
Swords & sorcery in a world of ruins & enchantments

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Survival Stories From The Hinterlands

There is Treasure in the Forest

Session 131, March 6th, 2024 - There is Treasure in the Forest.

For this session we are following up on two treasure maps that were found beneath with the Bullywugs beneath Taughanock Falls. One of them leads to a location near the Reliquary of Gel Shial and the other is north west of Taughanock Falls.

Our roster for this evening including the following characters:

  • Iona, Monk from the Sanctum of the Yew. For upkeep, she owed one set of disease / parasite rolls (passed) and 400 gp upkeep (paid).
  • Xarnos, Iona's Giant Goat and mount.
  • Thorgard, Dwarf Fighter. Owed 1 set of rolls and upkeep. 4% for parasites, 3% for disease (passed).
  • Tatrin, Human Cleric. Retainer of Thorgard.
  • Jacob, Human Fighter. Owes 1 set of rolls and upkeep plus the 350 gp for his Hippogriff flying mount.
  • Josalyn, Human Cleric.
  • Briiz, Human Fighter / Thief. Currently has Stoneskin.
  • Delemir the Wise, Half-Elf Fighter / Cleric.
  • Oriyan, Human Cleric. Owes 1 set of rolls (passed) and 500 gp upkeep.
  • Toptesto, Human Magic-User. Owes 1 set of rolls (passed) and 200 gp upkeep.
  • Montessi, Pack Handler.
  • Fandillas, Elven Fighter / Magic-User.
  • Lazathu, Human Magic-User.
  • Baldingo the Discerning, Gnome Thief.
  • Valkrak, Human Magic-User.

Dead Moon the 10th, 497

Our destination lies about 15 miles north east from Taughanock Falls based on a Treasure Map found on a Bullywug Shaman.

The party is currently in Mombafra preparing for our journey and looking to hire some mercenaries. We found the following recruitable Henchmen:

  • 3 Light Horsemen, hired by Jacob for 9 gp a day and they were paid for 10 days.
  • 5 Mounted Crossbowmen, hired by Thorgard for 4 gp per day and they were paid for 6 days. They have leather armor, 3 javelins and a warhammer. Hit Points: 4, 3, 4, 3, 2.
  • 6 Heavy Footmen.

As we head out on the road, Iona introduces herself to everyones mount with her ability to Speak With Animals. She thanks the horses and mules for risking their lives to go into the wilderness with us. She also tells them to pay attention to the way home in case their owners do not survive.

The weather is clear on the first day out and we are headed south for the Sanctum of the Yew.

Roll Surprise

Jacob can see the Sanctum of the Yew in the distance, about a half mile a way. About 70 to 80 men in a large group are moving towards the road that we just came from. They have a couple of carts and a few are mounted. They appear to be coming from the direction of the Sanctum and they look armed. Jacob sees that some of them are wearing shiny armor that reflects in the sunlight. Overall, they look well equipped.

We initially intend to continue on our way but eventually we are identified by the group. They send out a couple of riders and 8 men in our direction.

As they approach we discuss that a comparable size party will be socially acceptable to approach them in kind. Most of the group rides ahead but Iona stays back with the mercenaries.

Fandillas, Delemir, Thorgard, Oriyan and Jacob go forth to parley. They soon realize that these men all have symbols of Nefer and they are wearing ceremonial robes. The men in robes explain that they are traveling north after being in the south on pilgrimage. Nefer's festival was during Long Moon. Overall, their group seems to be a little bit on edge.

Oriyan says, “Hello there, we mean no harm. We are on our way to the Sanctum of the Yew”

They ask us if we are we an ally of the Santum and we respond that “We are not allies, we just do pass through”. Thorgard informs them that Iona is a member of the Monastery. With that, the Neferites ease up when we say we are associated with the Sanctum. They proclaim that they have no quarrel with us and intend to just pass on their way as well.

The party asks if the Neferites were aware about the Temple of Sleal in Mombafra and how they lost their icon. They find the news interesting but were not aware. Before we split up and go on our ways, they inform us that they are a bit short on rations and would be willing to trade provisions from the south in exchange for food and information.

They have adventuring supplies to trade and are willing to give us unholy water, which is considered more potent than regular unholy water. Delimir is more interested in the news of the treasure in the area we are heading. Fandilas asks if there are any bad creatures to be found where they came from along with any crypts, tombs, dragons, dungeons, advanced or otherwise.

They recently returned back north after a pilgrimage in the south and they passed through the badlands. They have heard news from travelers in the region that the hamlet in the east near the Twisted Ziggurat of the Final Coil recently became victim of calamity that was brought on by Scaepa. They passed by some nomads that brought the news from the east. As they were traveling slowly and carefully through the badlands, they say that the hamlet called Seleb experienced some kind of calamity as a form of vengeance from Scaepa and the land has been stripped of color.

Delimir gives vials with different colors to them. The pilgrims of Nefer mention that they happened to pass by some elves in the woods that they almost had a conflict with after they got caught in some elf traps. The elves were hunting a couple of Ettins in the south, somewhere between Taughanock Falls and Criss Antha.

With that, we continue on our way to the Sanctum of the Yew. The weather is still clear when we go to bed.

Dead Moon the 11th, 497

The next morning is still clear weather as we set out from the Sanctum. Toptesto casts Invisibility on himself and on Iona, the Monk.

The treasure map indicates that we should go to a location that is east, north east of Taughanock Falls. Our plan was to reach Taughanock Falls and check in on the Bronze Dragon, Ras'Akil.

We head deeper into the forests of the West Reach of Hollow. Jacob is flying upon his Hippogriff but will not see the party through the thick trees so he decides to stop flying and rejoins us on the ground.


We are traveling for only a couple of miles before we come across a large band of Orcs. They are wearing dark colors and armor that is purposefully camouflaged with branches and barbs. They are not from a tribe that we recognize. As they approach from beyond the trees we see that this is no small band: there are over 150 Orcs!

We soon notice that they have the battle standard of a tribe we have not encountered but that we do recognize: the Gloomscab Tribe. It is surprising to us that the Gloomscab might have a lair this far to the north as they typically range further south. Something may have driven them in this direction.

What follows is a play by play Combat Encounter with a large tribe of Orcs

We ready ourselves for battle…

  • Jacob readies his Hippogriff to take off into the air.
  • Briiz readies his bow and prepares to fire while Josalyn prepares to cast a spell.
  • Thorgard prepares to receive a charge.
  • Tatrin attepts to cast Hold Person once the charging orcs come within range.
  • Delimir casts Sanctuary upon himself.
  • Iona pulls out her crossbow and readies a bolt to fire into the oncoming horde.
  • Oriyan and his retainer, Toptesto, fall back a bit, attempting to get out of range from the mad, oncoming rush.
  • Fandillas casts Mirror Image.
  • Lazathu aims his Wand of Fear and waits for them to close into 60' range before unleashing its powers.
  • Baldingo runs to the west to climb up the tree.
  • Zalkrak casts Sleep on the group as they approach.

There are huge trees all around us, wider at the base than the usual trees found in this forest.

Amongst the group of Orcs are different units, including some leaders and their guards or assistants. Most of the leaders carry multiple weapons while all of other standard Orc troops carry axes and a polearm, specifically a guisarme-voulge.

Our party has lost the initiative for the first round.

The orcs are able to charge and reach us immediately, before the party can react. Traveling overland through the wilderness so haphazardly has allowed the tribe to descend upon us unnoticed.

Due to the daylight that streams through the canopy, the Orcs are fighting at a -1 to hit. They charge forth but our missiles are able to meet the charge prior to contact. Iona hits with a crossbow, grazing one of the oncoming orcs for 1 damage.

Our hired mercenaries also prepared for the fight, under the leadership of Thorgard and Jacob. The light crossbowmen fire their bolts and manage to hit two orcs, doing 3 and 1 damage respectively.

Briiz also hits with his bow, releasing a volley of 2 arrows, doing 6 and 1 damage.

The onrushing Orcs meet our group and immediately create a swirling melee where all of us are now engaged in combat. The first melee strikes begin and there are:

  • 2 attacks on Delimir, but he deflects and there are no hits.
  • 2 on Fandillas, who dodges the attacks and there are no hits.
  • 2 on Thorgard, also blocks the attacks, no hits.
  • 2 on Jacob, nothing is able to touch him through his bulwark armor.
  • 2 on Josalyn, the attacks miss, no hits.
  • 2 on Lazathu, one of our unarmored Magic-Users and he is hit once for 6 damage. Lazathu now only has 1 hp!
  • 2 on Baldingo, he is hit once for 4 damage.
  • 2 on Zalkrak, both of the attacks hit and Fandillas's retainer takes 3 and 5 damage. This kills him outright! Our first casualty of the battle.
  • Iona was invisible but she fired a crossbow, allowing the Orcs to make their attacks against her. Both attacks on Iona miss, luckily.
  • 2 on Oriyan missed.
  • Toptesto, Oriyan's retainer is still Invisible and manages to avoid being struck in combat.
  • 2 on Tatrin missed.

On the next round, we lose the initiative once again.

  • Fandillas is now surrounded and he is hit for 7 damage which forces him to lose his Mirror Image.
  • Delimir is also surrounded and is missed.
  • All the attacks against Thorgard, Jacob and Josalyn miss or deflect off their shields and armor.
  • 3 of the leaders make their attacks against Iona, the Monk. She is hit for 2 damage.
  • Lazathu, luckily, is missed.
  • Baldingo is also missed.

One of the Orc leaders and both of his assistants are affected by Tatrin's Hold Person spell! Sanctuary is cast upon Delimir and lasts for 6 rounds. Fandillas loses his Mirror Image spell. We also confirm that activated magic items such as wands go off on step D for the order of operations.

Lazathu's wand affects 1d10+5 creatures so 14 Orcs come under the effects of the Wand of Fear.

Meanwhile, Toptesto attempts to flee and takes 3 damage even though he was invisible. Baldingo tries to run but two of the Orcs manage to hit him, he takes 5 and 6 damage respectively and he is dropped into a coma, at -3 hitpoints! Oriyan is able to flee and avoid the attacks of the surrounding enemies.

The party finally gets to make their retaliatory strikes:

  • Jacob hits for 16 and 15 damage as he is able to get both of his attacks this round, killed two of the orcs instantly!
  • Josalyn strikes an Orc for 4 damage.
  • Thorgard also slashes through an Orc for 4 and 9 damage for each of his attacks which also kills two more orcs!
  • One of the light horseman hits for 5 damage.

In total so far we have killed 5 of the Orcs, disabled 3 that are now magically Held and 14 Orcs are fleeing in panic as they became affected by a Wand of Fear. Our warhorses and other mounts can attack on the second round of melee if they are otherwise engaged in combat. However, even warhorses are not always suitable for combat and we must roll a d10 to see if our mounts flee, on a roll of 1 it runs off. Other special mounts, such as Iona's Giant Goat “Xarnos” and Jacob's Hippogriff, do not have to check for this as they are more stalwart than a warhorse.

Briiz's mount fails the check to remain in combat and runs off!

Declared actions for the next round:

  • Fandillas is going to drink his Potion of Fire Breath but will wait for the Orcs to come into it's range before using it.
  • Lazathu tries to use the Wand of Fear once again.
  • Jacob tries to kill more of them while yelling obscenities about how he slaughtered the Shattered Fang tribe when he was just a Hero. Now he is a Champion and will slaughter them all!
  • Josalyn attacks alongside Jacob.
  • Thorgard and Tatrin both attack.
  • The Mounted Crossbowmen take out their hammers and swing in melee.
  • Delimir pretends to be an elven princess to infuriate the Orcs into attacking him instead of the party.
  • Iona attempts to withdraw with Oriyan seeing that she will be vulnerable to being overtaken by the horde in melee.

Initiative is LOST once again with a roll of a 1.

The pursuit rules are going to be used as Toptesto and Oriyan are fleeing out of combat and another group of Orcs has broken off from the horde and are chasing them. Meanwhile, the other Orcs continue their charge against us.

  • One of the Orcs affected by the Wand of Fear is in the range of Iona and she manages to hit the fleeing one for 4 damage using her open hand strike.
  • Thorgard also strikes a fleeing Orc for 7 damage.
  • Likewise, Tatrin hits another fleeing Orc for 4 damage.
  • A warhorse makes an attack of opportunity and hits for 3.
  • Jacob's Hippogriff makes a full attack action on another and hits for 3 and 10 damage respectively.

A group of Orcs is engaging us at the rear of our party and are attacking Tatrin, Iona and Briiz.

  • Tatrin takes 4 attacks and has an AC 4. The Orcs, attacking at -1 to hit, only 1 hit and it does 4 damage. All the Orcs miss after reviewing Tatrin's AC.
  • There are 3 attacks against Iona. 1 of the attacks hit the Monk for 3 damage, she is at 11 of 16 hp.
  • An additional 2 attacks against each of our mercenaries. 1 of the Crossbowmen is hit for 4 damage. There are 2 more hits against another Crossbowman for 7 and 2 damage but the last Crossbowman is missed. Of the original 5, now 2 Crossbowmen are dead.
  • 3 of the Orcs make an attack against each of the horsemen, missing them.
  • There are 3 incoming attacks against Josalyn, and all 3 missed.
  • 3 attacks on Jacob, missed (he is impenetrable to their attacks).
  • Another 3 attacks on Thorgard, all missed.
  • Attacks continue against some of the mercenaries as the onslaught closes in and another Crossbowman is killed but the other one is missed. An addtional incoming attack causes 3 damage, but the remaining Crossbowman is still alive with 1 hp.
  • Only 1 of the Orcs passes a saving throw against Delimir's Sanctuary protections and that Orc misses!
  • The attempt by Delimir to appear as a beautiful Elf works and a great number of Orcs have become upset by this.

All of the rest of the Orcs continue closing in around us.

For the next round of attacks, 6 Orcs are going to be on each of us. 6 Orcs per person with some able to get rear attacks.

  • On Fandillas, all of them missed.
  • Lazathu is struck by a vicious blow and takes 5 damage, he is killed outright and is now DEAD!
  • Tatrin, all attacks against him missed.
  • Iona lucks out and is missed!
  • Briiz, also missed.
  • Thorgard, the Orcs missed or were deflected.
  • Jacob, remains untouchable and is missed.
  • Josalyn, all attacks missed.
  • One of the Horsemen is hit twice, killing him. He is dead.
  • Another Horseman takes 5 damage, but he remains alive.
  • The last Horsemen is missed.

Fandillas drinks his Potion of Fire Breathing and unleashes a Fireblast! We estimate that it might hit about 1/8th of them. There were 198 total Orcs but 2 groups ran off into the woods in pursuit of Oriyan so this has been lowered by 23. 147 of the Orcs remain with us in combat. Fandillas must roll damage against 18 of them and all 18 are incinerated.

Since Iona is now unable to withdraw from the battle, she decides to use a Ring of Shocking Grasp and does 11 damage to one of the Orcs, destroying it. Likewise, her Giant Goat mount “Xarnos” deals 16 damage, obliterating another Orc. The two that were killed was one of the leaders and his assistant guard.

  • Jacob deals 11 damage, a killing blow.
  • Briiz hit another one for 9, another dead Orc.
  • Thorgard kills one after it is hit for 8 damage.
  • Tatrin hits one for 4.
  • One of the warhorses hits an Orc for 4, 4 and 1 damage.
  • Delimir's warhorse hit for 1 damage only.
  • The remaining Crossbowmen both missed
  • The last surviving Horseman missed but his warhorse deals 3 and 1 damage.

For the next round:

  • Fandillas attempts to cast Sleep.
  • Jacob and his retainers attack.
  • Thorgard attacks.
  • Tatrin picks up the Wand of Fear that was dropped by Lazathu after jumping off his horse.
  • Delimir heals Iona using a Cure Light Wounds spell.
  • Iona uses her open hand strike and the Ring of Shocking Grasp at the same time.

This time, there is a tied Initiative. A MORALE CHECK is forced for the remaining Orcs. Fortunately for the party, the Orcs fail their check and begin to flee in panic!

  • Thorgard makes opportunity strikes doing 8, 7, 3 and 3 damage respectively.
  • Delimir did 2 damage.
  • Jacob and his retainers deal 11, 3, 2, 8, 4, 3, 6, and 3 damage. He kills 6 more!

Combat Ends

The Orcs flee in panic, some are killed outright and the battle is won! Oriyan and Toptesto return after losing the pursuing Orcs.

  • Iona is healed by Delimir's spell for 1 hp.
  • Baldingo is healed for 8 hp.
  • Josalyn is healed for 7 hp.

After searching through the fallen on the battlefield, we find 468 ep. Due to the loss of some of our party members, we will head back to Mombafra which takes 2 days.

Dead Moon the 14th, 497 : Treasure Map One

After 2 days recovering in Mombafra, we travel back through the forest and find that we are about 2 miles from the site indicated on the Treasure Map. Toptesto casts Invisibility on himself and on Oriyan.


Our luck has turned and we make it to the destination!

We are in the Forests of the West Reach and the weather is clear, the sun shielded by the canopy of trees. We can see some old elven rope bridges hanging in the trees. They are held up by old pieces of rope and there are hanging planks made of thick brown wood. Up ahead is an intact rope bridge spanning across some of the trees.

As we look upon the old elven rope bridges, we also spot the unmistakable forms of 4 Giant Spiders that appear to be waiting atop the bridges. There is webbing running along the sides of the trees and we can see more web in the trees above the old bridges. It appears that the 4 giant spiders are sleeping or are caught unaware, with thick webbing above and around them, all throughout the trees.

The party has 1 Surprise Segment:

  • Josalyn casts Prayer.
  • Jacob starts firing arrows.
  • Thorgard also fires his arrows.
  • Tatrin readies his sling and fires his sling bullets.
  • Iona fires her light crossbow.
  • Oriyan, still under the effects of Invisibility, hangs out and waits to see what unfolds.

The Giant Spiders have AC 4.

  • Thorgard hits for 3 and 4 damage.
  • Iona misses her first shot.
  • Jacob hits once for 2 damage.
  • Fandillas hits for 5.

Although some arrows strike true, none of the Giant Spiders are killed and we realize that they are about the size of horses. The next round of combat begins:

  • Fandillas casts Mirror Image.
  • Jacob sets up to receive a charge.
  • Josalyn begins casting.
  • Thorgard prepares to receive a charge.
  • Tatrin fires his bow.
  • Iona fires her crossbow.
  • Delimir will make a ranged attack.
  • Oriyan, while Invisible, looks for a trap that has to do with the webbing, something that could ensnare the party.
  • Toptesto, also Invisible, hangs out and avoids the Giant Spiders.

There is one Giant Spider on each of the large trees. They descend and move to attack our party.

  • Iona misses with her crossbow hits one of the Giant Spiders causing 5 damage.
  • Delimir hits hits for 3 and 4 damage.
  • Tatrin hits with his bow for 5 damage.

None of the Giant Spiders are killed yet and no traps are found by Oriyan. The bridge would have fallen apart by now if not for the webbing that holds it up. The spiders come down from the tree. As we make our attacks, we gotta hit AC 5. Jacob hits one for 17 damage…holy shit its dead!

3 of the Giant Spiders survive to attack the party. Delimir, Thorgard, Jacob and Josalyn are targets but the one on Josalyn was killed.

  • One of the Giant Spiders attacks Delimir but it missed.
  • Thorgard is bit and takes 2 damage. He has to save versus poison or be killed and he makes the save!

Thorgard and Jacob get a second attack and Jacob hits one for 16 damage. It dies outright! Iona tries to shoot the one on Delimir but misses. The Giant Spiders have an AC 6 against touch attacks.

Thorgard strikes the last one for 9 damage and the party cuts down the remaining two spiders! All of the Giant Spiders have been slain.

Combat is Over!

Josalyn casts Find Traps and gazes upward toward the webbing but no traps are seen. Iona climbs up the tree to explore and Fandillas finds a hollow inside one of trees after he casts Fly to get up there.

Inside of the hollow of the tree is some shining metal. It is part of a big, old chest that was hidden down at the bottom of the tree hollow. Fandillas flies down into the tree hole and sees that it is a pretty big chest and it weighs over 10,000 coins. After opening the chest with its heavy rusted lid, he realizes it is filled with 10,000 ep.

After about an hour Fandillas manages to get all the coins out and placed in pouches. Thorgard and Tatrin climb up and looks around and Tatrin casts Detect Magic as well as Find Traps. He finds nothing of note with his detection spells. At the bottom of the tree, the hollow opening comes to a point as if something ate out the tree or it rotted from the inside. It is hard to walk around down there but they do not find anything.

Over the course of an hour, Iona does not find anything of note in the webbing or along the other old elven bridges. Oriyan casts Cure Light Wounds on Thorgard and Thorgard collects some of the Giant Spider eyes for Maervahr.

It will take about one day of travel to get to the other Treasure Map location. Oriyan casts Invisibility on Iona.

Dead Moon the 15th, 497: Treasure Map Two

The weather is still clear in the morning before setting out for the location of the second Treasure Map.

It takes a full day of travel and then another 1/3 of a day to reach our destination. After we get close, Fandillas casts Strength on himself and on Thorgard. Thorgard gets 6 additional Strength points (for 9 hours) and Fandillas gets 8 points (for 6 hours), giving him the maximum of an 18/60 Strength!

We are NOT beset by Orcs this day of our journey.

Once we arrive close to the location on the second Treasure Map, the party can see through the trees some great tors that rise up from the surrounding woods. They dominate the the landscape like majestic waves of stone layered in moss from the ages. They are the only mountains in this part of the woods.

Delimir runs toward the base of some of the rocks and cracks his hammer against the stone. His hammer makes no progress against the rocks. Meanwhile Fandillas casts Fly to look around. Rising above the forest he can see that the stone forms are about a quarter mile wide at most. The second Treasure Map is pointing toward the highest tor. Concealed from the ground below is a winding ridge that leads up to a stone slab door up to the top of the tor.

There is a path the winds its way up but it is only 3' wide. Fandillas approaches the stone slab door and announces the word “Mellon” or Friend in Elvish at the door but it has no effect. A rope is lowered down and the party climbs up. The door does not open by force and someone concludes that it must be broken. On the face of the stone slab door is inscribed an elven sigil for the god Rook. Below the stone slab are two words also written in elvish: Strength and Sacrifice. The stone slab door has no handle on it.

Lying in front of the door is a smaller stone block about 3' wide and a couple feet off the ground. Tatrin casts Find Traps as a wind kicks up a little bit, which seems odd for today. The wind whips around the tor, blowing strongly down the path and especially toward Delimir. Tatrin senses that the air along the pathway is some kind of trap. He can see that the path winds around the tor but that it also radiates danger, as if the wind itself is trapped.

Fandillas attempts to say Strength and Sacrifice in elvish to no effect. Thorgard holds out his holy symbol of Rook and also speaks out the words Strength and Sacrifice in elvish and the supernatural wind dies down mysteriously. Tatrin senses that the wind that is there is still a magical presence but no longer a danger.

The party advances together to the stone ledge surrounding the slab door whilst Tatrin does not detect any traps on the door. Thorgard's connection to stone reveals to him that the door slides down into the earth and it does not budge.

Iona drips some of her blood on the slab and once she does, her blood is absorbed into the stone magically. Thorgard, Iona and Fandillas quickly try to push the slab door, but it does not move. We find that we are able to move the stone block but with great difficulty but nothing happens when it is moved.

Delimir puts his helmet on the stone block, believing it to be some type of altar, and smashes it. His helmet is crushed into bits of metal but nothing else occurs.

Continuing our experiments with the stone block and the slab door, Thorgard also cuts his hand upon the block and says Strength and Sacrifice. His blood is also absorbed into the stone just as Iona's was and there is no other effect.

Jacob says Rook in Elvish while standing before the stone door. Nothing happens.

At this point, we realize that the door will remain a mystery so we give up and cast Knock from a magical scroll, Fandillas unleashes the words of magic from it and the stone slab grinds downward. Beyond the door is revealed a stone staircase leading downward.

The Hall of Sigils

Iona pulls out her continual light stone even though she is Invisible and lights up the staircase within. Fandillas also has a continual light coin and Thorgard has his magic sword which emits a radius of light.

The staircase goes down 30' and then opens into an larger area. Delimir makes a hoot sound,like an owl, which does not echo forever, the open chamber seems fairly enclosed. This area resembles some sort of hall.

At the bottom of the stairs we find that this is an odd shaped room with a door made of stone. The stone door has an interesting centerpiece: an outline of a lightning bolt type design which also resembles a Glyph of Warding perhaps. It could also look like a stair way design a side view of a step pyramid. The design is cut out of the door and is maybe an inch deep. Like a “cookie cutter” in the center of the door.

When Fandillas notices the sigil on the wall he puzzles over its meaning. Jacob was formerly a worshipper of the god called Rook so he happens to recognize this as the Sigil of Venya, one of the seven heavens and where Bahamut is said to dwell.

Iona along with a few others takes her light and investigates the two side chambers and finds that there are other sigils carved into the wall. It is revealed that these sigils are also recognizable and have associations with other planar beings. When we look more carefully, there are a total of 7 sigils on the walls of both side chambers. We properly inspect them, looking for secrets, and notice a rectangular outline around each sigil but it is a faint one.

The rectangular shaped sigil is only for Chronias (the Iluminated). The others, Jovar (the Glittering), Mertion (the Platinum), Solania (the electrum), Venya (Pearls), Mecuria (Golden), and Lunia (Silver) resemble a backwards-“L”-shape. Each one is separate from the wall with a small gap that you could stick a dagger in.

Jacob knows the order of the heavens and thus he decides to press the lowest one, the one associated with the lowest levels. The sigil pops out of the wall and comes attached to an inch thick piece of the wall which can exactly fit into the tiered staircase design on the stone door. Jacob finishes the remaining six sigils, by pressing each one in turn and placing it in its correct position in the ranking.

When he completes the task the door grinds open…

WE end the session here, the GAME IS PAUSED and there is no 1:1 time.

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