35' in the air. It fails against one but she gets the other one! He falls 4” and takes 15 damage. Sapphira hits for 4, Xrith hits for 10. Jedor hits for 7, We kill both of the Gnolls!

Tatrin is slapping Voltendo. Phineas can act on the next round.

  • Thorgard shoots the flying ogre magi.
  • Tatrin attacks the one on the ground.
  • Esterwhile sneaks inside.
  • Jacob shoots and Josalyn casts Dispel Magic on the flying one.
  • Phineas casts Spiritual Hammer.
  • Lusia closes to attack.
  • Voltendo will charge.
  • Lygan closes in on the Ogre Magi and attacks.
  • Ptolemy will move away.
  • Sapphira close to the Ogre Magi. Same for Jedor.
  • Xrith moves to engage.

They both go invisible. Anyone that got there in 1 segment can attack, they miss.

Thorgard does 4 damage to one of the invisible Ogre Magi. It is now hit and they know where it is. Jacob hit as well. Phineas misses.

Dispel Magic goes off and he FAILS! The Ogre Magi falls and takes 11 damage!

Both are on the ground now. The Chief Ogre Magi is invisible.

  • Lusia attacks.
  • Voltendo attacks.
  • Lygan attacks the visible one.
  • Ptolemy stays.
  • Sapphira tries to attack
  • Xrith moves to engage the one that is visible.
  • Thorgard will shoot.
  • Tatrin moves to where it fell down.
  • Jacob has his bow ready.
  • Josalyn moves down the ladder.
  • Esterwhile casts Detect Magic.
  • Phineas attacks.

We surround the Ogre Magi, Lusia can make the attack but the rest of us are just moving. Lusia misses. Detect Magic is cast. It takes 2 segments to find the guy, the Chief is over by the center now.

On segment 5, the Ogre Magi uses an ability. The one in front of us is Gaseous. One is using Cone of Cold against us. 2“ wide so we are all effected.

Sapphira loses endure cold, Jedor, Xrith, Tatrin, Lusia, Lygan all lose their Endure Cold. No damage is taken but it is spent! The Ogre Magi that is Gaseous is not effected.

They get shots on the Ogre Magi, AC 4. Jacob hits for 2 and 4, Thorgard hits for 6.

  • Xrith moves to the one that is visible.
  • Thorgard shoots.
  • Tatrin moves to engage.
  • Jacob shoots at the visible.
  • Esterwhile has detect magic going.
  • Josalyn moves to engage.
  • Phineas goes to attack the visible one.
  • Lusia will cast Dispel Magic on the Gaseous Form, it is 3” in the air.
  • Voltendo moves to engage the leader.
  • Lygan shoots him.
  • Ptolemy moves far.
  • Sapphira realized her weapon had no effect on the gaseous form. She goes to the south.
  • Jedor attacks.

It moves 1.4“ upward in Gaseous Form. Lusia casts her Dispel Magic. The south one is now invisible.

Jacob hits for 5 and 4 damage. Thorgard did 6 damage. The two arrows hit, then they go horizontal. Then we hear a thud! Two arrows are sticking out of him.

At the end of the round it is now 6” in height. Ogre Magi regeneration does not work like Troll regeneration, where they dont come back from the dead.

Dispel Magic goes off right away. It SUCCEEDS! The Ogre Magi fall to the ground and takes 28 damage.

We would have been wiped out by the Cone of Cold but we had Endure Colds.

We Killed ALL of them!


Jedor lays on hands on himself and Tatrin heals him for 3, Voltendo lays on hands for 2.

Ogre Magi teeth, blood, glands can be used for potions. Maervahr can sell the potions when he is ready. On the open market.

  • Masakari - Strong Magic (type of axe)
  • Naginata - Strong Magic
  • Thick chain around the neck, pendant. rectangular prism that tapers off to a triangle. it is

black like obsidian studden with several gems. - Strong Magic

  • Lots of alchemy and cooking supplies
  • Large chest heavily reinforced, locked.
  • Key on the ogre magi chief
  • Faint magic inside. Jacob opens the chest…nevermind, he sees the trap!

Josalyn casts Detect Magic and sees some glowing items. We can use the weapons. The trapped chest is mechanical. It is unlocked by the key. We all search the chest, looking for a way to disable the trap. There are two hidden panels on either side of the chest. 5“ x 5” squares of traps. Tatrin finds them then casts Find Traps while Thorgard removes the panels. Hidden inside is a disk with a center thing to grip on.

Thorgard and Jacob will both rotate counter clockwise simultaneously, but they turn clockwise. Its like turning a heavy weight. They hear two click noises. No longer detect a trap. Jacob opens the chest..

Inside the lid are a bunch of charm things hanging with red and maroon colored balls of potpouri. Hanging inside the chest. They recede into the top of the chest.

  • Potion.
  • No Gold.
  • 1140 pp
  • No Gems.

Lusia tastes…actually she does not.

2000 coins of weight worth of things to sell. 165 gp value.

  • Ogre trinkets 165 gp.
  • 15 ep.
  • 8 gp.

We head back to Starling.

Potion is extremely delicious when Lusia tastes it.

Thorgard and Jacob spar with the two weapons. Both are +2 weapons. Masakari is a one handed weapon.

Lygan takes the Masakari. id 180.

Ptolemy will try on the necklace. It is not cursed. Lusia takes 2 damage from the magic missile cast by Morganna. It does not shield Lusia. Thorgard tries to block the esp and tries to extend the range of esp, does not work. Jacob tries it on and tries to plane travel to Olympus. He does not go to Olympus.

There are 6 more valuable gems and 24 semi-precious gems. It seems like a necklace of prayer beads.

Necklace of Prayer Beads id 181 - Tatrin.

Naginata +2 - Voltendo. OA 142, 1-8 SM 1-10 LG set against a charge. Twice indicated damage against a creature while riding a mount.

Voltendo didnt spend a profiency so he gets that.

557 xp value.

PC shares: 108 pp, 16 gp, 2 ep

We will do some exploration.

Xrith leaves behind the magical folding boat.

We travel to the edge of the valley past Trawis and enter a Wasteland. Jacob uses his hippogriff and sees more wastelands, NE is a plain, SE is more wasteland.

We head to the plains leading to the NE. Roll the distance for Castle Ruins that are, either a d6 or a d12 for Jacob. 3 miles away. We approach the ruined castle and get a mile closer, Jacob does not see any visible occupants. Ruined for sometime.

The next hexes can be spotted from Hippogriff. North is plains, NE is a forest with hills, heavy forest. SE is badlands.

We are in the plains. North is more plains and more badlands to the NE. We continue north and there are plains to the north and mountains to the NE.


Jacob is awake. Ptolemy, Thorgard, Josalyn are also awake.


We are surprised. 1 hour before dawn.

Encounter distance is 19“. There are 3 shapes moving in the darkness with 4 legs and big tails. Moving quickly as though in hunt.

They get to 18” at the end of surprise.

  • Jacob takes off on his hippogriff.
  • Josalyn wakes the party.
  • Ptolemy will start waking people.
  • Thorgard will move past the fire to get some distance, to make himself a target. Moves

2“ closer.

We lose the initiative. They are moving and they engage! Move 2.25” per segment. Thogard is 2.65“ away. The next segment he meets the charge. They are 3 Giant Weasels!

Thorgard can attack first. They have AC 7. He hits one for 7. Jacob is in the air and sees 3 Giant Weasels. Thorgard has AC 0. None hit!

Thorgard is in melee.

  • Jedor and Sapphira get up and grab their sword and shield.
  • Xrith will grab his bow and shoot.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin casts prayer.
  • Jacob dives.
  • Josalyn charges.
  • Phineas casts Spiritual Hammer
  • Lusia charges.

Thorgard gets his second attack from last round and does 4 damage. He hits for 9 this round! None are dead yet. Prayer goes off on segment 7. Sleep goes off now. He effects 1.

Everyone who charges can charge. Spiritual Hammer goes off. They have AC 6 Jacob does 17 damage. One is dead.

Sapphira hit one for 2. Jedor misses. Jacob's Hippogriff attacks too, does 5 and 1 damage. Actually this is DOUBLED! DMG 50 under Speed.

Xrith shot at Thorgard and missed. Xrith forgoes his next missile attack due to charges

Giant Weasel latches onto Sapphira for 9 damage. Jacob dove down from his mount and did double damage and then has to land.

Tatrin heals Sapphira for 8.

We skin the Weasels and head back to town.

We make it back to Starling.

Rolling for pelts, 6000, 1000, 5000. 12000 gp worth of Weasel pelts.

8 players and 4 henchmen.

PC Weasel Shares: 1200 gp, henchmen get 600 gp each.

  • Henchmen get 193 xp.
  • Voltendo gets 737 xp.
  • Tatrin gets 193 xp.
  • PCs get 616 xp.
  • Xrith gets 724 xp.
  • Lygan gets 1051 xp.


LONG MOON the 19th, 497

If you got a potion from the Lair of the Pariahs, no ID. Message him for the potion. Please check Character Sheet for Reaction and Loyalty mod is correct.

Next session is the Test Facility?

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