
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands

Return to the Tree of Elis'tun Part 2

Session 168, July 28th, 2024 - Return to the Tree of Elis'tun Part 2

LOG DATE 07/29/24

The characters played this session were:

  • Iona
  • Autumn Leafwalker
  • Morganna
  • Risten
  • Phineas
  • Timbraun
  • Litlee
  • Keisial

Frost Moon 23rd, 497

We will move at 6“ due to some mules being used.

Autumn has a mule and Iona brings some mules along. We are traveling to the northwest then will camp in the scrubland. The next night outside of Elir, we will pass through and hit the Druids Grove the next day.

Morganna will cast Invisibility and then Find Familiar before we set out. It takes 1 day to cast Find Familiar and she gets a Weasel Familiar! She casts Invisibility on it immediately.


We are traveling 2 hexes north west of the Tower of the Forgotten Master. Suddenly, the party can smell cooking and can see through the trees that there is a sizable wooden structure. It is about 150 yards away and looks like it is made of large wood timbers, arranged like a teepee formation. It appears to be about 100' across, a big wooden teepee that is 80' tall with a column of smoke coming out the top of it.

It looks pretty reinforced, kind of like a palisade. A sizable structure. The Weasel Familiar is inconspicuous in a forest so it can go scout unimpeded. Morganna's Familiar is willing to go scout out the teepee after she speaks to it. She sends it forward to go scout.

The Weasel finds that it is a fortified structure. There is a large door made of wood painted brownish red. That is the only opening to the structure, besides the hole at the top. The Weasel does not hear any voices but it can see some “doodads” outside the teepee, like a witch doctor would have. It will look in the hole so they are rolling for surprise on the Weasel. It gets to the top of the structure and looks down through the smoke. It can tell that its coming from a big cauldron and the smoke shields from view the contents inside. Inside, it looks like one big area. There are two large shapes moving around that are about 10' tall.

We mark the location and we will go around to evade them. We suspect these are Ogre Magi.

We camp for the night and it goes by without incident.

The next day it is raining again. Morganna casts Invisibility on herself. It is raining quite hard so Invisible creatures will be attacked at -4 to hit as their location is known.

This slows our progress so we will have to camp for another night. Iona keeps watch from a tree, trying to remain hidden. The night goes by without incident.

On the next day, Morganna recasts Invisibility. It is still raining so we can attack the Sprites, if they are still invisible, at -4. We are approaching the thick grove in the forest and will follow the stream south from the north entrance

…We head that way…


We are going along the edge of the stream and see 4 animals stopped at the stream, we see two Boars.

  • Iona alerts Keisial with a pebble and has her crossbow ready.
  • Keisial engages.
  • Autumn has her spear.
  • Morganna stays in the back.
  • Risten braces.
  • Timbraun takes cover.
  • Litlee braces for a charge.

We lose initiative. The Boars look alarmed and surprised and they charge us. They can charge 2.2” per segments, 12.8“ away.

Iona misses with a crossbow bolt! The charge is met, the boars are charging Keisial. She attacks first. Keisial hits! She deals 9 damage. Does not kill one, crashes into him, they hit on 12s. Both hit! Keisial takes 12 damage from both Boars!

Phineas is within melee range. He attacks but misses.

  • Timbraun waits and braces.
  • Iona charges down from the tree tops using her spider climbing shoes.
  • Risten casts Magic Missile on the undamaged boar.
  • Autumn will move into melee.
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Keisial attacks.
  • Morganna stays back.

Iona can attack at the end of the round. Risten kills one of the Boars! It keeps fighting.

Phineas and Keisial can attack. Keisial does 6 damage, hits the one that should be dead. The other two Boars attack Phineas. He has AC 1 and they hit on 15. He kills one of the Boars.

  • Iona continues fighting.
  • Risten hangs back.
  • Autumn attacks.
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Timbraun hangs back.
  • Keisial attacks.
  • Morganna stays back.

We win the initiative! Iona hits for 5 damage, Phineas hits for 4 damage. Keisial hits for 6 damage. It is mortally wounded but has not fallen yet.

Morale check for the Boars.

  • Iona takes a shot, misses.

The Boar runs off into the woods and then the running stops after a short distance.

Keisial was hit, Phineas heals for 6. Litlee heals for 3. Phineas heals again for 6. She is back to full health.


We come south to the stream and the path and do not see anything. Iona tries to climb up to look further into the grove. She can see 4 figures moving around with the standing stones. Movement in the larger clearing. The closer clearing has the 4 figures.

Autumn brought one of the tree roots back and planted it in Starling. Autumn doesnt have any other quest or need for redemption at this time.

Iona does not see anything in the closest clearing and cannot see into the bigger clearing.

We head toward the stone door.


We are not surprised.

As we pass up to the edge of the second clearing, we can see the unusual stone on the ground with the other stone floating above it. The rain is stopped by small invisible creatures. There are 4 of them. They are 2” away.

  • Autumn casts Entangle.
  • Phineas waits for the spells to go off.
  • Keisial shoots with a bow.
  • Morganna holds
  • Timbraun and Litlee hold.
  • Iona will use Dust of Appearance on the sprites. She uses the tube.
  • Risten stays back.

Entangle is 3 segments. Iona is shooting the dust. Keisial shoots at -4, must hit AC 6 (AC 2). She misses. Iona shoots down the cone of dust from the treetops. She hits all 4 of them! They are now visible, 2' tall creatures with dark green clothing, pointed ears like elves. Eyes are solid black with no irises, completely revealed!

AC 6 for the Sprites. Morganna rolled 1 damage.

Entangle spell goes off on the next segment but the Sprites shoot first. They are firing at Keisial and Phineas. There are 4 of them, Keisial is shot at 3 times. Shots are at -7 to hit. They all miss!

Entangle spell forces them to all save. They need 17s, only one passes and the others are grabbed by the vines. One of them is slowed but not entangled.

Held creatures are automatically hit, slowed are hit at +4

  • Keisial moves to engage.
  • Morganna hangs back.
  • Timbraun and Litlee will charge, Timbraun hangs back.
  • Iona fires her crossbow.
  • Autumn moves to engage.
  • Phineas charges.

We win the initiative. Iona hits one of the held ones for 3 damage.

Litlee attacks and hits for 4 damage. Kills one! Phineas hits for 5 damage, kills it!

Two are dead, two are still held. The two held creatures screech in a piercing sound, the pitch is unbearable. They are thrashing around, screaming.


Autumn approaches and talks. Iona hides in the shadows in the branches. Morganna hides in the grove. Phineas goes around the corner waiting for what may come. Litlee kills one she kills it easily. Autumn can make a reaction modifier, rolls terribly… It pulls itself forward, sticking out its neck and directs a piercing scream. but not that intense. Looks angrily at autumn and thrashes with hatred.

Andy's sheet does not show the Reaction modifier.

Phineas can roll a surprise roll. He gets a 4.


He can sense more creatures coming from down the path, as they hop invisibly through the air towards him.

  • Phineas waits for them to come up, unless he is seen then he charges.
  • Keisial moves without charging.
  • Morganna positions to see down the path.
  • Timbraun hides. Litlee kills the last one
  • Iona moves silently through the trees with +15% bonus.
  • Risten casts Invisibility.
  • Autumn kills the last one.

We win initiative.

Invisibility is 2 segments. Phineas is not sure if they see him but he charges. He has a +2, and they have a -4.

Phineas hits and does 3 damage. It screeches but does not die. They were not ready for melee!

The final bound creature is executed by Autumn and Litlee. Invisibility is cast so Risten is also invisible.

Phineas is in melee now. Keisial has engaged and Iona is now above them.

  • Risten stays out of the way.
  • Autumn watches.
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Keisial attacks.
  • Morganna stays back.
  • Timbraun and Litlee. Provides cover and stay back.
  • Iona uses her dust of appearance on these sprites.

We lost initiative. The little creatures attack Phineas and Keisial. 3 on Phineas, 1 on Keisial. They attack at +4. Phineas has AC 1/2. He takes 4,3, and 2 for 9 damage. Keisial is missed!

Iona shoots down the column of Dust of Appearance, and they are now ALL REVEALED!

Keisial and Phineas can hit AC 6! Keisial does 6 damage and Phineas does 4 damage. Keisial kills one and Phineas kills one! 2 down! There are 2 remaining.

Through the rain and the forest, the characters back in the grove can spot movement from the west clearing. There are medium sized shapes moving and farther back, something that much larger and darker moving with great speed in our direction.

  • Keisial attacks.
  • Morganna moves into the trees about 1 inch.
  • Timbraun charges the Sprites.
  • Litlee charges the Sprites
  • Iona charges the Sprites.
  • Risten stays out of sight.
  • Autumn attacks.
  • Phineas attacks.

Simultaneous initiative! Phineas and Keisial attack against AC 6. There is 1 on each. Phineas missed, Keisial missed. Phineas does 5 damage. Killing one, Keisial kills the final one!! They are dead!

The path is 10' wide and its just a place where we can move unimpeded. Timbraun, Litlee and Autumn regroup with us here in the path.

Morganna and Risten are hiding and can see there are 2 figures moving down the path quickly at a fast pace. Two wood elves in robes, one has a scimitar and shield. They are completely covered in brambles. Moving with expert skill through the forest.

The two Wood Elves have made it about 40' to the opening of the clearing. Behind them comes a large creature, described by us as like a lion but has brambles and thorns along its body. Intertwined with its fur. Its eyes glow very brightly in the rain. Described as Lion sized the first time, but this time its twice the size of a lion.

Moving very fast behind the Wood Elves and it Leaps over their heads and blocks the entrance to the pathway. It might see them because of the rain. They only have a little cover.

Morganna and Risten have a surprise roll.

  • Risten stays where he is.
  • Morganna charges to the rest of the group.
  • Timbraun moves within 40' and Litlee provides cover.
  • Iona will climb up moving silently to be above the reach of this creature.
  • Autumn will move through the brambles at half her movement speed.
  • Phineas flees south.
  • Keisial hands off 2 oil flasks to Litlee and then he charges the bramble beast.

NVM, he just charges.

Roll a d6 for surprise! Enemies did not notice Morganna and Risten. Phineas runs south.

We win initiative. Iona moves up the tree silently. Morganna moves south. Before anyone moves, we have to see if any of us have met the gaze of the Bramble Beast. Phineas departed.

Autumn catches its gaze. Iona does not. Litlee and Timbraun does not. Keisial and Risten also meet the gaze.

3 people meet its gaze. Autumn must roll a saving throw vs spells. FAILS! She begins to move toward it. Keisial must make a saving throw vs spells plus Wisdom mod. Keisial fails the save. Keisial suddenly appears dazed. Risten fails his save too.

Risten attacks Morganna. He attacks at -4 to hit. Risten has a staff and rolled a nat 20, he hits! Risten deals 6 damage to Morganna, and he loses his invisibility.

Morganna had moved away. Autumn is charging the bramble beast. The other two druids come into the grove, behind the Bramble Beast. Autumn takes a swing at it. It has AC 5. She has a spear. She misses.

The beast attacks Autumn. Autumn has an AC of 8, it will hit her on a 2. The two claws of the beast thrash her for 5 damage, AUTUMN DROPS!

The beast roars in anger and victory.

Gaze Rules: if you are viewing the monster. 1 in 10 to see it if you are avoiding its gaze. Fight at a -4 on the hit roll.

  • Litlee and Timbraun charge south.
  • Iona tries to get above the Bramble Beast while moving silently and avoiding the gaze.
  • Phineas is fleeing. He checks if anything is in the cave mouth.
  • Keisial is mind controlled.
  • Morganna charges down to the cave.

Iona does not meet its gaze. Keisial can roll another saving throw and so can Risten.

This guys is not lawful. Keisial and Risten fail their saves. They are both standing there.

First spell takes 4 segments to cast. Litlees move is 6“. Timbraun is 9” and further away. The spell is targeted at Litlee, her armor begins to heat up. NVM, she is out of range!

  • Iona attacks it.
  • Phineas runs inside.
  • Morganna casts Knock.
  • Timbraun follows Phineas.

Iona hits for 10 damage. Risten and Keisial need to roll a save, Risten fails but Keisial saves!

* Keisial charges the bramble beast. 

The Bramble Beast also charges and they meet in the clearing.

Keisial can roll to hit AC 6. HITS! Does 7 damage. The Bramble Beast is also attacking. He will be hit on a 7, both claws hit and they do 3 and 5 damage total of 8, the bite also hits and does 10 damage. It rakes with its rear paws. Both hit, doing another 3 and 4 for another 7 damage. THIS IS BAD!

Knock goes off and unlocks then opens the stone door. The Wood Elf Druid casts a spell which swarm Keisial for 2 damage per round.

  • Timbraun moves as far as they can through the door.
  • Iona attacks the Druid that just cast the spell.
  • Phineas runs for the door and holds it.
  • Morganna runs into the room.

The Druid escapes from Iona. The other Druid moves into melee.

The Bramble Beast attacks Keisial. Two claws hit Keisial. 3 and 3 damage and the bite also hits for 7 damage, which drops her to -3!

Iona did not meet the gaze this time! Risten must roll a save and he passes, Risten runs south. He moves 24“ and joins the rest of the team.

Autumn has lost 3 hp. Beyond the door that was opened are some stairs that go down. They come to a stone door.

  • Phineas holds the door.
  • Morganna hold the door.
  • Litlee moves down.
  • Iona is moving south.
  • Timbraun listens at the door.

Timbraun does not hear anything. Iona can see through the trees that something is happening in the clearing but nothing comes into view in the upper clearing.

Risten does not save so he just stands on the stairs.

Autumn has lost 4 hp. Keisial has lost 1 hp.

  • Iona climbs up and tries to Hide in Shadows with the bandana on her eyes.
  • Phineas casts Cure Light Wounds.
  • Morganna opens the stone door.
  • Timbraun opens the door and Litlee opens the door with Morganna.

We lose initiative. Risten fails his save again. Risten just stands there.

Iona is trying to hide and Phineas rolls CLW, gets 8 hp back. Litlee opens the door. Beyond is a chamber with 2 objects inside. There are roots in the ceiling just like in the other chamber. They are dark in color. They look brittle. There are two sarcophagi made of jagged purple tinged stone. Edges are very rough and it kind of looks like “peanut brittle”, they are unusual looking.

We go to exploration mode. Litlee starts tapping on the walls. Iona is listening to the Bramble Beast. Phineas inspects the sarcophagi closer. They are 8' long. They have no distinguishing marks on them. They are not sealed with any kind of paste. There is nothing sticking out of them. Risten must make a save, he fails. He stands there.

Iona hears heavy movement but slowly. It seems to go away. It goes to the east. Risten starts wandering off in another direction.

Litlee hears a hollowness on the west wall and she searches for secret doors. Iona starts to move silently next to where Keisial fell. Risten must make another saving throw. FAILED!

Iona fails her move silently check. Risten only has a staff. She sees that Risten is trying to climb the tree.

Litlee and Phineas need to roll a 1 and they Get it! Phineas finds a stone that can pull open the secret door. He does so!

Beyond the door is a slope that goes up to the west passage. Litlee and Timbraun look at the ceiling. It is a composite of medium sized rocks and dirt. That area is where they killed the tree.

The clearing is empty, Bramble Beast and the Druids are all gone. Risten has his wits about him again.

The ramp pushes open easily.

Iona tells Risten that we need to rescue Keisial and Autumn and we should go get the rest of the party.

Timbraun, Litlee and the other will open the Sarcophogus. Nobody has rope. Phineas tries to push open the first one. He casts Sanctuary on himself before hand.

Everyone is standing back by the door that is held open. The sarcophagus opens easily. Inside is a suit of plate mail. Next to the plate mail is a longsword. The hilt is set with 4 gemstones. Instead of a body is just some ash and it is piled up in the silhouette of a person. It goes down to the sword like an arm. It looks fresh.


The weasel saves them! Through the closed stone door comes a fog or gas of some kind, it comes in 3 shapes as if gliding down the stairs. It forms into humanoid figures with the silhouette of the wicker statues above.

  • Morganna moves into another hallway tapping that someone is coming.
  • Phineas says “take this sword if you can”.
  • Timbraun and Litlee try to turn and litlee moves south into the room.
  • Phineas casts Spiritual Hammer.
  • Iona heads down the stairs as far as we can get.
  • Risten is also doing the same thing.

The 3 creatures are charging down the stairs. Litlee, Timbraun and Phineas are attacked. They charge into melee. These are 20' squares so they are seeing if they are in range to turn. Litlee has AC 3, hit on an 11. Misses! Phineas must roll a save, he failes and the attack is lost. Timbraun is missed!

Timbraun fails her turning attempt. Morganna is moving. Phineas attacks with Spiritual Hammer and Sanctuary is canceled.

  • Iona pulls out a torch and starts lighting it.
  • Phineas attacks with the hammer.
  • Morganna waits to see what happens.
  • Timbraun and Litlee disengage.
  • Iona lights up one of the Wicker men.
  • Risten moves and joins me.

Iona lights up the wicker man. Blue green sparks shoot out of it! Similar sparks shoots off one of the wicker spirits, it seems to lose some of its composure. Lest robust than the other two.

One attack on Phineas, 2 on Litlee. Missed Phineas. Litlee is hit and takes 5 plus 3 damage. She is at -3 hp. The other attack is on Phineas. it hits! he takes the 3 damage.

  • Phineas turns undead.
  • Morganna moves around the room to get to the wicker statues.
  • Timbraun moves with Morganna.
  • Iona lights up the other wicker statue.
  • Risten moves to the center of the room.

Iona lights up the other one. It does the same thing and starts sparking. Phineas is able to turn the shadows! He gets all 3 of them!

  • Phineas attacks with the hammer.
  • Morganna moves to burn the wicker statue.
  • Iona will light up the other statue.
  • Risten will open the door.

The final wicker statue is lit up! Phineas attacks one for 4 damage, it does full damage! But he misses.

The three creatures phase through the door right into Ristens face. he can strike but he misses. They are swarming around a bit. They are repelled by the flames, circling in the chamber with a droning noise.

  • Risten casts Shield.
  • Phineas tries to get the door open.
  • Morganna makes it to the door and opens it.
  • Timbraun heals Litlee.
  • Iona attacks with her spetum.

Iona misses and then misses as they flee. Risten hits but does not do anything to them.


Iona detects a dim magic on the pointed wizard hit when uses her Detect Magic. We take the plate mail, a sword with gems, a magic conical hat.

Morganna is still invisible. When we emerge out of the cave, the sound of heavy rain goes silent as Phineas casts Silence on himself. We start moving north up the stream.

We are heading back to Starling. We are taking Autumn's mule “Rosie” with us.

Everything that Keisial had was dropped on the ground and it was gone.


We get about 4/6ths of the way out. We come across 7 wolves.

  • Morganna tries to climb a tree.
  • Timbraun puts Litlee down. Casts Sleep. Litlee is awake from her coma.
  • Iona climbs a tree.
  • Risten climbs a tree.
  • Phineas stands his ground and attacks.

We lose initiative. The wolves move toward us. They do not get into melee distance yet. We all climb the trees except Phineas who is fighting them.

Timbraun will cast Sleep. Wolves get into melee just as the spell finishes. She gets 3 of them. 4 of them are still attacking.

Phineas attacks and missses AC 8. Only two wolves attack on a charge. The other ones will not. 4 of them will be in melee.

Two attacks on Phineas. One Hits dealing 2 damage. Iona is now overhead in spetum distance.

  • Iona attacks from a branch.
  • Phineas attacks.
  • Timbraun climbs a tree.
  • Morganna casts Sleep.

They fail their morale and they will be running away. One free attack from Phineas at +4. he does 7 damage. It does not kill the wolf.

Morganna sleeps 3 of them. We slay 6 of the wolves.


Time to split treasure as we are back in Starling.

Litlee takes the plate mail.

Sword with gems:

  • 3000 gp gem.
  • 300 gp gem.
  • 210 gp gem.
  • 1500 gp gem.

5010 gp total. plus 7 gp for the sword itself. 835 gp each.

Timbraun tries on the hat. Doesnt feel anything different. She casts sleep on Iona. No difference when memorizing a spell, sparring, casting, trying to put on disguise, in riddle solving. Not able to read Risten's spellbook. Dark blue thread patterned intricately, no words but does have a grip. Morganna casts Detect Magic.

Timbraun claims the hat (id 173).

730 xp from gold.

Autumn and Keisial get 38 xp. Litlee gets 288 xp. Timbraun gets 1118 xp. All other PCS get 1118 xp.

Frost Moon 25th, 497

When Autumn and Keisial went missing.

Frost Moon 28th, 497

We arrive back in Starling.

player_journals/maervahr/survival_stories_from_the_hinterlands_session_168_-_july_28th_2024.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-22 15:53 by